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The top 15 supplements for natural MS treatment
In a recent podcast, I made the case for natural treatment of multiple sclerosis with diet, supplements, and other innovative therapies. My experience while treating MS patients for over thirty years has convinced me that while drugs have…read more
Categories:Multiple Sclerosis Probiotics Supplements
Why supplementing with prebiotic fiber makes sense
While there has been so much attention given in recent years to the importance of probiotics across a wide spectrum of important aspects of human physiology, we are just beginning to see an expansion of the medical literature…read more
Categories:Digestive Health Microbiome Supplements
Dispatches from the front lines of nutrition—what you need to know about the latest health headlines
As part of our mission here at Intelligent Medicine, I try to keep my readers apprised of the latest in health news. This week, I’m bringing you three stories that caught my eye from the realm of nutrition,…read more
Ask Leyla: Does the paleo diet cause gluconeogenesis?
Q: Do ketogenic paleo diets cause any muscle breakdown to produce glucose via gluconeogenesis? A: Gluconeogenesis (“new glucose”) is made in the liver from amino acids—the building blocks of protein—to support blood sugar metabolism known as glycolysis. These amino acids…read more
Categories:Paleo Diet
18 allergy-busting supplements you should take, and 10 things you need to avoid to survive this allergy season
Congratulations, survivors of Winter 2016-17! It seems like it’s been an interminably cold spring, but you’ve made it. The Freeze has lifted, but wait! A new menace threatens—Spring Allermageddon! Spring blossoms will soon adorn our trees, and our…read more
Categories:Allergy Supplements
Ask Leyla: Which formulation of magnesium is right for me?
Q: I wanted to add magnesium to my supplement routine, but there are so many options, I don’t know where to start! Can you tell me which formulations are best for things like heart health, soothing anxiety, or even…read more
Categories:Heart Health Mental and Emotional Health Supplements
Is gluten-free toxic?
I’ve been getting a lot of e-mail and social media messages over the past few weeks about a recent publication that purports that going off gluten-containing foods will increase a person’s risk of arsenic and mercury toxicity. The…read more
Categories:Gluten Sensitivity
PhytoGuard®: Your ‘one-stop-shop’ for phytonutrient benefits
I first became cognizant of the vast potential of concentrated nutraceuticals derived from plants known to support health in the late 1980s. Prior to that, the supplement industry proffered teas and powdered extracts that were basically ground-up plant…read more
Ask Leyla: Is there a supplement that can help with my sugar cravings?
Q: I know that too much sugar in my diet is a bad idea, but I get awful sugar cravings, and don’t know how to fight them. I want to take steps to lower my sugar intake, and to…read more
Categories:General Nutrition Supplements
A connection between autism and glyphosate
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) the prevalence of autism continues to rise here in America. Their surveillance study identified autism spectrum disorder in an incredible 1 in 68 children (1 in 42 boys and…read more
Categories:Autism Environmental Health GMO
Though we think of declining estrogen as the hallmark of menopause, it's actually common for…
Up to 12 percent of Americans have ulcers at some point in life. Peptic ulcers…
Gallbladder disease is a modern illness. An estimated 20 million Americans have gallbladder disease. The…
In last week’s newsletter I commented on the nomination of RFK Jr. to be Secretary…
Q: Short of bariatric surgery, my doctor has recommended I start taking a semaglutide medication…
The election is over, and some are disappointed and others exhilarated. Here on Intelligent Medicine,…
Q&A with Leyla, Part 1: Chromium & Hemoglobin A1c
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