Skin & Hair


ENCORE: Q&A with Leyla, Part 2: Varicose Veins
May 2, 2024
Use of magnesium in Crohn's disease; Study: Association of habitual alcohol intake with risk of cardiovascular disease; If one is taking vitamin C, is a collagen supplement for the skin superfluous?; Is there a good treatment for varicose veins? Click HERE for part 1.



Leyla Weighs In: Hair Loss
January 12, 2024
Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) and hair health; Risk factors for hair loss.



ENCORE: Everything you ever wanted to know about Low-Dose Naltrexone, Part 1
August 8, 2023
Dr. Pamela Smith joins us to provide an update on LDN, a versatile therapy that delivers a low dose of a commonly prescribed lifesaving medication used to reverse narcotics overdoses. Dr. Smith describes how LDN reboots the immune system and tamps down inflammation, accounting for its ubiquitous applications. A myriad of conditions respond to LDN: autoimmune disorders like inflammatory bowel disease and ulcerative colitis; painful conditions like fibromyalgia, many cancers, skin disorders, and infertility, even with applications for stubborn weight gain. The latest research focuses on the role LDN might play to hasten resolution of Long Covid. Dr. Smith’s most recent book, "Max Your Immunity: How to Maximize Your Immune System When You Need It Most" is a timely look at what works to fortify resilience in the face of the pandemic, with an entire chapter devoted to LDN. More information on LDN can be found at LDN Research Trust. Click HERE for part 2.



All About Scars, and How to Prevent Them, Part 1
June 22, 2023
Dr. Gary Linkov, a Facial and Plastic Surgeon specializing in lip procedures and hair restoration. What are scars and why do some people scar more than others? How good operative techniques can reduce scar susceptibility; Why exposing healing scars to air is less optimal than covering them; What’s the proper sequence of topical applications? Why some popular over-the-counter scar gels can irritate healing skin; The rationale for the ingredients in Dr. Linkov’s scar treatment; Brazilian Butt Lifts—what can go wrong? Ozempic face—will it drive more plastic surgery? What’s the future for hair restoration based on the latest research? Do natural hair supplements work? Why plastic surgeons sometimes need to leverage psychology skills in establishing realistic goals for patients; How to find a reputable cosmetic surgeon. (These topics and more are covered in depth on Dr. Linkov’s YouTube channel) Click HERE for part 2.



All About Scars, and How to Prevent Them, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Gary Linkov, a Facial and Plastic Surgeon specializing in lip procedures and hair restoration. Click HERE for part 1.



ENCORE: Q&A with Leyla, Part 1: The Best Exercise and Treatment for Osteoporosis
May 3, 2023
N-acetyl-cysteine on the chopping block?; What is the best exercise and treatment for osteoporosis?; The steroid cream I was given for a rash has left a pink tint on my skin. Will this eventually fade?; What do you think of Serrapeptase for allergies and sinus congestion? Is it beneficial? Click HERE for part 2.



ENCORE: Intelligent Medicine Radio for April 29, Part 2: Artificial Sweeteners Hike Cardio Risk
May 1, 2023
A listener challenges Dr. Hoffman for giving airtime to vaccine skeptics (as the Covid narrative unravels); Prominent vaccine scientist calls for suspension of booster mandate for healthy young; Does “Arterosil” protect against atherosclerosis? New study proves protection of healthy diet vs. Covid; Newly-passed Omnibus bill to restrict off-label prescribing of meds; Chronic steroid use—even from inhalers—has negative brain impacts; Artificial sweeteners hike cardio risk; Keto diet reduces seizure frequency; Vitamin D use protects against melanoma; Stress accelerates brain aging—meditation may counteract it. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Leyla Weighs In: The Relationship Between Your Brain, Gut and Skin
April 14, 2023
Understanding the relationship between your brain, gut, and skin. Plus, treatments for some common skin conditions



Intelligent Medicine Radio for April 1, Part 1: Tattoo Hazards
April 3, 2023
Nutritional Outrage of the Week: “Sweet Dreams”, cereal pitched as a bedtime snack; Nutritional support for “brittle bones”; AI Chatbot romance implicated in suicide of Belgian man; New tattoo hazards discovered; How many daily steps to fend off dying? Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



ENCORE: Intelligent Medicine Radio for March 25, Part 2: Breakthrough Obesity Drugs
March 27, 2023
Can Covid cause hair loss? Breakthrough obesity drugs work—but are pricey and come with side effects; Caller experiences headaches from whey protein; Melatonin improves sleep in autistic children; Probiotics for sleep apnea? Learning piano in late life improves cognition and mood; The toll of Covid lockdowns on elderly brains; Should doctors warn patients about downsides of Medicare Advantage plans? High optimism propels women to longevity. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


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