Food Sensitivity
Ask Leyla: Is soy bad for me?
By Leyla Muedin MS, RD, CDN
Q: I read various health newsletters, books, and websites on nutritional advice, and I’d like your opinion on a topic I came across recently. It was one of those click-bait videos whose tagline was: “Which health food you should be…read more
Categories: Food Sensitivity
14 times I’ve been ahead of the curve
By Dr. Ronald Hoffman
Looking back over a 40-year career in medicine, I frequently departed from the orthodoxy to embrace therapies and paradigms considered controversial, even downright heretical. I’m proud to say that many have gone mainstream and have become validated by research. Once…read more
Categories: Food Sensitivity
Ask Leyla: How can I reintroduce foods after a period of hypoallergenic diet?
By Leyla Muedin MS, RD, CDN
Q: I’ve eliminated my food allergy foods for a period of six months on the advice of my practitioner. What happens now? Will I ever be able to eat those foods again? A: Unlike immediate IGE-mediated food allergies, IGG foods…read more
Categories: Food Sensitivity
The peanut controversy
By Dr. Ronald Hoffman
“Dr. Hoffman, do you still eat peanuts?” That was a listener question recently on my Intelligent Medicine radio program. Sure, I eat peanuts, but rarely now. There’s nothing like working your way through a bag of ballpark peanuts during a…read more
Categories: Food Sensitivity
A new way food allergies can kill you
By Dr. Ronald Hoffman
It was an evening flight from Las Vegas to New York City. Thirty years ago, I was returning from an integrative medicine conference, feeling exhausted and coming down with a cold. Suddenly the announcement came: “If there’s a physician on…read more
Categories: Food Sensitivity
Ask Leyla: Do I have to give up eating eggs?
By Leyla Muedin MS, RD, CDN
Q: I have a problem with eating eggs lately. After eating them hard-boiled, scrambled, or as an omelet, I’m fine until the next meal a few hours later. Then I get abdominal pain and need to use the restroom. It…read more
Categories: Food Sensitivity
Ask Leyla: Could poor diet be causing ADHD?
By Leyla Muedin MS, RD, CDN
Q: My girlfriend eats fast-food at least once a day. Her daughter has been raised with no vegetables, no fruit, packaged chicken nuggets, and tons of soda for the most part since age two. Now 12 years old, she is about…read more
Categories: Food Sensitivity
Ask Leyla: Why do I feel sick if I don’t eat every few hours?
By Leyla Muedin MS, RD, CDN
Q: I have adult female friends who are somewhat overweight who say if they don’t eat every three hours they feel nauseous and sick. The foods they eat are not from healthy sources. Is their nausea a withdrawal symptom or a…read more
Categories: Food Sensitivity
Ask Leyla: Can certain foods trigger herpes outbreaks?
By Leyla Muedin MS, RD, CDN
Q: I suffer from cold sores, and I’ve heard that certain foods can be a trigger for outbreaks—including nuts. I eat nuts daily as a snack; should I be avoiding them to prevent herpes outbreaks? A: The herpes virus can reactivate…read more
Categories: Food Sensitivity
Though we think of declining estrogen as the hallmark of menopause, it's actually common for…
Up to 12 percent of Americans have ulcers at some point in life. Peptic ulcers…
Gallbladder disease is a modern illness. An estimated 20 million Americans have gallbladder disease. The…
‘Tis the season! As the pace of work and school slows and the freneticism of…
Q: I’ve been using a CGM (Continuous Glucose Monitor) and notice my readings differ from…
For the last two issues, I’ve been sharing my thoughts on the latest picks for…
Leyla Weighs In: The Surprising Benefits of Good Cholesterol for Brain Health
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