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Q&A with Leyla, Part 2: Loss of Taste and Smell
July 13, 2022
I'm highly allergic with multiple chemical sensitivities. Would you be able to help me?; Save Our Supplements: Critique of a response from a congressperson; My daughter lost her sense of smell and taste after getting covid last week. Any help to alleviate this?; I've been having intermittent leg pain and am taking fish oil and nattokinase. Should I be concerned about too thin blood?; Must I take antibiotics for dental cleanings from now on since my partial hip replacement? Click HERE for part 1.


Intelligent Medicine Radio for July 9, Part 1: Natural Help for Migraines
July 11, 2022
Covid surges as vaccination protection wanes, virus mutates to evade antivirals; The debate over vaccines for toddlers; Only 7% of adults have good cardio metabolic health; When you eat has an impact on your gut health; Delays in availability of monkeypox vaccines undermines confidence in public health response; Natural help for migraines. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


Intelligent Medicine Radio for July 9, Part 2: Health Effects of Avocados

Is Fisetin the new anti-aging miracle supplement? Avoid these mitotoxins to preserve mitochondrial energy production; What forms of magnesium are least likely to cause diarrhea? Weekend warriors may derive benefits comparable to regular exercisers; New study demonstrates health effects of avocados; Vitamin D during pregnancy reduces babies’ eczema risk; L-arginine for erectile dysfunction; Autism has surged 50% in three years; Keto diet for schizophrenia. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


Leyla Weighs In: Weight Loss Strategies
July 8, 2022
Many are struggling with weight loss strategies; The importance of personalized nutrition in weight loss.


Q&A with Leyla, Part 1: Liver Spots
July 7, 2022
Study: More people are overweight and overtly obese; What impact does olive leaf extract have on bone health? Can long-term use cause antibiotic resistance?; Is organic expeller pressed canola oil bad for me?; My 47-year-old husband has liver spots. Should we be concerned for his liver function? Click HERE for part 2.


Q&A with Leyla, Part 2: Atrial Fibrillation

I'm taking warfarin for atrial fibrillation. Can I take Kyolic aged garlic extract?; Can you discuss the amount of ionizing radiation patients are subject to with calcium scoring tests? Are there alternatives?; I have a Complement C4a test that is very high. What is the significance of this result?; What is the significance of a Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone test in the normal range? Click HERE for part 1.


ENCORE: The Benefits—and Limitations—of Intermittent Fasting, Part 1
July 6, 2022
In recognition of my collaboration on a review article, "Recommending Intermittent Fasting," in the "Natural Medicine Journal" with its publisher, Karolyn Gazella, I invited her on to share our research on the benefits—and limitations—of intermittent fasting, and specifically time restricted feeding (TRF). Reducing your eating window to just 8 or 10 hours a day may aid weight loss, but it does so much more: TRF has been demonstrated to reboot metabolism, provide some of the benefits of a keto diet, promote autophagy and cellular resilience, with disease-fighting and anti-aging potential. We discuss its application to metabolic syndrome and diabetes, cognitive enhancement, as an adjunct to cancer therapy, for cardiovascular prevention, as well as for inflammatory disorders. How best to implement TRF; when TRF might not be suitable; why exercise + TRF might be synergistic. Click HERE for part 2.


ENCORE: The Benefits—and Limitations—of Intermittent Fasting, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with "Natural Medicine Journal" publisher, Karolyn Gazella. Click HERE for part 1.


ENCORE: Conflicts of Interest in Cancer Treatment, Part 1
July 5, 2022
Ralph Moss, Ph.D. writes the Moss Reports, custom guides for cancer patients to help them navigate alternatives. His new book, "Cancer Incorporated," is a critique of the excesses of the cancer research and treatment industry. Moss decries the conflicts of interest in cancer treatment, often amounting to outright kickbacks. He claims the criteria for approval of new and expensive drugs, touted as “game-changers”, are vague and misleading; their benefits are often exaggerated and their downsides minimized. All this is fueled by rampant profiteering, at the cost of patients’ well-being. Natural solutions are sidelined because of being unprofitable. Patients strive to get into clinical trials of promising drugs, but sometimes at their peril. Moss hails advances in precision immunotherapy, but believes their promise is over-hyped. He shares his own experience in dealing with cancer, which ultimately led him to embrace a conventional, but little-used, approach to minimize side effects. Click HERE for part 2.


ENCORE: Conflicts of Interest in Cancer Treatment, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Ralph Moss, Ph.D. who writes the "Moss Reports," custom guides for cancer patients to help them navigate alternatives. Click HERE for part 1.

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