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Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
December 4, 2014
How long should I remain on my anti-anxiety supplements? How to treat kidney stones? Does Rhodiola work like an MAO inhibitor? Click HERE for part 2.


Q&A with Leyla, Part 2

How do I find a legitimate integrative medicine doctor? Is Ostinol enough to help osteoporosis? I’m taking Arimidex: How can I protect my bone health? Do I have Chikungunya? How to treat chronic sinusitis. Click HERE for part 1.


Food as Medicine, Part 1
December 3, 2014
Food as medicine: a conventionally-trained MD takes this proposition to its logical conclusion—he’s a physician farmer! Dr. Ronald Weiss is realizing a lifelong vision of how to make people healthy—by starting a model 348 acre farm in Long Valley, New Jersey. Ethos Health, a community-based agricultural project, is the culmination of his dream. There, patients raise their own food and learn about healthier lifestyles to combat illness. Dr. Weiss describes his father’s remarkable response to a natural, plant-based diet, which enabled him to beat the odds with pancreatic cancer; this became the inspiration for Dr. Weiss’s campaign to change the medical paradigm from drug-based to food-based. Why not GMOs or conventional produce? Dr. Weiss details the reasons why natural, organic produce trumps plant foods raised on synthetic fertilizers with chemical pesticides. Click HERE for part 2.


Food as Medicine, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Ronald Weiss about his campaign to change the medical paradigm from drug-based to food-based. Click HERE for part 1.


Hair Loss Solutions with Spencer Kobren, Part 1
December 2, 2014
Everything you ever wanted to know about hair loss solutions with Spencer Kobren, host of The Bald Truth: Why is hair loss so devastating to men and women? What are some of the causes? Is it genetically-programmed? Is stress a factor? How effective are vitamins and herbs at reversing hair loss? What are the latest advances in hair transplants? How do you know if your cosmetic surgeon is qualified to perform the most effective techniques? What about Minoxidil? Propecia and Avodart? Saw palmetto, pygeum and nettles? Low level lasers? Platelet rich plasma? Stem cells? What are biggest scams to avoid in the hair restoration field? Click HERE for part 2.


Hair Loss Solutions with Spencer Kobren, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Spencer Kobren about issues relating to hair loss. Click HERE for part 1.


Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for November 29, Part 1
December 1, 2014
Dietary fiber cuts death rate by 41%—but is it the fiber, or is it the fresh fruits, vegetables and grains that happen to be fiber-rich? “The Excrement Experiment”—stool “banks” are the new thing in medicine; Do nutritional supplements help ravers “roll safe” when partying with Ecstasy? Congratulations to Canadians, your wait times for surgery and for seeing specialists are now down to only a few months! A new, medical perspective on comedian Robin Williams' tragic death. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for November 29, Part 2

Holiday weight gain—what are the real stats? Just in time for Christmas—“Normal Barbie:” 5’4” 165, cellulite, stretch marks, acne, tattoos extra; How gratitude can improve your health; New study shows long-term testosterone replacement for men DOES NOT increase risk of prostate cancer; Elderly, terminal cancer patients often receive unnecessary statins, which quadruple their risk of bodily aches and pains! Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
November 26, 2014
Latest celebrity gossip: Bill Clinton and Anne Hathaway ditch veganism, go Paleo/Lo-Carb! Why are liposomal vitamins all the rage? The flu shot: To get it, or not to get it? Click HERE for part 2.


Q&A with Leyla, Part 2

Boron: Does it boost hormones? Could that be a problem for those at risk for reproductive cancers? Or is it just bone and mineral-enhancing? Indole-3-carbinol (I3C) vs. di-indole methane (DIM). Nutritional help for Paget’s disease? Click HERE for part 1.

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