Intelligent Medicine Radio Show


Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for December 19, Part 1
December 21, 2020
A second vaccine is approved—some unanswered questions: Does it really create “GMO humans”? Is it safe? Will it be as effective in seniors as it was in the preliminary trials? Is it worth taking if your risk of dying is minimal? What if you’ve already had COVID-19? Does immunity wear off? Will fake vaccination certificates be the next big thing? Is Bill Gates embedding microchips in vaccine recipients? Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for December 19, Part 2

Drink water to stave off metabolic syndrome; Media parrots fake news about eggs; “Frankenswine” GMO pigs debut; Fish oil supplements don’t raise bad cholesterol; Will “alkaline water” stave off cancer? If your stools float—is that a bad sign? Tomatoes vs. prostate cancer. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for December 12, Part 1
December 14, 2020
The vaccines are coming—a remarkable achievement; But questions remain: Will there be side effects? How effective will they really be? What if you’ve already had Covid? Will there be a “universal mandate”? A caller wants to know if they’ll be ineligible for the vaccine because of the medication they’re on; Is cheese really a super brain food? A healthy body composition in middle age makes it likely you’ll live to 90 and beyond—but over 73% of Americans are now overweight or obese. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for December 12, Part 2

Melatonin is more than just a sleep aid—it may boost memory; How much calcium and vitamin D for seniors? Natural treatments for hand pain; Are there natural alternatives to blood pressure medication? Magnesium is an essential co-factor for vitamin D, and plays an under-appreciated role in immunity; Gum infections hasten metabolic syndrome; Test your heart by timing your stair-climbing; Moms’ intake of fish boosts babies’ cognitive scores. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for December 5, Part 1
December 7, 2020
New research reveals COVID-19 may have been circulating as early as late 2019; What that means for prospects for herd immunity; Exercise may generate antioxidant compound protective against severe COVID-19; Natural chemicals in foods may inhibit a key SARS-Cov-2 enzyme; Can all those disinfectants be unnecessary/harmful? Does the “Copper-Zapper” protect against viruses? Diet soda no better than regular soda for heart health; Even short bouts of exercise boost metabolic health. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for December 5, Part 2

Glucosamine outperforms exercise for longevity benefits; Hyperbaric oxygen shows strong anti-aging effects; Solutions for nighttime bathroom trips; Are supplements with soy-derived ingredients permissible on Whole30 diet? Federal court nixes approval of GMO salmon; Mothers’ lifestyle predicts when offspring will have their first heart attack or stroke; Vitamin D vs. the metabolic syndrome; CBD found not to impair driving. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



ENCORE: Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for November 28, Part 1
November 30, 2020
October surprise: POTUS hospitalized. What does it mean for the campaign? His regimen explained, from Regeneron’s experimental antibody cocktail to Gilead’s Remdesivir to a popular heartburn drug, to nutritional supplements; How daily rapid antibody screening got it wrong at the White House; Should you get the flu shot this year? HVAC systems contribute to coronavirus spread; CBD and memory; Should you take a break from supplements from time to time? Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



ENCORE: Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for November 28, Part 2

Walking to work beats a casual stroll; High glycemic index (GI) proven to hike heart risk; Mexico bans soft drink sales to kids in effort to curb obesity; Natural treatment of acid reflux; Breast implant illness—is it real? Is there a way to avoid hernia surgery? Screen time associated with poor diet, health; Study reveals only one in ten medical treatments backed by solid evidence; What could be causing numbness in fingertips? Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for November 21, Part 1
November 23, 2020
The pandemic surge scuttles Thanksgiving plans; Millions line up for testing with results backlogged; Vaccine breakthroughs—is it too good to be true? The collateral damage of lockdowns; Frontline hospital workers show high rates of exposure—but many remain asymptomatic; Can you get COVID from food? Research shows all those disinfectants don’t stem COVID-19–and are possibly harmful; A new study claims supplement benefits are “all in your head”; NT Factor shown helpful in ameliorating symptoms in patients with bodily pain; Age is no barrier to weight loss; Sinus medicine—is it OK prior to heart surgery? Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for November 21, Part 2

Vaccine FAQs—what we know and what we don’t; Can you blend your vitamins into your smoothie? Do dark stools require medical attention? Iodine deficiency is common in vegans; Too much Omega 6 in the absence of Omega 3 in mothers’ diets during pregnancy may program offspring for cravings, obesity; Medical practices hit hard by COVID-19, majority of docs have seen loss in revenue; Too many antibiotics in children under 2 trigger allergies, autoimmunity, obesity, and behavioral problems. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


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