Mental & Emotional Health


A Remarkable Breakthrough for the Treatment of Depression and Pain, Part 1
March 9, 2017
The ketamine story. Dr. Steven Mandel is a Board-Certified Anesthesiologist and President and Founder of the Ketamine Clinics of Los Angeles ( Ketamine is a short-acting anesthetic that’s administered intravenously and has a safe track record, even in children and frail elderly patients. It produces a “dissociative state.” Experience with returning military personnel suffering PTSD suggested its benefits in treating depression. Dr. Mandel has administered thousands of treatments with high degrees of success in depression not responsive to psychotherapy or ordinary medications—even in bipolar disorder and suicidality. It is also helpful for pain syndromes like trigeminal neuralgia, migraines, and Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. It may help reinforce recovery in substance abusers and alcoholics. Ketamine is also being researched for MS. How does it work? What’s it like to receive a treatment? How soon will you feel the effects? How long do they last? How many treatments do patients usually receive? Is it safe and are there any side effects? Is mainstream medicine beginning to embrace it? Click HERE for part 2.



A Remarkable Breakthrough for the Treatment of Depression and Pain, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation on the ketamine story with Dr. Steven Mandel, Board-Certified Anesthesiologist and President and Founder of the Ketamine Clinics of Los Angeles ( Click HERE for part 1.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for February 25, Part 1
February 27, 2017
Long-term stress makes you pack on the pounds; Mastic gum for H. pylori? Can eggs make you smarter? Red meat halves the risk for depression; Are pain relievers safe for a 93-year-old with back pain? Soy protects the heart. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for February 11, Part 1
February 13, 2017
EGCG from green tea combats multiple myeloma, amyloidosis, Alzheimer's, heart disease; A caller with a gum infection and joint pain; Is it OK to take EGCG and fish oil while taking Xarelto for atrial fibrillation? Could men's prostate supplements interfere with radiation for prostate cancer? Paleo diet fights MS, reduces all-cause mortality; Acupuncture cost-effective for pain, depression. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
February 8, 2017
Diet DOES matter for depression. Contrary to your statement in the Intelligent Medicine newsletter, doesn’t the “NJ Diet” use nutrigenomics to determine the best diet for weight loss? What causes lipomas and are there any nutritional protocols to eliminate them? Click HERE for part 2.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for February 4, Part 2
February 6, 2017
Anti-inflammatory diet protects bones; Mediterranean diet increases likelihood of depression recovery; Natural treatments for tinnitus; What to do when saw palmetto doesn't relieve prostate symptoms? Unhealthy gut microbes a cause for hypertension; Venus Williams' new diet sparks a tennis comeback; Can warfarin interfere with thyroid medication? Air pollution linked to Alzheimer's disease. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for November 26, Part 2
November 28, 2016
Catch up on the health stories you may have missed with this encore presentation of the Intelligent Medicine Radio Show, including groundbreaking research into the positive effects of Omega-3 fatty acids and curcumin on anxiety and depression. Click HERE for part 1.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 2
November 16, 2016
Any tips for treating trigeminal neuralgia? Based on the results of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine study on centenarians, should I ask my doctor for prescription metformin? Are there natural therapies post heart surgery in lieu of a statin, blood thinner and blood pressure medication? Is D-mannose effective for preventing and curing urinary tract infections? Any supplement recommendations for my 14-year-old Goddaughter under stress in high school? Click HERE for part 1.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for November 5, Part 1
November 7, 2016
It's gonna be a stressful week: First the return to standard time, then the election. Tempers flare in the cardiac rehab unit; Coping with Seasonal Affective Disorder; If I have aortic valve calcification, should I stop taking calcium? Could stem cells go rogue? How effective is Proscar for an enlarged prostate? Will lighter running shoes deliver better times for NY Marathon contestants? Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Dr. Hoffman’s Summer Potpourri of Health Stories, Part 1
August 30, 2016
A review of the new book “ADHD Nation: Children, Doctors, Big Pharma, and Making of an American Epidemic,” an expose of the unwarranted use and relentless promotion of ADHD drugs for kids; Flaxseed for prostate cancer; Probiotics given to pregnant women reduce their babies' likelihood of developing eczema; Researchers find a metabolic fingerprint for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome—in the gut; When you get lung cancer, living with air pollution can decrease survival; Volunteering yields tangible health benefits in older adults; Electrical stimulation of vagus nerve reduces inflammation of rheumatoid arthritis; Administering DHA after stroke can reduce reperfusion damage; Are NSAIDs for tendonitis and sports injuries counter-productive? Click HERE for part 2.


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