Environmental Health


Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for July 20, Part 1
July 22, 2019
Macular degeneration—what’s diet got to do with it? Impossible Burger developer has a vision: eliminate all meat from human diets; Peter Frampton’s career-ending muscle disorder; 1 in 8 nurses takes meds just to stay awake; The perils of hospital toilets. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for July 6, Part 1
July 8, 2019
Why people don’t lose weight when they exercise; Is strontium helpful for hip arthritis? Overcoming fibromyalgia; Pesticides and gut bacteria linked to depression; Adding UV light to henhouses boosts vitamin D in eggs; Eat nuts—get sexier? Austria becomes first nation to ban Round-Up over cancer risk. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for June 29, Part 2
July 1, 2019
Is DEET safe for bug bite protection? Stem cells show promise for baldness cure; Celiac Disease vaccine strikes out; Binge-watching your favorite TV series may undermine your health; Nearly half of honey found adulterated with cheap sugar syrups; High LDL cholesterol associated with longevity in +60s; Chinese diet responsible for millions of deaths annually; 30 year study shows lifestyle modification reverses diabetes, extends longevity in insulin-resistant subjects; Americans ignore warnings, continue to consume processed meats; Patients with fibromyalgia have distinct pattern of gut bacteria; The over-the-counter supplement that may be a treatment for schizophrenia. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for June 1, Part 1
June 3, 2019
The latest coffee study tells us that drinking more than 6 cups per day is bad for you; The numerous ways Berberine supports cardiovascular health; Eat like a caveman to avoid cavities; Sulforaphane vs. schizophrenia; Osteoporosis may be a mitochondrial disease; Air pollution may promote behavioral problems in children carrying Alzheimer's risk gene; Glucosamine’s unforeseen benefits for cardiovascular disease prevention; Topical vitamin C for reducing post-surgical scars; Having kids doesn’t age you—it may rejuvenate your telomeres. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 1: Monsanto Lawsuits
May 22, 2019
The latest in Monsanto lawsuits; Could you recommend any supplements for our 10-year-old golden doodle with preclinical mitral valve disease? Click HERE for part 2.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 1: Breatharianism
May 8, 2019
The makers of RoundUp being hit with more and more lawsuits.; My male friend has HPV and his doctor is suggesting he get the HPV vaccine. How can this help if he already has the virus?; Are you thinking about becoming a Breatharian? Could Breatharianism actually work? Click HERE for part 2.



Toxicity & Pollution, Part 1
April 30, 2019
How does the fight for the health of our planet relate to our inner health? How do pollution & pesticides specifically ruin our health and that of our planet? How do we detoxify our outer world and detoxify and protect our inner world? Health Expert and Master Educator, Dr. Ross Pelton, R.Ph, CCN reveals the importance of our body's master antioxidant, Glutathione, in this battle. Click HERE for part 2.



Toxicity & Pollution, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Health Expert and Master Educator, Dr. Ross Pelton, R.Ph, CCN about how the fight for the health of our planet relates to our inner health. Click HERE for part 1.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for April 27, Part 1
April 29, 2019
Roundup’s harmful effects can be transmitted across generations to grandchildren, great-grandchildren; A caller is concerned that his high-fat diet has contributed to his high coronary calcium score; Does full-fat dairy promote atherosclerosis? Autophagy—how to promote it with intermittent fasting; School breakfast programs backfire in bid to curb childhood obesity; Late dinner and skipping breakfast a recipe for heart trouble; New fatty liver drug fails test, won’t earn approval; Heart patient in ambulance saved by pothole; Beware of “comfort-food”—high-calorie junk foods’ weight gain effects are amplified by stress; Weight lifting an hour a week may reduce heart attack and stroke risk by 40 to 70 percent. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



ENCORE: Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for April 13, Part 2
April 15, 2019
Bright lights contribute to insulin resistance, obesity; New rules limiting doctors’ hours don’t improve outcomes, may reduce patient satisfaction; Merck sued over shingles vaccine side effects; Gamma-tocopherol for asthma; Organic foods are good for you and for the environment, but organic standards are being weakened by factory farming; Should overweight patients take higher doses of Kyolic Aged Garlic Extract? Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


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