

Tips for a Healthy Garden & Soil – and a Healthier You this Spring! Part 1
May 4, 2021
Howard Garrett, "The Dirt Doctor," is a leading expert in natural organic gardening and landscaping. He details the parallel between detoxifying and restoring health to the soil and that of improving our internal environments. Just as it is important to have beneficial microbes in the soil along with a supportive soil base high in nutritious organic material, our intestinal tract could be compared to a soil bed. If the intestinal tract is healthy, there is a matrix of beneficial bacteria that reside in that intestinal lining. In turn, they help break down fibers and produce beneficial compounds – called postbiotics – that promote better digestion, support the immune system, and even produce important vitamins that we need for a host of body functions. And just like the deterioration of the microbes and soil web lead to poor growth and health of the plants in that soil, the overuse of antibiotics, highly processed foods, chemical preservatives, etc. wreaks havoc on our internal microbiome. As a result, poor health ensues. Click HERE for part 2.



Tips for a Healthy Garden & Soil – and a Healthier You this Spring! Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Howard Garrett, "The Dirt Doctor," a leading expert in natural organic gardening and landscaping. Click HERE for part 1.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for April 17, Part 2
April 19, 2021
Vaccine passports are a bad idea; Exercise in pregnancy builds healthier kids; IVF babies grow up without deficits; Low-saturated fat diet advice to pregnant women may compromise their children’s microbiomes; Cocoa vs. fatty liver; Fosamax + strontium—are they a good combo for osteoporosis? Chelation vs. ozone therapy—what’s the difference? Pot smoking impairs vision; Ireland goes big on vitamin D public health mandate. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Leyla Weighs In: How Gut Bacteria Help Ward Off Viruses
April 16, 2021
Nutritionist Leyla Muedin answers these listener questions: Could you talk about glycine and how I could manage the recommended dose from a supplement?; Which probiotic foods contain Oxalobacter formigenes? The kefir I drink doesn't have any. Plus, a study demonstrates how gut bacteria help ward off viruses.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show For March 20, Part 2
March 22, 2021
Shrinking penises, vanishing sperm, flagging libido—do environmental pollutants threaten humans’ ability to reproduce? Testimonial: Eating well really DOES make a difference; Strattera for ADHD—can it make you more irritable? New, potent antiviral pills poised to arrive to tame COVID-19 by years-end; Repurposing cheap, old drugs for COVID-19: anti-leprosy medication and progesterone; Zapping coronavirus with ultrasound? The surprising link between anxiety and inflammation; Ongoing research probes role for vitamin D in fighting COVID-19; CBD shows potential for pain management; Silicon Valley startup based on poop analysis incurs SEC investigation for fraud. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Probiotic and Immune Health News, Part 1
February 17, 2021
Microbiome Scientist Dr. Ross Pelton has the latest science on the beneficial bacteria in your intestinal tract, which we collectively call PROBIOTICS. Probiotics are a potent powerhouse when it comes to supporting your health. Your probiotic bacteria play key roles in breaking down food and delivering nutrients to your body. They also assist in detoxification, heart and brain health, and are critical regulators of your immune system. Click HERE for part 2.



Probiotic and Immune Health News, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Microbiome Scientist Dr. Ross Pelton, pharmacist, clinical nutritionist, and health educator. He's the Scientific Director for Essential Formulas, makers of Dr.Ohhira's Probiotics. Click HERE for part 1.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for January 30, Part 2
February 1, 2021
Microbiome may determine COVID severity; If you’ve had COVID, should you still opt for the vaccine? Could COVID shots trigger exacerbations in patients with autoimmune conditions? China undertaking massive worldwide DNA data collection, targeting U.S.; Is exercise enough to offset effects of suboptimal diets? Vegan diet for kids comes up short in essential nutrients; Longevity of Japanese may have improved when diets augmented with more animal protein; Prioritizing food intake earlier in the day may improve metabolism. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 2: Long Hauler’s Syndrome
January 28, 2021
Why are doctors using guilt, especially with seniors, into taking the vaccine saying they're putting others at risk if they don't?; My friend is suffering from Long Hauler's syndrome after having Covid-19 several months ago. Would she benefit from a gut check?; If I already had covid, do the antibodies protect me from any new strains?; Should I get the vaccine before or after traveling to Ecuador?; My restless legs syndrome is worse since I've been taking Bergamot. I also developed twitches in my legs. Is this a side effect? Click HERE for part 1.



ENCORE: Fending Off Neurodegenerative Diseases, Part 1
January 27, 2021
Board-certified neurologist, Dr. Phillipe Douyon, creator of the BrainFit™️ app, joins us to talk about ways to support brain health and fend off neurodegenerative disease. We needn’t be resigned to progressive loss of brain function with aging, because new findings about neuroplasticity reveal that the brain can remodel and rejuvenate itself, actually regenerating brain cells and neural circuits. Dr. Douyon reveals why, with the limited success of drugs for conditions like Parkinson’s and ALS, we need to invoke a comprehensive lifestyle program to address brain health. This comprises sleep, stress reduction, exercise, social connection, avoidance of toxins, and diet. Even poor dental hygiene may influence brain health. Among the supplements that are helpful are fish oil, curcumin, B vitamins and antioxidants like alpha lipoic acid. Dr. Douyon, who specializes in the treatment of epilepsy reveals the role of ketogenic diets in patients who don’t respond to conventional treatment? Are refined carbs and gluten really potentially harmful to the brain? What role for the microbiome in brain health? Which drugs are memory robbers? Can statins have harmful effects on the brain? Try Dr. Douyon’s BrainFit™️ app by clicking HERE. Click HERE for part 2.


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