Heart & Lung Health


Leyla Weighs In: The Benefits of Vitamin D for Autistic Children
July 27, 2018
Cysteine ameliorates allergic inflammatory reactions by suppressing TSLP in human mast cells; Clonal Hematopoiesis and risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease; L-carnitine and vitamin C protects kidneys from cancer treatment; Vitamin K2 may help glycemic control; Landmark trial shows vitamin D helps autistic children.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for July 21, Part 2
July 23, 2018
A cardiologist argues “Carbohydrates are killing us”; What did stone agers really eat? Research reveals high-fat diet, but early adoption of grains; Supplements for pregnancy; Mothers’ microbiome impacts risk for kids’ autism; Does NT Factor combat medication-induced fatigue in patients taking heart drugs? Doctors give patients only 11 seconds to explain reason for visit before interrupting them; Beef jerky and processed meat associated with manic episodes; What vaccination schedule for kids? What’s the role of the amino acid l-threonine? Buy-out regret: owners of small vitamin companies rue their decision to be acquired by big conglomerates; Watching food shows may prompt weight gain. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for July 14, Part 1
July 16, 2018
Doctors not properly trained to offer sound nutritional advice; Take your microbiome to the gym—your metabolism will thank you; Even modest high blood pressure linked to early lesions, dementia, in autopsied brains; What’s the optimal treatment for SIBO? Full-fat dairy exonerated as cause of heart disease, overall risk of death; What to do when your fasting fingerstick blood sugar is 135? Nearly half of Americans currently battling overweight; Can carbs make you drowsy? How to lower elevated hemoglobin A1c; Sleep provides antioxidant benefits. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for July 14, Part 2

SAM-e equals prescription drugs for depression; Coffee is being touted as a health food—but what are the downsides? An orange a day keeps macular degeneration away; Your doctor has tattoos and piercings—would you mind? A caller whose brother still shies away from eggs after a stent—how to convince him they’re OK? Is there a precise formula for how much CoQ10 you should take? Birth control pills disrupt women’s microbiomes, hike risk for Crohn’s Disease; Vitamin D for chronic headaches; New robotic sniffer can detect disease from human breath. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
July 12, 2018
Aged garlic extract modifies inflammation in obese adults; I take Xarelto for atrial fibrillation. Can I take PhytoGuard?; Will my brother's atrial fibrillation go away on its own? Or does he need to take medication forever? Click HERE for part 2.



Leyla Weighs In: What is the best diet to help someone quit smoking?
July 6, 2018
A listener asks: "My sister recently had a severe asthma attack with some pneumonia and is currently taking a lot of medication. Are there any nutrients she can take to mitigate the side effects and improve the function of her lungs?" Plus, what is the best diet to help someone quit smoking?



Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
July 4, 2018
Mediterranean diet proven heart-healthy, then article is retracted. Time to ditch the Mediterranean diet?; A listener asks “Can you shed light on what is making me so tired?” What supplements do you recommend for naturally increasing nitric oxide production?; A listener who had and heart attack and recently developed heart palpitations. Any remedies?; Does strontium misleadingly impact DEXA scores? Click HERE for part 2.



Is Coffee a Superfood? Part 1
June 26, 2018
Dr. Steven Helschien does a deep-dive on the benefits of coffee. Once reviled as bad for the heart, new research is vindicating coffee, and even showing that caffeine delivers cardiac benefits without increasing the risk of hypertension or cardiac arrhythmias. How many servings are optimal? What other substances in coffee are beneficial? What about claims that the acrylamides in coffee can cause cancer? Is it important for coffee to be organic? Coffee also appears to counteract depression and protect the brain from neurodegenerative diseases. It’s also helpful for the liver, combatting fatty liver, gallstones, and liver cancer. There are additional protective effects vs. metabolic syndrome and diabetes. Caffeine is also a proven ergogenic agent for sport, and may facilitate weight loss. Dr. Helschien describes how his quest for the perfect functional food led to the development of antioxidant-rich Purity Coffee. Click HERE for part 2.



Is Coffee a Superfood? Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Steven Helschien about the protective effects of coffee. Click HERE for part 1.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for June 23, Part 2
June 25, 2018
Coffee as the new Functional Food; Low-dose naltrexone for Crohn’s Disease; Does the supplement “RNA” help tremors? Why do people get drowsy after eating—and what can be done about it? Medical gatekeeper says skip ECGs, stress tests for routine heart disease screening; EBT heart scan for predicting coronary risk; Many medications hike risk for depression, suicide. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


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