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Healthcare Freedom, Part 2
July 24, 2014
Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Tim Reihm about some of the pressing issues on the natural healthcare front.


Clinical Focus: Cholesterol Lowering Supplements, Part 1
July 23, 2014
Does high cholesterol always need to be treated? Sometimes it's best to do nothing. Find out how to determine if you need to lower your cholesterol and what the best strategies are to do so.


Clinical Focus: Cholesterol Lowering Supplements, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his discussion of cholesterol. Does high cholesterol always need to be treated? Sometimes it's best to do nothing. Find out how to determine if you need to lower your cholesterol and what the best strategies are to do so.


The Obesity Paradox, Part 1
July 22, 2014
The Obesity Paradox: when heavier means healthier and thinner means sicker; Dr. Hoffman interviews Dr. Chip Lavie, author of a controversial book that posits that sometimes those excess pounds may be not really all that bad. Is there also an "exercise paradox"? A "cholesterol paradox"? A "blood pressure paradox"? Can svelte be dangerous, especially for seniors? Is this new-think merely an excuse for doctors and patients to give up on healthy diet and physical activity? How can you tell if those extra pounds are OK, or do they pose a threat to you?


The Obesity Paradox, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his discussion with Dr. Chip Lavie, author of a controversial book that posits that sometimes those excess pounds may be not really all that bad.


Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for July 19, Part 1
July 21, 2014
Meet the 3rd year medical student who wants to take down Dr. Oz; why do New Yorkers live longer than most other Americans? 105 year-old woman becomes oldest person to throw out first pitch in MLB game--but a newly-discovered 126 year old Brazilian man makes her look like a spring chicken! GMO-free supplements--what are some of the challenges? Fish oil vs. ALS; cinnamon vs. Parkinson's; fasting before lipid panel called unnecessary. Click here for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for July 19, Part 2

The niacin controversy--is niacin dead and buried as a cholesterol-lowering supplement after a widely-publicized study questions its safety and effectiveness? Organic foods--a new study confirms they are safer and healthier than conventional produce--this after recent studies questioning its benefits. Why the sudden about-face? Click here for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
July 18, 2014
Dr. Hoffman and Hoffman Center Nutritionist Leyla Muedin answer your questions. Today's topics include organic vs. conventional foods; diet/lifestyle to preserve telomere length; melatonin dangerous for Hashimoto’s? Submit your questions for future podcast episodes at


Q&A with Leyla, Part 2

Cod liver oil: Fermented? For Parkinson’s? Drinking fluid while eating. Good books for natural/conventional medicine. Fish oil: enteric-coated vs not


Diet to Starve Cancer, Part 1
July 17, 2014
Is Dr. Thomas Seyfried’s widely-embraced ketogenic diet the way to “starve” cancer or just a passing fad? Nutritionally-oriented cancer specialist Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez weighs in with a critique of the current push to put ALL cancer patients on an ultra low-carb diet replete with animal protein and saturated fat. Is the "answer to cancer” a plant-based vegetarian diet? Learn how Dr. Gonzalez has achieved remarkable success treating challenging cancers using the Kelly Method’s way of tailoring diet to different types of malignancy, by cancer type and individual requirements. And for more, check out the Natural Health 365 web site.

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