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Toxicity & Pollution, Part 2 April 30, 2019 Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Health Expert and Master Educator, Dr. Ross Pelton, R.Ph, CCN about how the fight for the health of our planet relates to our inner health. Click HERE for part 1.
Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for April 27, Part 1 April 29, 2019 Roundup’s harmful effects can be transmitted across generations to grandchildren, great-grandchildren; A caller is concerned that his high-fat diet has contributed to his high coronary calcium score; Does full-fat dairy promote atherosclerosis? Autophagy—how to promote it with intermittent fasting; School breakfast programs backfire in bid to curb childhood obesity; Late dinner and skipping breakfast a recipe for heart trouble; New fatty liver drug fails test, won’t earn approval; Heart patient in ambulance saved by pothole; Beware of “comfort-food”—high-calorie junk foods’ weight gain effects are amplified by stress; Weight lifting an hour a week may reduce heart attack and stroke risk by 40 to 70 percent. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.
ENCORE: Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for April 13, Part 2 April 15, 2019 Bright lights contribute to insulin resistance, obesity; New rules limiting doctors’ hours don’t improve outcomes, may reduce patient satisfaction; Merck sued over shingles vaccine side effects; Gamma-tocopherol for asthma; Organic foods are good for you and for the environment, but organic standards are being weakened by factory farming; Should overweight patients take higher doses of Kyolic Aged Garlic Extract? Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.
Leyla Weighs In: The Dirty Dozen and Clean 15 April 12, 2019 Environmental Working Group's 2019 list of the Dirty Dozen and Clean 15 for vegetables and fruits.
ENCORE: Sick Building Syndrome, Part 1 April 11, 2019 Alan Bell was a successful prosecuting attorney when he suddenly developed a mystery illness. After consulting numerous specialists, he finally met one who informed him that he had likely been poisoned. His medical odyssey is described in the new book "Poisoned." Bell ultimately discovered that he had developed Sick Building Syndrome after relocation to a new office. The only answer was a lonely sojourn in a chemical-free dwelling in the middle of the Arizona desert. How did Bell move toward recovery? How has his experience led to his environmental activism? Bell details the top ten chemicals to avoid; the 20 lifestyle tips that help prevent and reverse environmental illness. He estimates that millions of Americans, the vast majority unaware, are suffering the consequences of environmental toxicity. The chemical lobby opposes reform and American medicine silently colludes. What can be done to bring about change? Click HERE for part 2.
ENCORE: Sick Building Syndrome, Part 2
Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Alan Bell, author of "Poisoned: How a Crime-Busting Prosecutor Turned His Medical Mystery into a Crusade for Environmental Victims." Click HERE for part 1.
Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for March 23, Part 1 March 25, 2019 Bayer stock slumps as jury finds for plaintiff in Roundup cancer lawsuit; Costco is first of major retailers to pull Roundup weedkiller from shelves; Pros/cons of laparoscopic surgery; Vaginal rejuvenation with lasers; High-fructose corn syrup—comparable to what humans consume in a single soda per day—promotes intestinal cancers in mice; Novel gene therapy promises reversal of blindness; 71 yr old shatters world planking record— but a 57 yr old has him beat by a mile! Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.
Leyla Weighs In: Fruit Juice Contaminants March 22, 2019 Fruit juices, for kids and adults, may include lead and other metals; how to reduce your exposure.
Q&A with Leyla, Part 2: Multiple Chemical Sensitivity March 13, 2019 Is there a natural way to eradicate jock itch without taking drugs like Fluconazole?; Smoking cessation did not lead to IBS but to asthma when I quit smoking in 1977. Smoking cessation can lead to bleeding gums since the oral cavity is an extension to the intestinal tract; What do various coated tongues mean and how do you treat them?; Why are physicians so uninformed about Sjogren's disease? Would hyaluronic acid be helpful for those with Sjogren's?; I have Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and doctor's don't know how to help me! Click HERE for part 1.
ENCORE: Is Your Home Making You Sick? Part 1 March 7, 2019 Is your house making you sick? Caroline Blazovsky is President and founder of My Healthy Home (www.healthyhomeexpert.com). She is a certified mold remediator (CMR), certified indoor environmentalist (CIE), and healthy home specialist (HHS). How does the presence of household mold undermine health? Why do its effects go beyond mere allergy? What new technologies are available to consumers to assess mold hazards? What about household chemicals, animal dander, dust and pesticide residues? How can vestiges of peanut protein in home air trigger health problems? What are some of the main problem areas within the home? What simple measures can homeowners undertake to safeguard against allergies and pollutants? Why is it a good idea to add an environmental assessment to an engineering report when buying a home? Why should doctors and patients consider environmental testing when probing the causes of challenging health problems? What health conditions call for consideration of environmental factors? Click HERE for part 2.