Intelligent Medicine®

Airway Health—a new medical paradigm, Part 1

Dr. Howard Hindin, founder of the Foundation for Airway Health calls upon health professionals to include an airway evaluation as an integral part of a comprehensive, integrative workup. How you breathe–whether or not your mouth structure or jaw position impedes your airway—impacts your nervous system function, potentially bathing us in stress hormones. This goes way beyond just ordinary sleep apnea, which is surprisingly common. Even without obvious snoring, sleep problems related to suboptimal breathing may affect up to 50% of the population and may be related to chronic fatigue, hypertension, insulin resistance, heart disease, obesity, carbohydrate craving, low testosterone, pain syndromes, GERD, anxiety, dementia. childhood ADD and ADHD, Tourette’s Syndrome, and many other challenging medical conditions. Click HERE for part 2.

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Senior couple holding pickleball paddles. On the top, over a purple bar, reads "For a limited time: 20% off any size of N T Factor Lipids Powder. Plus a free bottle of Patented Energy." Next to the couple, it reads "Support your body's natural energy with the N T Factor Essentials Bundle!" In the bottom left are bottles of both products with a badge reading "Free bottle!" over the Patented Energy.
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Do you wish you could turn back the clock on aging?

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