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The Exercise — Oral Care Connection, Part 2 April 6, 2018 Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Shad Slaughter, Xylitol Expert and Spry Brand Manager at Xlear, Inc. about the importance of oral care as part of an active lifestyle. Click HERE for part 1.
HPV Vaccines: The Risks vs. the Potential Benefits, Part 1 March 29, 2018 "Manufactured Crisis: HPV Hype & Horror"—the title of a new documentary (www.hpvvaxfilm.com) by the Alliance for Natural Health (ANH-USA.org). We talk to the producer Tim Reihm, Communications Director for ANH and Rob Verkerk, Executive and Scientific Director of ANH International. Why is there a need for this documentary? What are some of the side effects of the vaccine? Is it as effective as claimed? Can immunity wane after several decades? Doesn’t casting doubt on the safety and efficacy of the vaccine put the public at risk? Will there be an attempt to censor or suppress this documentary? Are there vested interests promoting the vaccine? Are they active in urging legislators to pass laws requiring compulsory vaccination? Why the visceral reaction to anyone perceived to be an “anti-vaxxer”? What’s are alternatives to the HPV vaccine in terms of cervical CA prevention? Click HERE for part 2.
HPV Vaccines: The Risks vs. the Potential Benefits, Part 2
Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with the producers of "Manufactured Crisis: HPV Hype & Horror," a new documentary by the Alliance for Natural Health. Click HERE for part 1.
CBD (Cannabidiol)—could it be the nutraceutical of the year? Part 1 March 27, 2018 Retired military physician and West Point graduate Philip Blair, MD is an internationally-recognized expert on CBD: What is it? Is it legal? Why are hemp sources of CBD preferred over marijuana-derived CBD? Will it make you high? Uncoordinated? Are there other untoward effects? Addiction or dependency potential? What does research tell us about the endocannabinoid system? Does CBD have the potential to alleviate pain and help curb the opioid epidemic? What can CBD do for anxiety, depression or PTSD? For head injuries? For neurodegenerative disorders? Seizures? As a sleep aid? GI ailments? What’s the basis of its anti-inflammatory effects? Can it address skin disorders and promote healing? Does it enhance athletic performance and speed recovery time? What’s the difference between tinctures, oral capsules, liposomal forms, topical lotions, and vaping solutions? Why is the “entourage effect” important? Can pets benefit from CBD? How do you evaluate the quality of CBD products? Click HERE for part 2. And click HERE for the article, "The Scientific Evidence Proving CBD’s Benefits," for more information.
CBD (Cannabidiol)—could it be the nutraceutical of the year? Part 2
Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with retired military physician and West Point graduate Philip Blair, MD, an internationally-recognized expert on CBD. Click HERE for part 1.
Preventative Cardiology, Part 1 March 20, 2018 Dr. Steve Helfschien is the developer of Level 1 Diagnostics. What’s wrong with the way we diagnose and prevent cardiovascular disease? What role can the Zona Plus play in treating high blood pressure? How does it work? Even if you’re already on blood pressure medication, can you still use it? Are there contraindications to its use? What diagnostic methods can predict heart attack and stroke risk before it’s too late? Heart rate variability? Advanced carotid ultrasound? Endopat? Pulse wave velocity? Dr. Helfschien gives us a sneak peak of his upcoming book on the health value of coffee. Click HERE for part 2.
Preventative Cardiology, Part 2
Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Steven Helschien, developer of Level 1 Diagnostics. Click HERE for part 1.
Natural Support for Lyme Disease, Part 1 March 15, 2018 Darin Ingels, ND, author of "The Lyme Solution," shares his 5-part plan for resolving Chronic Lyme. Why can antibiotics be ineffective and even counter-productive? Why is Chronic Lyme such a controversial diagnosis? What conditions can Lyme Disease mimic? What’s wrong with our current ways of testing for Lyme? What about co-infections? What keeps Chronic Lyme sufferers from getting well? What are some of the herbs, vitamins used in recovery protocols? What does the microbiome have to do with Chronic Lyme? Mold allergies and toxicity? Mitochondrial dysfunction? Sleep disturbances? Click HERE for part 2.
Natural Support for Lyme Disease, Part 2
Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Darin Ingels, ND, author of "The Lyme Solution: A 5-Part Plan to Fight the Inflammatory Auto-Immune Response and Beat Lyme Disease." Click HERE for part 1.
Taking the Hassle Out of Buying Supplements, Part 1 February 27, 2018 Dr. Hoffman is recording live today from the Integrated Healthcare Symposium in New York City. He's speaking with Kyle Bratz, developer, co-founder, and CEO of the Fullscript supplement dispensary. Fullscript's mission is to take the hassle out of integrative medicine by making supplement purchases as easy as filling a prescription. It allows complementary healthcare practitioners to prescribe the exact supplement protocol patients need and have them quickly delivered. Fullscript is now Dr. Hoffman's store and, for a limited time, Dr. Hoffman is offering a special offer to listeners of Intelligent Medicine. Go to DrHoffmanStore.com and you'll receive 10% off all store items, plus free shipping. Click HERE for part 2.