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Q&A with Leyla, Part 1: Is caffeine actually good for you?
March 30, 2022
Fullscript is having a Spring Sale!; Is caffeine actually good for you?; Evolving nutritional advice: Eggs are good for us but alcohol is bad; What supplements can I take to reduce inflammation while taking blood-thinning drugs?; Can CBD oil help with nerve pain?; How can one heal the ileocecal valve? Is it a food sensitivity/gut issue?; I have zero plaque per my EBT heart scan but my doctor still wants me on a statin! Click HERE for part 2.


Q&A with Leyla, Part 2: Sleep Apnea

Is arnica gel helpful for bone fracture pain?; Can sleep apnea contribute to a 25% heart ejection fraction in someone with atrial fibrillation?; Some supplements are available in both gel/oil and capsules. Which is more bioavailable?; What is the optimal dose of selenium in a supplement for people in their 60s?; I have a ganglion cyst on my hand and a couple on my wrists. What can I do about them?; What natural remedies can I take for polymyalgia rheumatica ("muscle arthritis")? Click HERE for part 1.


Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for March 26, Part 1
March 28, 2022
Daylight Savings Time—Boon or bane? Is booster protection waning? NYC Mayor Adams creates vaccine mandate carve-out for athletes, Broadway stars—but not for ordinary New Yorkers. Airline execs call for lifting of mask requirement on planes; Treating ocular migraines; Eggs vs. metabolic syndrome; Alcohol—good or bad for you? Cruciferous vegetables vs. Covid. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for March 26, Part 2

Will newer vaccines be better tolerated by those with autoimmune disorders? Vegetable sources of Omega 3 reduce heart risk; The type of fats kids consume impacts their asthma severity; Natural support for prostatitis; Are there alternatives to meds for atrial fibrillation? Cranberry extract improves circulation; Study confirms almonds smooth out wrinkles; Artificial sweeteners associated with heightened cancer risk. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


Leyla Weighs In: Alcohol and Brain Size
March 25, 2022
Study: One alcoholic drink a day linked with reduced brain size.


ENCORE: Is “breast implant illness” real? Part 1
March 24, 2022
Breast implants are now under the gun again after a checkered history. In the 80s reports of adverse events related to silicone breast implants led to FDA scrutiny and lawsuits against Dow Corning. Now, breast implants are once again under federal review over reports of a rare lymphoma in hundreds of women with “textured” implants. Dr. Sophie Bartsich, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, offers perspective on the current controversy. Is “breast implant illness” real? Has it been conclusively proven that breast implants cause lupus-like symptoms in women? Is there a high incidence of breast implant rupture? Do breast implants need to be checked on a regular basis after surgery? How often do they need to be replaced? How does Dr. Bartsich leverage her undergraduate training in psychology to meet patients’ expectations and address body image concerns? Which implants are safest? Are there alternatives to implants for women who don’t want foreign materials in their bodies? What about the opposite—breast reduction for women? And what options are available for men with gynecomastia? Does breast reconstruction after cancer make subsequent cancer detection more difficult? Can cosmetic breast surgery interfere with the prospects for breastfeeding? Click HERE for part 2.


ENCORE: Is “breast implant illness” real? Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Sophie Bartsich, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, who offers perspective on the current controversy. Click HERE for part 1.


Q&A with Leyla, Part 1: Allergies and Reflux
March 23, 2022
Bicycling in Arizona; Will NAC protect me from CAT scan radiation? What about contrast with MRI?; What medication should I take to wean off Prolia?; Does Hydroxyzine HCl fall into the category of sleep aids that can cause Alzheimer's?; My 7-year-old son has many allergies and reflux. What would you recommend that's not simply a band-aid? Click HERE for part 2.


Q&A with Leyla, Part 2: Meat-Eating and Life-Expectancy

My bone mineral density test shows osteoporosis in the spine and hip. What are your recommendations?; Study: Meat-eating extends human life expectancy worldwide; I know how important fish oil is but it always repeats on me!; Would you recommend ubiquinol or ubiquinone as an energy boost for a healthy 66-year-old female?; What are your thoughts on magnesium chloride? Click HERE for part 1.


ENCORE: Rethinking “Catastrophic” Thinking, Part 1
March 22, 2022
This episode was originally released on March 31, 2020. In the face of an unprecedented pandemic, anxiety is warranted, but should not become debilitating or incapacitating. Drawing from the lessons of evolutionary psychology, Dr. Nando Pelusi, a cognitive-behavioral psychologist and frequent contributor to "Psychology Today," offers practical advice on how to calibrate our responses to danger. We are “hardwired” to respond to threats with our primitive limbic systems; ideally, our rational brains can provide us with sensible “reality checks” to rein in our maladaptive fears. This is the essence of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) which seeks to analyze the basis of our feelings and substitute helpful narratives to help us better interpret them. How to talk to children about the pandemic? How to cultivate resilience? How to cultivate a balance between complacency or denial vs. unproductive chronic worry. Click HERE for part 2.

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