Expert Interview


From Garden to Health: Exploring 94 Healing Plants, Part 1
July 24, 2024
Jane Barlow Christensen, author of “Be Your Own Shaman,” delves into the world of herbal medicine, discussing the benefits and applications of 94 healing plants. She covers traditional and modern uses of herbs, the importance of plant-based remedies in holistic health, and the fascinating family legacy that Jane carries on from her father, a pioneer in the field. With insights on specific herbs for immunity, digestive health, and other common conditions, this episode provides a comprehensive guide to incorporating herbal medicine into everyday health practices. Click HERE for part 2.



From Garden to Health: Exploring 94 Healing Plants, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Jane Barlow Christensen, master herbalist and author of “Be Your Own Shaman: A Field Guide to Utilize 94 of the World's Most Healing Plants.” Click HERE for part 1.



The Corruption of America’s Food Industry with Austin Frerick, Part 1
July 23, 2024
Austin Frerick, author of “Barron's: Money, Power, and the Corruption of America's Food Industry,” presents a comprehensive analysis of how powerful conglomerates dominate the American food supply, leading to widespread health issues like obesity and metabolic diseases. The discussion reveals how 73 percent of the U.S. food supply consists of highly processed foods, driven by the profit motives of agricultural barons. Frerick, a Yale fellow with deep roots in Iowa, advocates for significant changes to agricultural policies, including local sustainable farming, better government procurement strategies, and the breakup of monopolistic powers in the food sector. The conversation emphasizes the detrimental impacts on consumer health, the environment, and rural communities, urging listeners to rethink the current food system and consider actionable solutions. Click HERE for part 2.



The Corruption of America’s Food Industry with Austin Frerick, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Austin Frerick, author of “Barons: Money, Power, and the Corruption of America's Food Industry.” Click HERE for part 1.



Beyond Medication: Dr. Angela Stanton’s Nutritional Approach to Migraine Prevention, Part 1
July 17, 2024
Dr. Angela Stanton, herself a migraineur, harnessed her extensive knowledge of biochemistry and physiology to discover a root cause of migraines: electrolyte imbalance. Applying simple dietary interventions, she controlled her migraines, and has shared the benefits of her innovative protocol with numerous migraineurs via her free resources as well as her best-selling book "Fighting the Migraine Epidemic: Complete Guide; How to Treat and Prevent Migraines Without Medications." How does Dr. Stanton’s approach differ from the traditional migraine diet? What role does sodium play in migraines? Why is a keto or even carnivore diet curative for some migraine sufferers? Why are the benefits of migraine drugs limited? How is research into this promising paradigm progressing? Click HERE for part 2.



Beyond Medication: Dr. Angela Stanton’s Nutritional Approach to Migraine Prevention, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Angela Stanton, author of “Fighting the Migraine Epidemic: A Complete Guide.” Click HERE for part 1.



ENCORE: The Role of Herbal Supplements in Natural Medicine, Part 1
July 16, 2024
Dr. Bill Rawls, author of "The Cellular Wellness Solution," joins us to discuss the role of herbal supplements in natural medicine. He prefers to use herbs, not merely as individual panaceas, like the way we deploy drugs to alleviate symptoms, but rather as part of a comprehensive strategy comprising lifestyle to optimize cellular wellness. Dr. Rawls relates how a personal health crisis impelled him to seek natural solutions. He dishes on supplement quality and how consumers can safely access the benefits of quality nutraceuticals. We focus on herbal supplements for immunity, PMS and menopause, inflammation, GI conditions, and cognitive health. Dr. Rawls explains the key role adaptogens play. He reassures us that, with proper knowledge, harmful herb-drug interactions can be avoided. Click HERE for part 2.



ENCORE: The Role of Herbal Supplements in Natural Medicine, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Bill Rawls, author of "The Cellular Wellness Solution." Click HERE for part 1.



How to Transform Your Health Through Personalized Nutrition, Part 1
July 10, 2024
The importance of personalized nutrition with Corinne Bush, CEO of the American Nutrition Association (ANA) and a Certified Nutrition Specialist. The ANA's mission is to promote health through personalized nutrition via the various educational programs and resources they offer for both healthcare professionals and the public. Key topics include the benefits and complexities of personalized nutrition, the use of the ketogenic diet, nutrigenomics, and the importance of boosting nutrition literacy in America. She also highlights the ANA's special course, “Getting Started with Personalized Nutrition.” Whether you're a nutrition enthusiast or simply an individual looking to improve your well-being, check out this comprehensive new course from the American Nutrition Association. It’s a self-paced, one-hour course with video, reference sheets, and more! All with the goal of helping you harness the power of personalized nutrition. You’ll learn how to optimize your energy levels, support your mental clarity, improve your G-I function, enhance your physical performance, and maintain your metabolic health. The course is regularly $49. But, as an Intelligent Medicine listener, you can get access to this vital content for just $29. Just use coupon code hoffman29 for the exclusive discount. Click HERE for part 2.



How to Transform Your Health Through Personalized Nutrition, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Corinne Bush, CEO of the American Nutrition Association and a Certified Nutrition Specialist. Click HERE for part 1.


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