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Continuing COVID-19 Coverage on the Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for April 11, Part 1 April 13, 2020 Coronavirus update: We’re at the apex, and hopefully on the brink of the downhill slope of cases; Are scarce masks reusable? Can you sanitize them with sunlight, in the microwave, or with hydrogen peroxide? Press articles contemptuously dismiss diet and supplements as no way of “boosting immunity”—but strong evidence supports their benefits; The conundrum of high prevalence of serious COVID-19 among African Americans—could vitamin D deficiency be a factor? Why “metabolic fitness” counts—and the scary fact that only 12% of Americans have it; Why some states are making things worse by closing health food stores as “non-essential. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.
Continuing COVID-19 Coverage on the Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for April 11, Part 2
Amid claims that statin drugs may be helpful for treatment of COVID-19, some studies link low cholesterol to infection susceptibility; Could elderberry trigger “cytokine storm”? Why some tests for Coronavirus are prone to inaccuracy; Will antibody tests help stamp “immunity passports” to get people back to work and school? Resveratrol’s antiviral properties; An antioxidant cocktail to be trialed for COVID-19 in Saudi Arabia; Could spray from toilets aerosolize Coronavirus particles? Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.
Intelligent Medicine Radio Show COVID-19 Coverage, Part 2 April 6, 2020 Resveratrol vs. MERS-Cov; Is elderberry compatible with Eloquis? Can fear and depression suppress your immunity? If you tested positive for the flu this winter, could you also have had Coronavirus? What’s the path out of total lockdown? Should you keep your routine dental checkup appointment during the pandemic? The allergy connection to Coronavirus. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.
Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for March 28, Part 1: Covid-19 Special March 30, 2020 Eyewitness report from Ground Zero of the COVID-19 pandemic—Manhattan: Contrary to some reports, life goes on, food and household necessities are plentiful, and people are out and about doing basic errands and exercising; Is the crisis exaggerated? Will social distancing pay off? What are the ideal tests we so desperately need? Is ibuprofen bad? The elderberry controversy; Could many of us already have had the virus? How “herd immunity” could curb the pandemic; Twitter bans posts about “chickenpox parties”; Sweden takes a more moderate approach to lockdown; Do we need to wear face masks while walking or exercising outside? Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.
Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for March 28, Part 2: Covid-19 Special
Natural products that could help prevent or ameliorate COVID-19; Does hydroxychloroquine really work vs. Coronavirus? What other treatments are under investigation? High-dose vitamin C and D? Convalescent serum? Thymic peptides? Can you get Coronavirus from a blood transfusion? Will warmer temps bring relief this summer? Are certain blood types at higher risk? Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.
Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for March 21, Part 1: Covid-19 March 23, 2020 Lockdown in many localities, Coronavirus cases soaring, hospitals threatened to be overwhelmed; How rapidly will it spread? Will millions succumb to Covid-19? 93% of people who think they’re positive for Coronavirus are not; Hopeful signs from China and Korea that pandemic can be contained; What’s the meaning of #flattenthecurve? Why claiming that this is “just like the seasonal flu” is a false equivalence; Mixed signals about masks; How does this compare with the 1918 Spanish Flu? Is colloidal silver a cure? Click HERE for part 2.
Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for March 21, Part 2: Covid-19
10 percent of patients are infected by asymptomatic “silent spreaders”; How long does virus live on inanimate surfaces? A possible melatonin connection; Are we over-reacting and risking crashing the economy? The politicization of Coronavirus; Sunlight is the best disinfectant; IV vitamin C; Nutraceuticals for Coronavirus—vitamins A, C, and D, NAC, astragalus, oregano, elderberry, beta-glucans, medicinal mushrooms, probiotics. Can over-stimulating the immune system trigger “cytokine storm”? The ACE connection and blood pressure drugs; Plaquenil and Azithromycin combo—a possible cure? Is ibuprofen a non-no for fever control? Immune supplement shortage; The predicament of patients with OCD and anxiety disorders; The nitric oxide connection; Is vaping causing an unexpected spike in Millennials with serious Covid-19 symptoms? When will it end? Click HERE for part 1.
Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for March 14, Part 1 March 16, 2020 Do we really need 3 cups of low-fat dairy daily as the Dietary Guidelines stipulate? Drinking tea improves brain connectivity, reduces stroke risk; DUH story of the month: Processed food triggers obesity (ya think?); Cocoa vs. claudication; Sleep trackers foster “orthosomnia”; Which nuts are best for heart health? Do vitamin and mineral patches really work? Green tea vs. fatty liver. Click HERE for part 2.
Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for March 14, Part 2
Balance of Nature, maker of “fruit and veggie pills,” receives strong warnings from the FDA—re: their audacious claims that their products cure various serious diseases, as well as quality control issues; Keeping your brain healthy—with a low-Glycemic Index diet, Mediterranean style foods, and avoidance of trans-fats; U.S. healthcare system wastes nearly a trillion dollars in avoidable costs; Scared to deliver your baby in the hospital amid the current Coronavirus epidemic? New study confirms that home births safe for low-risk pregnancies; Beer before wine, or wine before beer—which minimizes the risk of a hangover? Taking probiotics can reduce impact of viral diseases, reducing costs associated with downtime and hospitalization for upper respiratory infections. Click HERE for part 1.
Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for March 7, Part 1 March 9, 2020 Coronavirus update: Botched initial Chinese containment efforts; Natural products disappear from store shelves; Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture on the front lines; A new drug that may hold promise; Thousands die of the flu—are we overreacting to Coronavirus? AHCC to ward off Coronavirus; Kids consume more calories in post-activity snacks than they burn during physical activity; Is Daylight Savings time bad for our health? Does breastfeeding shield kids from allergies and asthma? Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.