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Q&A with Leyla, Part 2 August 23, 2017 Cialis and Viagra didn't work, is there any surefire treatment for erectile dysfunction? Is IV vitamin C effective against cancer? I started taking LDN for Hashimoto's and now my taste buds have changed---even after I stopped taking it--help! Click HERE for part 1.
Leyla Weighs In August 18, 2017 Nutritionist Leyla Muedin answers these listener questions: What do you think of MMA (methylmalonic acid) as an indicator of B12 status rather than serum B12 alone, is it reliable?; What ranges do you use when testing Leptin levels? Do you find it useful?
What Makes the Mediterranean Diet So Healthy? Part 1 August 17, 2017 What is it about the Mediterranean Diet that makes it so healthy? Jolie Root, Senior Nutritionist and Educator for Carlson Labs, dishes on the benefits of this traditional style of eating. She reviews studies that document the pluses of extra virgin olive oil and Omega 3, plentiful in the Mediterranean Diet, for a host of maladies: hypertension, stroke, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, and even cancer. What specific components of olive oil deliver protection? What other elements of the Mediterranean Diet quell inflammation? Jolie debuts a tasty new culinary supplement--"Olive Your Heart" that combines extra virgin olive oil with DHA-rich Omega 3. Click HERE for part 2.
What Makes the Mediterranean Diet So Healthy? Part 2
Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Jolie Root, Senior Nutritionist and Educator for Carlson Labs on the benefits of the Mediterranean Diet. Click HERE for part 1.
Q&A With Leyla, Part 1 August 16, 2017 Salad and Salmon diet should be Salad and Mammoth diet according to studies. The difference between farmed and organic salmon. Do you think Applied Kinesiology aka "muscle testing" works? I have atherosclerotic plaque along the aortic and iliac arteries, would I benefit from Kyolic Aged Garlic Extract? What is your opinion on hair tissue mineral analysis, is it valid or bogus? Click HERE for part 2.
Q&A With Leyla, Part 1 August 9, 2017 FYI, we're not on vacation. I've been hearing some negative reviews of Metformin lately, what do you think? How can I get my doctor to give me a B12 shot, he won't even give my 80-year-old neighbor a shot! I strength train three times a week for bone health, how does that compare to OsteoStrong exercise treatment for osteoporosis? Click HERE for part 2.
Q&A With Leyla, Part 2
What is the best form of vitamin C for arterial health? What is the real difference in quality between brands of supplements? Don't these nutraceuticals get all their raw ingredients from the same place making the products virtually the same? Click HERE for part 1.
Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for July 29, Part 1 July 31, 2017 Media continue to parrot "Supplements are dangerous" trope; Men who consume excess sugar are at increased risk for depression; Olive oil lowers cholesterol almost as effectively as Lipitor--without the side effects; A caller with enlarged liver and spleen--could it be CMV? When it comes to liver disease, diet quality trumps diet quantity; Rethinking the widespread advice to always complete a course of antibiotics; Neurotics rejoice--your worry may help you live longer! Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.
Leyla Weighs In July 28, 2017 Should cardiovascular disease (CVD) be called chronic scurvy? A critical look at vitamin C deficiency and coronary artery health.
GI Health and Probiotics, Part 1 July 27, 2017 Clinical Nutritionist Martie Whittekin, author of "The Probiotic Cure," joins us for a discussion of GI health. We review a new study, the first of its kind that links infant gut bacteria to smarter toddlers. How to select the right probiotic? Is it a numbers game? What are post-biotics? Why is diversity the key to GI health? What can summer travelers do to ease GI complaints? What role can aloe play in alleviating GI complaints--and how to choose the right type of aloe? Martie recounts her experiences as co-founder of Texans for Health Freedom, an organization that fights to maintain access to alternative care modalities. In her 2007 book "Natural Alternatives to Nexium," she was one of the first to highlight the dangers of dependency on powerful acid-blocking drugs. Click HERE for part 2.