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Preventing Medication Related Errors with Dr. Hedva Barenholtz Levy, Part 1
December 5, 2023
We have a medication problem in America. It's marked not only by excessive use of medications, but by errors in how they are prescribed, monitored, and taken. Hedva Barenholtz Levy, PharmD, author of “Maybe It's Your Medications: How to Avoid Unnecessary Drug Therapy and Adverse Drug Reactions” provides insight, tips, and strategies to empower you not only to be more mindful about medication use, but to be prepared and more engaged with your drug therapy to improve medication safety. Click HERE for part 2.


Preventing Medication Related Errors with Dr. Hedva Barenholtz Levy, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Hedva Barenholtz Levy, PharmD, author of “Maybe It's Your Medications: How to Avoid Unnecessary Drug Therapy and Adverse Drug Reactions.” Click HERE for part 1.


Intelligent Medicine Radio for December 2, Part 1: Cataract Surgery
December 4, 2023
New twin study proves vegans healthier than omnivores—REALLY?? Flurry of pediatric respiratory infections reprises pandemic fears—but have lockdowns and masking undermined kids’ immune systems? Are there supplements that can reverse arterial plaque? Laser vs. conventional cataract surgery; Ear acupuncture, omega-3s for depression. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


Intelligent Medicine Radio for December 2, Part 2: Do SSRI anti-depressants cause dementia?

Soccer heading found to promote brain damage, decline in memory; Texas AG sues Pfizer over “fraudulent” Covid vaccine claims; Treatments for toenail fungus; Do SSRI anti-depressants cause dementia? PEA vs. CBD for pain, anxiety; Tomato consumption curbs hypertension; Brain implants enable communication from thoughts alone; Flexible work hours can slow heart aging; Why certain blood types are less susceptible to Covid; New initiative targets 9 million Americans who still get their water from lead pipes; BONUS: Popular weight loss drugs curb alcohol cravings. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


Leyla Weighs In: Your Supplement Questions
December 1, 2023
Nutritionist Leyla Muedin answers listener supplement questions. Which supplements should be taken with food and which should be taken on an empty stomach; how to determine dosages; how to tailor a supplement regimen to your specific needs; and more.


Forestalling Cognitive Decline with Dr. Richard Restak, Part 1
November 30, 2023
Forestalling cognitive decline with Dr. Richard Restak, author of "How to Prevent Dementia: Understanding and Managing Cognitive Decline." Is cognitive decline inevitable? What are the different types? Does having mild memory problems always portend dementia? What are some lifestyle factors that can prevent memory loss? Diet? Exercise? Stress reduction? Sleep? Brain-training? What about alcohol? Coffee and tea? Is getting an Alzheimer’s gene test for ApoE4 a good idea? How is Alzheimer’s diagnosed? What about the new pricey drugs that have just been introduced? Click HERE for part 2.


Forestalling Cognitive Decline with Dr. Richard Restak, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Richard Restak, author of "How to Prevent Dementia: Understanding and Managing Cognitive Decline." Click HERE for part 1.


Q&A with Leyla, Part 1: Thanksgiving and Overindulgence
November 29, 2023
Thanksgiving and overindulgence; A food poisoning incident; Observations on health at Thanksgiving; What do you think of online sites offering prescriptions for hair loss via a questionnaire? Click HERE for part 2.


Q&A with Leyla, Part 2: Menstrual Cramps

My grand daughter suffers from menstrual cramps. Do you have any suggestions?; Do you recommend nicotinamide daily to prevent recurrence of basal cell cancers?; What works best to lower fibrinogen?; I've been on Ozempic for a year and have diarrhea every morning!; Is bypass surgery still being done?; Would you recommend Bergamot for fatty liver? Click HERE for part 1.


Non Surgical Solutions for Common Orthopedic Problems, Part 1
November 28, 2023
Everything you wanted to know about sports medicine and orthopedics, from injuries in teen athletes to joint replacements for seniors. Dr. Alan Reznik, author of "The Knee and Shoulder Handbook: The Keys to a Pain-Free and Active Life," shares his take on common orthopedic problems. What causes them? When joint replacement makes sense; Perils of reliance on MRIs alone; Platelet-rich plasma vs. stem cells; When knee pain is really about the hip; How to avoid an unnecessary surgery; Will Aaron Rogers play next season after his Achilles rupture? Click HERE for part 2.

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