Environmental Health


Intelligent Medicine Radio for June 18, Part 2: Reversing Cognitive Decline
June 20, 2022
Is there a way of reversing cataracts without surgery? Federal court holds glyphosate approval unlawful citing health risks, environmental concerns; Ear wax—is there a diet connection? Dealing with coronary calcium; Reversing cognitive decline requires individualized therapy; Chinese weaponizing Covid tracking to stifle dissent. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Taking Back Our Health and Returning to Ancestral Wisdom, Part 1
June 7, 2022
Dr. Michelle Perro, integrative pediatrician and expert on environmental health and the effects of food-borne toxins on children, and author of "What’s Making Our Children Sick," is now spearheading a new initiative: Regeneration Health International (RHI.bio). It seeks to unite citizens, environmental scientists, natural health practitioners, regenerative farmers, and political activists in a grassroots coalition to take back our health and return to ancestral wisdom. Dr. Perro discusses how modern agricultural practices contribute to environmental devastation and undermine health. She rebuts arguments made by critics of organic farming that it’s “inefficient” and is incapable of meeting the demands of the world’s consumers. With her focus on children’s wellness, she details the challenges facing our youngest generation. Dr. Perro then offers her prescription for how to raise healthy kids. She invites Intelligent Medicine listeners to join RHI in its mission to reprioritize natural healing. Click HERE for part 2.



Taking Back Our Health and Returning to Ancestral Wisdom, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Michelle Perro, integrative pediatrician and expert on environmental health and the effects of food-borne toxins on children. Click HERE for part 1.



ENCORE: Why avoid GMOs? Part 1
May 24, 2022
Dr. Michelle Perro is an award-winning pediatrician and integrative physician, co-author of "What’s Making Our Children Sick: How Industrial Food is Causing an Epidemic of Illness." She explains how the advent of genetically-modified foods can undermine health—via diverse pathways. First, there are the unforeseen consequences on the human body of consuming novel foreign proteins; then, there are the adverse effects of herbicides like glyphosate that GMO crops facilitate. Of particular concern is the effect of GMOs on the microbiome which a key determinant of metabolic, neurotransmitter, and immune status. Newer technologies like CRISPR are touted as breakthroughs but they may have inadvertent downsides. Dr. Perro is an advocate of the precautionary principle when it comes to food innovations; she offers tips on how consumers can avoid consumption of GMOs. She calls for a revolution in food production and distribution, and a return to safer and more sustainable models of regenerative agriculture. Click HERE for part 2.



ENCORE: Why avoid GMOs? Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Michelle Perro, an award-winning pediatrician and integrative physician, and co-author of "What’s Making Our Children Sick: How Industrial Food is Causing an Epidemic of Illness." Click HERE for part 1.



Leyla Weighs In: The Benefits of Regenerative Agriculture, Second in a Series
May 20, 2022
Regenerative agriculture - benefits to the future of food and the environment - Part 2.



Leyla Weighs In: The Benefits of Regenerative Agriculture
May 13, 2022
Regenerative agriculture - benefits to the future of food and the environment - First in a series.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 2: Urinary Tract Infections
May 11, 2022
A natural option for fertilizing tomato plants; I'm a very active 86-year-old. Can I eat more carbs to support my activity?; Daylight savings time and morning sunshine; My 84-year-old mother-in-law keeps getting E. Coli urinary tract infections. What can we do to rid them once and for all?; I have Essential Thrombocytosis. How can I lower my platelets naturally? Click HERE for part 1.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 2: Lectin Blockers?
April 27, 2022
Is there a distinction in antibodies from having covid versus antibodies from the vaccine?; The dangers of neonicotinoid pesticides; Are lectins really dangerous to digestion? Are there any benefits to taking lectin blockers? Click HERE for part 1.



Leyla Weighs In: Shopping Guide to Pesticides in Produce
April 22, 2022
What is the value of taking phosphatidylcholine? What is the difference between phosphatidylcholine and lecithin? Plus, Environmental Working Group's shopping guide to pesticides in produce.


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