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Q&A with Leyla, Part 2 June 27, 2018 I've been taking glucosamine/chondroitin for many years to prevent arthritis. Someone tells me hydrolyzed collagen is better. What say you?; My husband had two completely different vitamin D results taken by two different labs only one day apart. What accounts for the discrepancy. Which one is correct?; What do you think of goldenseal root powder in comparison to bacteriophages in intestinal and immune health?; My surgeon says to stop fish oil before surgery. Will it really increase my risk for bleeding? Click HERE for part 1.
Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for June 16, Part 2 June 18, 2018 Probiotics vs. bipolar disorder; A caller with “Stiff Person Syndrome”; Could NT Factor help alleviate fatigue in a heart patient on multiple medications? What fish oil supplement for high triglycerides? Burnout can be identified with a simple saliva test; Combination of fat and carbohydrates rev brain reward center more than just fat or carbohydrates alone (Duh!); New study fails to demonstrate efficacy of catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.
Q&A with Leyla, Part 2 May 30, 2018 Many claim that mineral supplements aren't absorbed as well as food, is this true? A listener with periodontal disease asks about dental implants? Would a bridge be a better option? What do you think of the "new" DGL supplement called GutGuard? Since the liver absorbs toxins from the body, are beef and chicken livers safe to eat?Click HERE for part 1.
Leyla Weighs In May 4, 2018 Nutritionist Leyla Muedin responds to this listener question: Can you elaborate on the role of prebiotics and probiotics in the treatment of both candida and SIBO? Or when both are present or in question?
Leyla Weighs In April 27, 2018 Nutritionist Leyla Muedin tackles this listener question: I recently watched an interview of Dr. Bruce Blumberg of The Obesogen Effect and the takeaway message is we are mostly programmed at birth with the ability to lose weight, or not, due to the impact of environmental toxin on our microbiome. Is this true?
Cultivating a Healthy Microbiome, Part 1 April 26, 2018 Martie Whittekin, radio host, author of "The Probiotic Cure," and natural health advocate, tackles the microbiome: its influences on brain, metabolism, and immunity are pervasive; The surprising news about what Meghan Markle, the future bride of Prince Harry, considers foremost among her travel essentials; We discover in the course of the interview, in an incredible example of perfect synergy, that we’ve both just penned blogs that expose Big Pharma greed! Why Martie recommends Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotics; The role of pre and postbiotics in augmenting probiotic benefits; How to cultivate a healthy microbiome. Are colony counts (“CFUs”) a reliable way of assessing the potency or efficacy of probiotics? Martie adds her tips on treating GERD naturally. Click HERE for part 2.
Cultivating a Healthy Microbiome, Part 2
Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Martie Whittekin, author of "The Probiotic Cure: Harnessing the Power of Good Bacteria for Better Health." Click HERE for part 1.
Repairing Damaged Cells, A Powerful Healthy Aging Strategy, Part 1 April 24, 2018 Prof. Garth Nicolson is recognized as a pioneer in research on the mitochondria, the energy factories within cells. Mitochondrial dysfunction plays a role in a myriad of diseases, as well as in the aging process. Fatigue is its cardinal symptom. The mitochondria are implicated in chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), fibromyalgia, Alzheimer’s Disease, chronic infections like Lyme Disease, Gulf War Syndrome, cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome and obesity, autism, and even some cancers. Prof. Nicolson has demonstrated that membrane lipid replacement therapy (LRT) with glycerolphospholipids (NT Factor) can facilitate recovery from many of these disorders. Clinical studies have demonstrated that LRT can increase energy levels by 40% or more. What companion nutrients also support mitochondrial performance? How much NT Factor do you need to take? How fast does it take effect? Prof. Nicolson shares exciting results of clinical trials he’s currently undertaking with LRT. Learn about NT Factor clinical trials by clicking HERE. Click HERE for part 2.
ENCORE: Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for March 31, Part 2 April 2, 2018 The Heart-Gut connection; Resveratrol may exert its protective effects via the microbiome; New heart stent prevent restenosis via coating artery lining with quercetin, resveratrol; Natural therapies for claudication; A caller whose anti-depressants aren’t doing the job for him; Do you need to take probiotics if you’re taking prebiotics? What about fecal transfer? Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.
Q&A with Leyla, Part 1 March 21, 2018 Making the case for Daylight Saving Time. Does taking probiotics effectively rebalance the gut flora after a round of antibiotics, or are the microbiota permanently disrupted? Is there a way to measure IGF-1 to determine the amount of protein one should consume? Click HERE for part 2.