Intelligent Medicine Radio Show


Intelligent Medicine Radio for August 10, Part 1: The Olympic Women’s Boxing Controversy Explained
August 12, 2024
The Olympic Women’s Boxing controversy explained —it’s a fascinating lesson in reproductive biology; Why it’s important for pregnant women to not even TOUCH men’s prostate pills; Fruits and vegetables vs. hypertension; How to talk to your doctor—and finding one who will listen; What causes lipomas, and can they be treated non-surgically? Are there alternatives to drugs for tardive dyskinesia? Some swimmers sicken after Olympic swim in polluted Seine; Why free medical school tuition won’t fix America’s doctor shortage. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio for August 10, Part 2: Is sitting the new smoking?

15 million Americans at risk of liver damage from popular herbs—REALLY?? Is sitting the new smoking? Can eye drops reverse cataracts? Accuracy/efficacy of vaunted Galleri cancer screening blood test challenged by newly released data; Can melatonin help relieve tinnitus? Fireworks may spread harmful air pollution. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio for August 3, Part 1: Diabetes Management–Why We’re Failing
August 5, 2024
Why we’re failing at diabetes management; Soaring rates of amputation among diabetic African Americans highlights “mega-disparity” in healthcare delivery; Frustrated with American Diabetes Association ties to BigPharma and ultra-processed food companies, the American Diabetes Society founded to promote low-carb diet approach to disease management; How Listeria is prompting Northeast deli recalls; Can fish oil cause easy bruisability? Iodine’s role for thyroid and breasts; Congressional bill seeks to rein in SNAP subsidization of junk food purchases; Olympic highlights: Swimming in the polluted Seine and trans athletes in women’s boxing. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio for August 3, Part 2: Peripheral Neuropathy Pain

Trust in doctors craters in wake of Covid; Mother, don’t let your children grow up to be doctors; Does a diagnosis of hiatal hernia require lifelong acid-blockers? If you’re reluctant to get a colonoscopy, stool tests and a newly-approved blood test may suffice for prevention; When drugs aren’t tolerated, are there natural alternatives for peripheral neuropathy pain? Supplements for insomnia can help—but a comprehensive lifestyle approach is necessary to optimize sleep; The movement to kick Big Soda sponsors out of sport; NFL Kelce brothers sell out to endorse sugary cereal; North Korea’s Kim Jong Un is a heart attack waiting to happen. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio for July 27, Part 1: “Blue Zones”
July 29, 2024
“Blue Zones”—portrayed as paradises for superagers—may not be so idyllic; Does boron increase bone density? Can soy isoflavones combat osteoporosis? Is “white coat hypertension” dangerous? “Medically-tailored meals” delivered by Medicaid rife with fat and salt-laden junk; Watching sports could be good for your health; An unwelcome guest at Summer Olympics—Covid; New study supports masking—but critics assail research design. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio for July 27, Part 2: Knee Replacement Alternatives

When can an astute dermatologist deliver a lifesaving diagnosis? A lifelong athlete seeks an alternative to a knee replacement; Nearly half of all U.S. deaths avoidable via easily-implemented lifestyle changes; The hazards of secondary cigarette smoke; Solutions for acid reflux; Fish oil scores vs. cardiovascular disease; The verdict on a new drug for essential tremor. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio for July 20, Part 1: The Gut Link to Autism
July 22, 2024
The gut link to autism: When Andrew Wakefield first proposed the connection in the 1990s, he was vilified, but new research supports microbiome impact on childhood neurodevelopment; President Biden is taking Paxlovid for COVID—will it help? When a “routine” X-ray leads to a wild goose chase; Astaxanthin shows promise for fatigue, muscle strength, cognition and aging; Introducing Mitopure®️, a urolithin A supplement, for mitochondrial support. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio for July 20, Part 2: Toxic Tampons

Toxic tampons; Folate and cancer—preventive or risk? Avocado leaf tea—is that a thing? Support for GI motility; How much protein should be consumed at each meal? Highly-promoted banking of newborn cord blood meets real-world challenges; Loneliness—but not necessarily social isolation—increases risk of cognitive decline; Solutions for spinal arthritis. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio for July 13, Part 1: Fish oil found safe for surgery
July 15, 2024
Meta-analysis shows NO excessive bleeding problems with Omega-3s; Fish oil found safe for surgery; Dupixent for nasal polyps? Remedies for SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth) in a type 1 diabetic; Less than 5% of the world’s population reside in the U.S.—but we consume 65% of the medications! Dr. Oz heart device under scrutiny; Oregon court reverses liability shield for Bayer in Round-Up class action; Movie Review—“Pain Hustlers”, a fictionalized recreation of a real-life opioid medication scandal. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio for July 13, Part 2: Is the glycemic index (GI) obsolete?

Study that claimed herbal supplements were devoid of active ingredients debunked; Can IV vitamin C help with blood-borne infections? Just 30 minutes of exercise boosts cancer-fighting white blood cells; The paradoxical effects of diet on a little-known but important cardiovascular risk factor—lp(a); A quarter century of research supports heart benefits of Coenzyme Q10; Is the glycemic index (GI) obsolete? Medicare Advantage pushes $50B in fake diagnoses. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


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