Rob Verkerk


The Fight for Freedom of Choice in Healthcare with Rob Verkerk, Part 1
May 22, 2024
Rob Verkerk, the founder and executive director of the Alliance for Natural Health has a deep-dive into the importance of safeguarding natural and sustainable healthcare options, highlighting current campaigns by the Alliance for Natural Health advocating for free speech in health matters. Amidst a backdrop of increasing censorship and control over health-related information, particularly on social media platforms, they touch on the implications of WHO's pandemic policies and the narrowing of discourse around medical ethics and informed consent. The conversation critically examines how misinformation policies on platforms like YouTube threaten the pluralism of health information, emphasizing the significance of informed public discourse on natural health and environmental concerns. Hoffman and Verkerk underscore the pressing need for a balanced, honest representation of health information to empower personal healthcare decisions. Click HERE for part 2.



The Fight for Freedom of Choice in Healthcare with Rob Verkerk, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Rob Verkerk, Founder, Alliance for Natural Health, Executive & Scientific Director Alliance for Natural Health International & Alliance for Natural Health USA. Click HERE for part 1.



Safeguarding Our Access to the Health Modalities of Our Choice, Part 1
February 20, 2024
As current President of the Alliance for Natural Health (, Dr. Hoffman speaks to Rob Verkerk, Executive Director of ANH, about safeguarding our access to balanced health information and products and health modalities of our choice. We face an unprecedented threat as overzealous regulators seek to limit our options under the guise of suppressing “misinformation”. ANH’s mandate is to stand up for consumers’ right to clean environment, supplements and treatments; often, we face relentless challenges from BigPharma, BigAgriculture, BigGovernment, food conglomerates, biased media and orthodox medicine. We discuss alternate wellness paradigms, and ANH’s efforts—lobbying, education, and activism. Join our empowering grassroots movement of concerned health-conscious citizens to reclaim our natural birthrights at! Click HERE for part 2.



Safeguarding Our Access to the Health Modalities of Our Choice, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Rob Verkerk, Executive Director of the Alliance for Natural Health. Click HERE for part 1.



The Hazards of “Forever Chemicals” and How To Help Get Them Banned, Part 1
July 5, 2023
Rob Verkerk, Executive Director of the Alliance for Natural Health USA joins us to discuss the hazards of “forever chemicals”—perfluoroalkylated substances—also known as PFAS. A crowd-sourced project enabled ANH to test random samples of kale—both conventional and organic—and detected concerning amounts of PFAS contaminants. Why are PFAS so ubiquitous in the environment? What are their health impacts? Why haven’t the FDA and EPA highlighted their presence in the food supply? Why is it imperative to call for an outright ban on these dangerous industrial chemicals? Go to to contact your representatives and contribute to the banPFAS campaign. Click HERE for part 2.



The Hazards of “Forever Chemicals” and How To Help Get Them Banned, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Rob Verkerk, Executive Director of the Alliance for Natural Health USA on the hazards of “forever chemicals” and why is it imperative to call for an outright ban on these dangerous industrial chemicals. Click HERE for part 1.



Turn Your Food into Powerful Medicine to Reset Your Health and Resilience, Part 1
May 3, 2022
Today’s podcast episode will teach you, not what to eat, but how to eat. The book is "Reset Eating: Reset Your Health and Resilience by Turning What and How You Eat Into Powerful Medicine." The author is Rob Verkerk, Ph.D., an internationally-renowned environmental scientist and health advocate, founder of the Alliance for Natural Health International and Scientific Director of ANH-usa. His mission is to harness the power of natural interventions to optimize health, not just merely to address disease. Is there a one-size-fits-all diet? Is meat OK? Can plants deliver anti-nutrients? Why are so many Westernizers conditioned to fear hunger? Why timing of food consumption is as important as diet composition. Is diet enough, or is there a place for targeted supplementation? Click HERE for part 2.



An Immune Reset, Part 1
January 26, 2021
COVID-19 creates an opportunity for an immune reset. Meleni Aldridge and Rob Verkerk of the UK-based Alliance for Natural Health International share their perspectives on the pandemic: Is the UK being hit particularly hard? Are there flaws in testing procedures which may exaggerate the extent of the pandemic? Are the draconian lockdowns justified? Why have advanced Western countries proven so vulnerable? Is there a link between diet and susceptibility to bad COVID-19 outcomes? Are effective low-cost strategies being superseded by pricey, high-tech drugs? Is censorship suppressing critical evaluation of vaccine safety and effectiveness? See their comprehensive report HERE. Click HERE for part 2.



An Immune Reset, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Meleni Aldridge and Rob Verkerk of the UK-based Alliance for Natural Health International as they share their perspectives on the pandemic. Click HERE for part 1.


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