Karolyn Gazella


ENCORE: The Benefits—and Limitations—of Intermittent Fasting, Part 1
July 6, 2022
In recognition of my collaboration on a review article, "Recommending Intermittent Fasting," in the "Natural Medicine Journal" with its publisher, Karolyn Gazella, I invited her on to share our research on the benefits—and limitations—of intermittent fasting, and specifically time restricted feeding (TRF). Reducing your eating window to just 8 or 10 hours a day may aid weight loss, but it does so much more: TRF has been demonstrated to reboot metabolism, provide some of the benefits of a keto diet, promote autophagy and cellular resilience, with disease-fighting and anti-aging potential. We discuss its application to metabolic syndrome and diabetes, cognitive enhancement, as an adjunct to cancer therapy, for cardiovascular prevention, as well as for inflammatory disorders. How best to implement TRF; when TRF might not be suitable; why exercise + TRF might be synergistic. Click HERE for part 2.



ENCORE: The Benefits—and Limitations—of Intermittent Fasting, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with "Natural Medicine Journal" publisher, Karolyn Gazella. Click HERE for part 1.


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