The biggest health stories of 2024: The year in review
By Dr. Ronald Hoffman
January 8—EPA enacts partial ban on PFAS chemicals: “Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized a rule that prevents companies from starting or resuming the manufacture or processing of 329 per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) that have not been…read more
Categories: FDA
What to make of Trump’s other health picks (part two)
By Dr. Ronald Hoffman
For the last two issues, I’ve been sharing my thoughts on the latest picks for the next administration’s key health leadership positions. This week, I’m finishing my review with a few more notable names. Without further ado… Former Florida Rep….read more
Categories: FDA
Politics heats up summer ‘24–and I’m not talking the Presidential race!
By Dr. Ronald Hoffman
Chevron reversal and the natural products industry: On June 28, the Supreme Court issued a momentous decision in Loper Bright Enterprises vs. Raimundo to reverse the 40-year-old Chevron opinion, which empowered administrative agencies to develop and draft regulations in what…read more
Categories: FDA
Your supplement choices—going, going, gone!
By Alliance for Natural Health
This week I’m sharing this crucial Action Alert from the Alliance for Natural Health. I became a board member of ANH 20 years ago because it mirrored my personal commitment to preserving access to natural health choices. I now serve as…read more
Categories: FDA
The five health battles we need to fight next
By Dr. Ronald Hoffman
In a previous newsletter, I celebrated five victories that suggest the tide is finally turning—marketers of chemical-laden junk food are bowing to consumer demands, and even the Federal government is scaling back on its fluoridation mandates. These victories are significant, and…read more
Categories: FDA
Leyla Weighs In: Reduce Food Waste
By Leyla Muedin MS, RD, CDN
According to the USDA Office of The Chief Economist, in 2010 “31 percent of food loss at the retail and consumer levels corresponded to approximately 133 billion pounds and $161 billion worth of food.” As a result, the USDA, EPA,…read more
Categories: FDA
Pushing back on the supplement alarmists
By Dr. Ronald Hoffman
The release of a new study has prompted yet another frontal assault on supplements. Last week, the U.S. public was regaled with headlines like: “Dietary Supplements Send 23K to ERs in U.S., Study Says” “Unregulated Supplements Send Thousands to Hospital…read more
Categories: FDA
16 reasons to go nuts for nuts
By Dr. Ronald Hoffman
A recent article in the New England Journal of Medicine underscores the health benefits of nuts (“Association of Nut Consumption with Total and Cause-Specific Mortality”). Researchers followed over a hundred thousand men and women over a period of several decades…read more
Categories: FDA
Though we think of declining estrogen as the hallmark of menopause, it's actually common for…
Up to 12 percent of Americans have ulcers at some point in life. Peptic ulcers…
Gallbladder disease is a modern illness. An estimated 20 million Americans have gallbladder disease. The…
‘Tis the season! As the pace of work and school slows and the freneticism of…
Q: I’ve been using a CGM (Continuous Glucose Monitor) and notice my readings differ from…
For the last two issues, I’ve been sharing my thoughts on the latest picks for…
Vaccine Injuries: Exploring Vaccine Side Effects and Survivors, Part 1
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