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Natural Treatment of Metabolic Syndrome, Part 1 July 18, 2017 Educator/Clinician James Lavalle, author of "Your Blood Never Lies," discusses the benefits of Kyolic Aged Garlic Extract for metabolic syndrome. What do the latest studies say about its efficacy in combatting heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension? What are the five most important tests that your doctor might not order? What's the "best" diet according to anthropological research? How do resistant starches support GI health? Click HERE for part 2.
Natural Treatment of Metabolic Syndrome, Part 2
Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Educator/Clinician James Lavalle, author of "Your Blood Never Lies," about the benefits of Kyolic Aged Garlic Extract for metabolic syndrome. Click HERE for part 1.
ENCORE: Optimal male and female sexual performance, Part 1 July 13, 2017 Dr. Mohit Khera, Director Laboratory for Andrology Research at Baylor College of Medicine, and co-author of “Re-Coupling: A Couple’s 4-Step Guide to Greater Intimacy and Better Sex,” dishes on the latest research on sexuality. What are the health benefits of sex? Is testosterone safe? What are the benefits for men? Can it be helpful for women? Can just diet and exercise reverse Erectile Dysfunction? What supplements help ED? What’s the nitric oxide connection to ED? What’s the problem with frequent use of erectile dysfunction drugs like Viagra? Why is low-dose daily Cialis being promoted for both ED and BPH? What are the causes of Female Sexual Dysfunction? Is there a new blockbuster female sexual enhancer on the horizon? If you’re not interested in sex, is that a problem per se? Why is it said that ED may be a hallmark of circulatory problems? How does weight loss promote rekindling of libido? Is it true that more sex can prevent prostate cancer? Can men recover normal sexual function after prostate surgery? Click HERE for part 2.
ENCORE: Optimal male and female sexual performance, Part 2
Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Mohit Khera, Director Laboratory for Andrology Research at Baylor College of Medicine, about overcoming obstacles to optimal male and female sexual performance. Click HERE for part 1.
ENCORE: The True Metabolic Basis of Cancer, Part 1 July 4, 2017 Pioneering cancer researcher Dr. Thomas Seyfried argues that we’ve taken a massive wrong turn in cancer exploration by ignoring the true metabolic basis of cancer. Dr. Seyfried cites the work of Nobel Prize-winning biochemist Otto Warburg, who identified the Warburg Effect in the 1930s. Featured in a recent NY Times article entitled “An Old Idea Revived: Starve Cancer to Death,” Dr. Seyfried argues that depriving cancer cells of glucose and glutamine, their prime metabolic fuels, offers a non-toxic way of curbing cancer growth. This can be achieved, in part, via a ketogenic diet, in conjunction with certain blocking drugs. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) provides an ideal accompaniment to the diet. What precisely does a true ketogenic diet consist of (Hint: It’s not Atkins!)? How can patients following the diet monitor whether they are achieving true ketosis? What role does the Charlie Foundation (CharlieFoundation.org) play in supporting patients following ketogenic diets? What new research is Dr. Seyfried pursuing? Why has the Cancer Establishment been slow in accepting this paradigm? Click HERE for part 2.
ENCORE: The True Metabolic Basis of Cancer, Part 2
Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Thomas Seyfried, pioneering cancer researcher, who argues that we've taken a massive wrong turn in cancer exploration. Click HERE for part 1.
ENCORE: Are Statins Really Safe? Part 1 June 29, 2017 Dr. Peter Langsjoen, cardiologist and CoEnzyme Q10 researcher, weighs in on statin drugs; citing research, he argues that statistical deception has created the illusion that statins are safe and effective in preventing cardiovascular disease; He details the numerous side effects of statins, and suggests that even when symptoms are not obvious, cholesterol-lowering drugs may do the body irrevocable harm; Dr. Langsjoen shares new studies which suggest that statins may neutralize the artery-protecting benefits of vitamin K2; CoQ10 may reverse some of the adverse effects of statins, but it offers only partial protection; Dr. Langsjoen reprises the history of CoQ10’s use in treatment of heart conditions, and relates how the introduction of Ubiquinol has offered a potent new weapon against heart failure; How much CoQ10 or ubiquinol should patients with various conditions take? Testing blood levels of CoQ10, a technique that Dr. Langsjoen pioneered, can help inform clinicians whether patients are taking enough to enjoy its therapeutic benefits; New research soon to be unveiled will further our understanding of how CoQ10 helps the heart. Click HERE for part 2.
ENCORE: Are Statins Really Safe? Part 2
Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Peter Langsjoen, cardiologist and CoEnzyme Q10 researcher, arguing that statistical deception has created the illusion that statins are safe and effective in preventing cardiovascular disease. Click HERE for part 1.
ENCORE: Natural Treatment of Autoimmune Diseases, Part 2 June 27, 2017 Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Integrative Rheumatologist Dr. Aly Cohen about natural treatment of autoimmune diseases like lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, spondylitis, and polymyositis. Click HERE for part 1.
The China Study — Busted! Part 1 June 8, 2017 "The China Study" by Professor T. Colin Campbell is cited by many vegans as the rationale for their avoidance of animal protein. Ken Aung, an expert in medical data analytics, uncovers deep flaws in Campbell’s scientific reasoning. Why is an impressive graph linking colon cancer incidence to meat consumption misleading? What are the limitations of epidemiological (observational) studies? Ken highlights the pitfalls of misappropriated statistics: Why does correlation not necessarily mean causation? How does the “post-hoc fallacy” lead us to erroneous conclusions? Is Campbell’s demonization of dairy products based on sound science? Is he guilty of cherry-picking to buttress his pre-conceived beliefs? What’s the take-home message for confused consumers? How can we make more informed food choices amid wildly conflicting headlines? Click HERE for part 2.