

Q&A with Leyla, Part 2
August 1, 2018
Is Lithium Orotate actually beneficial for the brain? Is there any research indicating that flaxseed either inhibits or enhances thyroid function? "I've been taking fish oil for several years. Do I need to stop?" "Can my son ever recover from the side effects of taking Propecia for hair loss?" Click HERE for part 1.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for July 28, Part 1
July 30, 2018
Vitamins don't work? How about folic acid promoting healthy brain volume in kids? And fish oil reducing disruptive behavior in adolescents? How to heal from a spinal compression fracture; Retinopathy due to diabetes; Fibroadenoma of the breast--is it cancer? How to gain weight on a low-carb diet; Curcumin eye drops for glaucoma; Your SPF 50 sunscreen may deliver only SPF 20 protection. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for July 28, Part 2

Wound healing with maggots; Salt consumption depletes healthy intestinal bacteria that protect against hypertension--probiotics shield against sodium-induced BP spikes; Healthy diet lowers cancer risk by 1/3--alcohol is a cancer promoter; Dietary polyphenols halve risk of cognitive decline; Resveratrol matches calorie restriction for anti-aging; Mobile phones affect memory in adolescents; Could arginine in a supplement cause herpes recurrence? NT Factor improves fibromyalgia symptoms in new study; New documentary ("The Bleeding Edge") highlights risks of implantable medical devices. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Leyla Weighs In: The Benefits of Vitamin D for Autistic Children
July 27, 2018
Cysteine ameliorates allergic inflammatory reactions by suppressing TSLP in human mast cells; Clonal Hematopoiesis and risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease; L-carnitine and vitamin C protects kidneys from cancer treatment; Vitamin K2 may help glycemic control; Landmark trial shows vitamin D helps autistic children.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
July 25, 2018
"Fat Consumption is the Only Cause of Weight Gain"—Really?? Are there any benefits to using fermented turmeric? "I'm going to South India soon. Should I get vaccinations? Which ones?; "My mother washes her hands excessively, could you discuss OCD?" Click HERE for part 2.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for July 21, Part 2
July 23, 2018
A cardiologist argues “Carbohydrates are killing us”; What did stone agers really eat? Research reveals high-fat diet, but early adoption of grains; Supplements for pregnancy; Mothers’ microbiome impacts risk for kids’ autism; Does NT Factor combat medication-induced fatigue in patients taking heart drugs? Doctors give patients only 11 seconds to explain reason for visit before interrupting them; Beef jerky and processed meat associated with manic episodes; What vaccination schedule for kids? What’s the role of the amino acid l-threonine? Buy-out regret: owners of small vitamin companies rue their decision to be acquired by big conglomerates; Watching food shows may prompt weight gain. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



ENCORE: The Cannabis Cure, Part 1
July 19, 2018
The Cannabis Cure, a book by herbal expert Dr. Cass Ingram, is the subject of today’s podcast. It’s not about getting high, according to Dr. Ingram. Cannabis was first recorded as an herbal remedy in the writings of the Chinese emperor Shen Neng around 2,000 B.C. Today, researchers have been able to optimize its healing effects. Conditions found to be responsive to cannabinoid therapy include headaches and migraines, pain syndromes, glaucoma, insomnia, anxiety, fibromyalgia and delayed onset muscle soreness, colitis and Crohn’s, seizure disorders and neurodegenerative conditions like Parkinson’s Disease and MS. Dr.Ingram favors an herbal formula called “Hempinol” as an over-the-counter alternative to purified cannabidiol (CBD) extracts which may be too strong and are of questionable legality. Hemp oil can be taken sublingually or applied topically. How does it work? What is the “endocannabinoid” system? Does hemp oil make you drowsy, uncoordinated or stoned? Click HERE for part 2.



ENCORE: The Cannabis Cure, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with herbal expert Dr. Cass Ingram about the benefits of cannabinoid therapy. Click HERE for part 1.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
July 18, 2018
Critique of "The Omega Principle," a new book that knocks fish oils supplements. "I gained weight during my cancer treatment but I wonder if Wellbutrin isn't to blame?" "What is your take on the alleged connection between ED drugs like Viagra and melanoma?" Click HERE for part 2.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for July 14, Part 2
July 16, 2018
SAM-e equals prescription drugs for depression; Coffee is being touted as a health food—but what are the downsides? An orange a day keeps macular degeneration away; Your doctor has tattoos and piercings—would you mind? A caller whose brother still shies away from eggs after a stent—how to convince him they’re OK? Is there a precise formula for how much CoQ10 you should take? Birth control pills disrupt women’s microbiomes, hike risk for Crohn’s Disease; Vitamin D for chronic headaches; New robotic sniffer can detect disease from human breath. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


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