Intelligent Medicine Radio Show


Intelligent Medicine Radio for July 20, Part 1: The Gut Link to Autism
July 22, 2024
The gut link to autism: When Andrew Wakefield first proposed the connection in the 1990s, he was vilified, but new research supports microbiome impact on childhood neurodevelopment; President Biden is taking Paxlovid for COVID—will it help? When a “routine” X-ray leads to a wild goose chase; Astaxanthin shows promise for fatigue, muscle strength, cognition and aging; Introducing Mitopure®️, a urolithin A supplement, for mitochondrial support. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio for July 20, Part 2: Toxic Tampons

Toxic tampons; Folate and cancer—preventive or risk? Avocado leaf tea—is that a thing? Support for GI motility; How much protein should be consumed at each meal? Highly-promoted banking of newborn cord blood meets real-world challenges; Loneliness—but not necessarily social isolation—increases risk of cognitive decline; Solutions for spinal arthritis. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio for July 13, Part 1: Fish oil found safe for surgery
July 15, 2024
Meta-analysis shows NO excessive bleeding problems with Omega-3s; Fish oil found safe for surgery; Dupixent for nasal polyps? Remedies for SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth) in a type 1 diabetic; Less than 5% of the world’s population reside in the U.S.—but we consume 65% of the medications! Dr. Oz heart device under scrutiny; Oregon court reverses liability shield for Bayer in Round-Up class action; Movie Review—“Pain Hustlers”, a fictionalized recreation of a real-life opioid medication scandal. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio for July 13, Part 2: Is the glycemic index (GI) obsolete?

Study that claimed herbal supplements were devoid of active ingredients debunked; Can IV vitamin C help with blood-borne infections? Just 30 minutes of exercise boosts cancer-fighting white blood cells; The paradoxical effects of diet on a little-known but important cardiovascular risk factor—lp(a); A quarter century of research supports heart benefits of Coenzyme Q10; Is the glycemic index (GI) obsolete? Medicare Advantage pushes $50B in fake diagnoses. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio for July 8, Part 1: The War Against Keto
July 8, 2024
The War Against Keto: Maryland health czar scuttles trial of keto diet for schizophrenia—as keto scores vs. Alzheimer’s; Should we be worried about high-oxalate foods? What are alternatives to whey protein for muscle support? The crucial roles of phospholipids in aging and lifespan regulation—plasma membrane damage triggers senescence; Autoimmune B12 deficiency—why aren’t doctors more attuned to it? Holding off on treatment for early prostate cancer yields outcomes comparable to radiation, surgery, hormone blockers; Internet addiction changes teens’ brains; Can’t walk away from low back pain? Eye exercises found useless for reversing near-sightedness. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio for July 6, Part 2: Low Blood Sodium?

High-sulforaphane broccoli soup vs. osteoarthritis; How much water/liquids should one consume in a day? What’s the meaning of a low blood sodium? The latest food craze—colostrum tarts; Under revised guidelines, 20 million fewer Americans might not need statins; Researchers pinpoint olive oil component that slashes appetite, reverses obesity, improves blood sugar; The brouhaha about xylitol. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio for June 29, Part 1: Recovery from Fractures
July 1, 2024
Women’s health update: Mammograms newly-mandated for all women over 40, and the profound brain effects of hysterectomy; Adverse effects of overzealous prescribing of sleep meds—massive weight gain and thyroid dysfunction? Health authorities can’t decide whether ultra-processed foods are harmful—but new study shows they worsen prognosis for cancer survivors; Low-fat plant-based diet advocate dies at 77; Supplements to hasten recovery from fractures (think turmeric!); When seniors need to worry if heart rate hikes during exercise. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio for June 29, Part 2: Is your yard a toxic Superfund site?

Is your yard a toxic Superfund site? Sick chimpanzees instinctively seek out medicinal herbs when sick; Are allergy shots worth it? Paxlovid flops for COVID pneumonia; Fish oil for hip arthritis; The verdict on Splenda; Which is better for brain health—whey protein or resistance exercise, or both? Do we all need more fiber? Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio for June 22, Part 1: Men with Low T
June 24, 2024
“5:2” intermittent fasting outperforms diabetes drugs; Celebrity UK diet doc—proponent of intermittent fasting—tragically dies at 67 while hiking mountainous terrain on Greek holiday; Is L-serine good or bad for the brain? What’s the latest on the fish oil/cardiovascular disease controversy? Most Ozempic users quit before attaining weight loss goals; Benefits of Calocurb for weight loss. In turnaround, testosterone NOT found to hike cardio risk; Men with low T suffer early death; CBD chews combat anxiety, joint problems in pets. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio for June 22, Part 2: What’s the best natural sunscreen?

“Ultra-Processed Foods DO NOT Cause Obesity” claims latest study from top U.S. diet policy makers; Florida Congresswoman takes aim at high-fructose corn syrup, food dyes in proposed bill; What’s the best natural sunscreen? Why is there DPA in fish oil—and is it beneficial? A caller’s doctor poo-poos vitamin D’s benefits for immunity; Natural support for GERD; Alzheimer’s slowed by lifestyle intervention in first-of-its-kind trial; Campaigns against misinformation backfire—by making people distrust legitimate information; Pentagon funds $450 million experimental project to deliver lab-grown meat to troops to “lower carbon footprint”. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


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