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The Dangers of Acid Inhibitors, Part 2
July 26, 2023
Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Naturopathic Practitioner, Jane Jansen of the Tree of Life Wellness Center in Massachusetts. Click HERE for part 1.


Permanent Resolution of Chronic Symptoms
July 25, 2023
Today we turn the tables and Alex Lubarsky interviews Dr. Hoffman for his ScHO Oracles: Permanent Resolution of Chronic Symptoms Thinktank. We discuss healthy aging, senolytics both natural and pharmaceutical, what’s wrong with the current medical paradigm, and how to transform our healthcare system.


Intelligent Medicine Radio for July 22, Part 1: Exercise Myths
July 24, 2023
Tackling exercise myths: 1) You have to lift heavy to build muscle; 2) Your fast switch/slow twitch muscle makeup determines what exercise you should do; 3) If you stop exercising, you’ll be back to square one; 4) Weekend warriors don’t get heart benefits comparable to regular exercisers; 5) The order in which you do strength vs. endurance exercise during a workout doesn’t matter. Forever PFAS contaminants undermine immunity; Pricey new “breakthrough” Alzheimer drugs carry risk of side effects; AI mammograms—are they better? Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


Intelligent Medicine Radio for July 22, Part 2: Omega-3s for Major Depression Disorder

Can a thyroid med fix or alleviate endometriosis? College students call for meat bans on campus; More muscle protects against Alzheimer’s; Omega-3s for major depression disorder; Social isolation accelerates mental decline; Diagnosed with hiatal hernia, caller is told she’ll need powerful acid blockers for the rest of her life; Burger chain flips the script—NO masks allowed! Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


Leyla Weighs In: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
July 21, 2023
Women with polycystic ovary syndrome may be at higher risk of mortality; a deeper dive into PCOS.


Keeping Seasonal Allergies in Check, Part 1
July 20, 2023
Allergens normally begin spreading throughout the country in the spring when plants begin to release pollen; however, research is showing that allergy season tends to get worse every year, and the length of time these allergens spread across the country is growing. Nate Jones, CEO of Xlear, Inc., details why we shouldn’t use antihistamines in our fight against allergens. Instead, since most allergens enter through the nose, mouth and eyes, keeping these gateways to the body clean is of utmost importance during allergy season if you want to reduce symptoms and not rely on antihistamines. Nate also brings us an update on his courageous advocacy for health freedom, and for upholding the right to share truthful scientific information to the public. Click HERE for part 2.


Keeping Seasonal Allergies in Check, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Nate Jones, CEO of Xlear, Inc., about new research into how your nose can do its best work in defending against contaminants. Click HERE for part 1.


Q&A with Leyla, Part 1: Too Much Exercise?
July 19, 2023
Can too much exercise be a problem for coronary arteries?; I eat well and exercise but I still have an abdominal "pouch" just below the navel. What do you suggest?; Will you be updating and re-releasing "How to Talk With Your Doctor"? I think many would benefit! Click HERE for part 2.


Q&A with Leyla, Part 2: Nutrition Therapies for Lung Cancer

Why do food manufacturers add sunflower oil to so many food products when it's inflammatory?; What's a good protein shake for me? I'm gluten and dairy free; What do you think of stevia in protein shakes?; Are there any therapies for lichen sclerosis?; My 80 year old friend has lung cancer. What nutrition therapies do you recommend? Click HERE for part 1.


Avoiding Cancer Treatment Side Effects, Part 1
July 18, 2023
Dr. Mary Hardy is a pioneer, having founded the Integrative Medical Clinic at prestigious Cedars-Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles in 1998. From there she went on to become Medical Director of the UCLA Center for Integrative Oncology. She discusses how supplements can be properly combined with conventional treatments like chemo, radiation and immunotherapy. What are some of the pitfalls to be avoided? What nutraceuticals can be safely used while undergoing cancer care? How can they be used to ameliorate side effects like neuropathy, fatigue, and low white blood cell counts? Why it’s important to work with an integrative oncologist to tailor treatment. Dr. Hardy discusses the background of a modern iteration of an old remedy—fermented wheat germ, now called Metatrol. Its efficacy in supporting cancer patients during treatment has been validated in numerous studies. It may also provide overall energy and immune-supportive benefits. Click HERE for part 2.

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