

Taking the Hassle Out of Buying Supplements, Part 1
February 27, 2018
Dr. Hoffman is recording live today from the Integrated Healthcare Symposium in New York City. He's speaking with Kyle Bratz, developer, co-founder, and CEO of the Fullscript supplement dispensary. Fullscript's mission is to take the hassle out of integrative medicine by making supplement purchases as easy as filling a prescription. It allows complementary healthcare practitioners to prescribe the exact supplement protocol patients need and have them quickly delivered. Fullscript is now Dr. Hoffman's store and, for a limited time, Dr. Hoffman is offering a special offer to listeners of Intelligent Medicine. Go to and you'll receive 10% off all store items, plus free shipping. Click HERE for part 2.



Taking the Hassle Out of Buying Supplements, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Kyle Bratz, developer, co-founder, and CEO of the Fullscript online supplement dispensary. Click HERE for part 1.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
February 21, 2018
Benefits of the Longevity Diet. Have you heard about the use of mustard seed powder with sulforaphane? It can increase it's bioavailability significantly. I'm confused about the different forms of vitamin K, can you clarify? I heard that magnesium counteracts certain other supplements, is this true? Which form of magnesium can help both anxiety and muscle tension and aches? Click HERE for part 2.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
February 14, 2018
Sugary shakes administered to patients in hospitals are NOT good medicine. How do I reconcile keeping my blood sugar stable with frequent small meals during the day with the intermittent fasting you recommend? I take three kinds of magnesium for various issues but I recently got leg cramps while exercising, how can that happen when I take so much magnesium? My 88-year-old mother had to go to the ER twice due to spikes in her systolic blood pressure, why did this happen if she's otherwise very healthy? Click HERE for part 2.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 2

I got the flu seven weeks ago but the cough and fatigue have not subsided despite taking AHCC, vitamin C and using a neti pot. If I have mild plaque according to an ultrasound, is it imperative to go on a statin? I am perplexed by the issue of probiotics vs. prebiotics, do you need both -- why? My 85-year-old father has stage 3 kidney disease, how much magnesium can he safely take? Click HERE for part 1.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
February 7, 2018
Vitamin D slashes cardiovascular risk. Will cheaper, innovative, efficient healthcare tank the stock market? I took Cipro for many years for UTIs and have tendon ruptures, is there any way of resolving this side effect? My 56-year-old girlfriend has arthritis in her hands, what are the best supplements to take? What is the best diet to follow if you have coronary artery plaque -- are cheese and coconut oil really ok? Click HERE for part 2.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 2

I'm a 72-year-old male recently diagnosed with diverticulitis, what can I do to minimize my chances of recurrence? My wife is 12 weeks pregnant and found to have very high levels of B12 which are claimed by some to be associated with autism, should she stop taking her multi? My 40-year-old daughter-in-law needs to have gallbladder surgery, what protocols do you recommend so she can heal faster afterward? Click HERE for part 1.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
January 31, 2018
High-fat diet may fuel spread of prostate cancer--but which types of fats? Another resource for treating blepharitis. Can you speak about supplements or herbs that should be avoided by those with high blood pressure? The prep for colonoscopy causes disruption of the microbiome, can it ever recover fully after the procedure? I have more energy on a B complex supplement than on the methylated versions of B12 and folate alone, why is that? Click HERE for part 2.



Leyla Weighs In
January 26, 2018
Nutritionist Leyla Muedin answers these listener questions: My 80-year-old sister had a mini-stroke and can't swallow large pills, what liquid multi-vitamin would you recommend?; I was taking Kyolic because I have a family history of heart disease but started taking AlliMax for my IBS, should I stop taking Kyolic now?; Since June 2017 I've used turmeric, since then my HgbA1c has gone down and I've lost 50 lbs while watching my diet and walking too -- is this a usual outcome for taking turmeric?



Empower Yourself to be Healthier and Look Your Best, Part 1
January 25, 2018
Kat James, the award-winning author of “The Truth About Beauty” and a renowned “beauty from within” transformation expert, shares her message of empowerment and some of her successful strategies for a healthy new you in 2018. Hear why good gut health is an important foundation for your overall health & beauty. What should people look for in a probiotic? Do probiotics help with skincare? Can probiotics also help even hormonal health? Your skin possesses its own microbiome, so harsh soaps and antibacterial cleansers deplete it and set the stage for acne and inflammation. Why generating glutathione internally with Reg’ Activ might be preferable to applying glutathione topically in expensive skin creams as a way of rejuvenating skin. Click HERE for part 2.


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