

Medical and Nutritional Update for October, Part 2
October 17, 2016
Supplementing moms with DHA reduces kids’ likelihood of ADHD; Is red meat really bad for you? Are substance abusers more likely to crave sugar? Can taking vitamin D help you shed pounds? Click HERE for part 1.



Part 2: Price Fixing in the Vitamin Industry
October 13, 2016
Price-fixing among vitamin manufacturers: Are supplement consumers getting gouged by international cartels? In a blast from the past, Dr. Hoffman interviews a former college roommate, Jon Jacobson, who is now a partner at Wilson, Sonsini, Goodrich and Rosati, a prestigious NY law firm specializing in antitrust litigation. Jon dishes on the history of price-fixing within the vitamin industry and its implications for the consumer. Is this case headed for the Supreme Court? Click HERE for part 1.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 2
October 5, 2016
What’s the best diet for IBS, FODMAPS or Specific Carbohydrate Diet? How can I lower my fasting glucose? I eat salmon or sardines four days a week, do I still need a fish oil supplement? How can I efficiently lower my LDL cholesterol? Click HERE for part 1.



ENCORE: The Folic Acid Controversy, Part 1
October 4, 2016
Is old-fashioned folic acid obsolete? Are newer forms like 5MTHF and folinic acid worth the premium price tag? Are all forms of MTHF equally efficacious? What to look for in an MTHF supplement? Why all the buzz over “methylation”? What role does genetic testing for MTHFR defects play in determining the need for premium forms of folate? Is the FDA out to restrict the supplement industry to just folic acid? What conditions can folate treat? Where does homocysteine fit in to the picture? What companion nutrients should be taken with folate? Click HERE for part 2.



ENCORE: The Folic Acid Controversy, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Thomas Guilliams exploring the folic acid controversy. Click HERE for part 1.



Leyla Weighs In
September 30, 2016
Hoffman Center Nutritionist Leyla Muedin responds to a listener question, "can you recommend a good multivitamin without copper?" Plus, the diagnosis of Pyroluria and why avoiding copper is important.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for September 24, Part 1
September 26, 2016
Why wearable monitors DO NOT help people lose weight; Could coffee and nicotine help Parkinson's patients? Fungus identified for the first time as key factor in Crohn's Disease; Patients over 65 should consider delaying flu shot; Can stress erase the benefits of a healthy diet? The "5 Second Rule" doesn't withstand scientific scrutiny; Antibiotics show no benefits for asthma exacerbations, while vitamin D does. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for September 17, Part 1
September 19, 2016
Big Sugar hires Harvard scientists to minimize refined carbohydrate harms and blame fat and cholesterol instead; Will Hillary Clinton be "floxed"? "Obesity gene" doesn't impair weight loss efforts; Vegetarian Ayurvedic regime rapidly lowers cardio risk; Does milk increase cancer risk? 31 million older Americans don't get enough exercise; Dr. Tavis Piattoly explores the role of Omega 3 in sports nutrition. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
September 7, 2016
According to Dr. Michael Greger, eggs are dangerous. Is that so? If I already take vitamin K, would there be any benefit to taking nattokinase or is that redundant? Is there any benefit to cycling supplements? The benefits of Personalized Medicine for predicting response to psychiatric drugs. Click HERE for part 2.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
August 31, 2016
Higher chance of stroke with calcium supplements? Which is better, ubiquinone or ubiquinol? Are there any nutritional supplements you would recommend for someone with Factor V Leiden? Click HERE for part 2.


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