Mental & Emotional Health


ENCORE: Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for May 26, Part 2
May 28, 2018
A caller with autoimmune hepatitis seeks natural cures; Pasta is “healthy, helps you shed pounds”—but research promoted by the world’s largest spaghetti company to counter low-carb trend; Does a PSA of 17 mean cancer? Despite a recent calcium score of zero, a caller who experienced chest pain shoveling snow reports his doctor thinks he has heart problems—how can that be? Curcumin improves memory and mood; Low vitamin D levels predict diabetes risk; Increased exposure to environmental toxins may contribute to higher diabetes rates in minorities. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for May 12, Part 2
May 14, 2018
New England Journal of Medicine issues plea for more emphasis on preventive medicine; A caller with cholesterol over 300 but with a high HDL is pressured by her doctor to go on statins despite low coronary calcium score; New study highlights unforeseen side effect of acid-blockers—depression; A caller is told by his doctor coronary calcium screening unnecessary, exercise stress tests suffice; Hashimoto’s thyroiditis: when the tests seem OK, but the patient doesn’t feel well; Think that sedentary job is killing you? Surprise study shows that workers with physical jobs die younger. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Leyla Weighs In
April 5, 2018
Ketogenic diet reduces body weight in patients scheduled for weight loss surgery; New American Academy of Neurology Guideline - Exercise has cognitive benefits in mild cognitive impairment (MCI).



Q&A with Leyla, Part 2
April 4, 2018
Would taking L-theanine for anxiety interfere with warfarin? Is ascorbic acid not the "real" vitamin C contained in foods? I'm a 57-year-old menopausal woman, would taking pregnenolone help replenish my low hormones? Can I safely use Zona Plus with mitral valve prolapse and dysautonomia? Click HERE for part 1.



CBD (Cannabidiol)—could it be the nutraceutical of the year? Part 1
March 27, 2018
Retired military physician and West Point graduate Philip Blair, MD is an internationally-recognized expert on CBD: What is it? Is it legal? Why are hemp sources of CBD preferred over marijuana-derived CBD? Will it make you high? Uncoordinated? Are there other untoward effects? Addiction or dependency potential? What does research tell us about the endocannabinoid system? Does CBD have the potential to alleviate pain and help curb the opioid epidemic? What can CBD do for anxiety, depression or PTSD? For head injuries? For neurodegenerative disorders? Seizures? As a sleep aid? GI ailments? What’s the basis of its anti-inflammatory effects? Can it address skin disorders and promote healing? Does it enhance athletic performance and speed recovery time? What’s the difference between tinctures, oral capsules, liposomal forms, topical lotions, and vaping solutions? Why is the “entourage effect” important? Can pets benefit from CBD? How do you evaluate the quality of CBD products? Click HERE for part 2. And click HERE for the article, "The Scientific Evidence Proving CBD’s Benefits," for more information.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for March 17, Part 2
March 19, 2018
A caller worried about kidney function seeks natural alternatives to NSAIDs for joint pain; L-Arginine vs. pre-eclampsia and major depression; Rx for fungal toenail leaves patient stuck with $1500 pharmacy bill; Oral vs. topical bio-identical hormone replacement; Screening rectal exams found ineffective; New gout drug raises safety issues. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Leyla Weighs In
March 16, 2018
Whether or not to search out curcumin with pepper; Nutrition may play a key role in early psychosis treatment; 'Small dose' exercise guards against depression.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for March 3, Part 2
March 5, 2018
Natural approaches for anxiety; Poor diet in early life may up risk for celiac disease; Gluten-free diet helps quell neuropathy pain; Essential fatty acids for dry eye; Eating nuts slashes colon cancer recurrences; Healthy diet curbs depression; Ketogenic diet for schizophrenia; Are natural, organic cigarettes really healthier? Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for February 10, Part 1
February 12, 2018
Chocolate alleviates stress, promotes concentration and mental performance; Anti-inflammatory supplements for back pain—do they thin the blood excessively? Does coffee trigger heart palpitations? Does caffeine raise blood pressure? The dirty secret about flu shots—they make carriers exhale 6.3 times as much virus as non-vaccinated persons! “Well-child visits” to pediatricians cause over 3 million additional cases of the flu, at a cost of 1/2 billion dollars; Triple-negative breast cancer progression slowed by restricting certain foods; Does having a dog reduce heart disease risk? Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Clinical Focus: Trump’s Physical, Part 1
January 30, 2018
What’s the truth about President Trump’s physical? Is he at death’s door, or is he in “excellent” health as claimed by his White House physician? How to interpret his cholesterol numbers? What do his coronary calcium scores tell us about his heart risk? How was his mental acuity evaluated? What other tests would have yielded more information? Can longevity be reduced to an equation? What other ineffable factors besides diet and exercise contribute to survival? How does Trump compare to previous presidents? What’s the biggest risk factor for a chief executive to die in office? Click HERE for part 2.


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