Nutrition & Weight


Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for May 6, Part 2
May 8, 2017
Aromatherapy with rosemary oil enhances memory; Can the progression of aortic stenosis be slowed? Are "parent oils" superior to fish oil? Will quitting e-cigarettes cause weight gain? Does even a little weight loss make you healthier? Alternate-day fasting: Does it produce more weight loss than ordinary dieting? Avocados combat metabolic syndrome; Does coffee cause high blood pressure? Swearing improves strength, athletic performance. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 2
April 26, 2017
Which is better, Spirulina or barley grass? Can strontium help heal my lumbar spinal fracture? Do ketogenic diets cause muscle breakdown to produce glucose via gluconeogenesis? I find it difficult to sleep at night even after a single cup of coffee in the morning, would rutaecarpine help metabolize caffeine faster? Click HERE for part 1.



Leyla Weighs In
April 7, 2017
Are dietary lectins a real concern for most people? How can we avoid them if they're in so many healthy foods?



Relief for Autoimmune Disorders, Part 1
April 6, 2017
Dr. Terry Wahls discusses her new book, "The Wahls Protocol: Cooking for Life--The Revolutionary Modern Paleo Plan to Treat All Chronic Autoimmune Conditions." Dr. Wahls was a conventional physician who developed multiple sclerosis which was unresponsive even to powerful MS drugs. Though initially skeptical of natural medicine, she felt she had little recourse when she became wheelchair-bound, and turned to a Paleo diet. Within weeks her symptoms improved, and after several years she has achieved lasting remission. Her research led her to formulate the Wahls Protocol which has brought relief to thousands of sufferers of autoimmune disorders. How pervasive is autoimmunity? Why might diet aid recovery? Dr. Wahls dispels some misconceptions about the Paleo diet: Is it all meat? Very low carb? Are nightshades and beans permitted? Why the emphasis on bone broths? Organ meats? Seaweed? Coconut? Must all food be organic, grass-fed or wild-caught? How does the Wahls diet square with the ultra low-fat Swank diet for MS? Which supplements are beneficial? Dr. Wahls details an ongoing clinical trial meant to validate her protocol. How can one join the large community of Wahls Protocol adherents? Click HERE for part 2.



Relief for Autoimmune Disorders, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Terry Wahls, author of "The Wahls Protocol: Cooking for Life--The Revolutionary Modern Paleo Plan to Treat All Chronic Autoimmune Conditions." Click HERE for part 1.



Fighting Alzheimer’s, Part 1
March 30, 2017
Amy Berger, author of "The Alzheimer's Antidote," challenges the current paradigm whereby we search for blockbuster drugs to inhibit amyloid plaque in the brain. To date, promising "magic bullet" cures have been ineffective at reversing dementia. Instead she proposes a comprehensive metabolic and lifestyle approach, which has been validated in early clinical trials. What does insulin have to with the decline of brain function? How can low-carb and ketogenic diets help? Why might a low cholesterol diet be harmful for the brain? What role for medium chain triglycerides? What supplements can slow progression? Why is exercise beneficial for staving off cognitive decline? What role does chronic stress play? Why might certain drugs (statins, acid blockers, etc.) accelerate mental decline? What tests predict risk for dementia? Is there a gluten connection? Does high homocysteine forecast memory problems? Click HERE for part 2.



Fighting Alzheimer’s, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Amy Berger, author of "The Alzheimer's Antidote." Click HERE for part 1.



ENCORE: Unlocking the Secrets of Weight Loss, Part 1
March 27, 2017
"The Obesity Code: Unlocking the Secrets of Weight Loss." Dr. Jason Fung helps us explore why diets invariably fail. What’s wrong with calorie-counting? How can it be that simply eating too much is NOT the cause of obesity? What is insulin resistance and how does it stymie efforts at weight loss? How did we go astray with low-fat dieting? Why do high-protein, low-carb diets fail to deliver maximum weight loss benefits for some dieters? Why fat consumption doesn’t make you fat; Why saturated fat has been unfairly stigmatized; Why using drugs to treat high blood sugar may be exactly the wrong strategy; Why the old advice to have plenty of snacks to stave off hunger may be a poor strategy for dieters; Why having a big breakfast may NOT be such a good idea; Why exercise, while healthy, may not contribute much to weight loss; the FIVE key principles of Dr. Fung's Intensive Dietary Management Program; the benefits of intermittent fasting (IF). Click HERE for part 2.



ENCORE: Unlocking the Secrets of Weight Loss, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Jason Fung, author of "The Obesity Code: Unlocking the Secrets of Weight Loss." Click HERE for part 1.



Paleo Foods Go Mainstream, Part 1
March 23, 2017
When 24-year-old Katlin Smith developed aches and pains, her doctors could provide no answers. After a friend reported benefits with an elimination diet, Katlin decided to try Paleo. So impressed was she with the efficacy of the diet at relieving her symptoms that she quit her job in a Big 8 accounting firm, and started a business making Paleo products--Simple Mills. After much trial and error in her test kitchen, she discovered ways to combine Paleo-compliant ingredients like almond flour that are delicious as well as wholesome. After just a few years, her company has become one of the fastest-growing natural products manufacturers in the country. She makes crackers, cookies, cake and bread mixes, and frostings--all free of preservatives, GMOs, emulsifiers, and 6 of the 8 most common food allergens. Her products have received multiple awards, and Smith was recently named to the Forbes 30 Under 30 Class of 2017. Click HERE for part 2.


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