

ENCORE: What’s So Bad About Wheat? Part 1
December 28, 2017
Dr. William Davis, author of the #1 Best-Seller "Wheat Belly," describes the rationale for his grain-free program. It’s not just about weight-loss--adherents report increased energy, focus and mood, relief of migraines, reversal of diabetes, cessation of GI symptoms like GERD and IBS, improvements in autoimmune conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and MS, and dramatic turn-arounds of adverse lipid profiles. What’s so bad about wheat? What’s the rationale for going altogether grain-free? What’s the problem with gluten-free foods? Can you have an occasional bagel or muffin? How to cope with the withdrawal symptoms some people experience with the Wheat Belly regimen? Are sweeteners allowed? Can you have some beans and fruit? How does the Wheat Belly diet compare to comparable programs like the Wahl’s Diet, the Paleo Diet, or the Perfect 30? Dr. Davis shares the many resources available for those who want to try Wheat Belly. Click HERE for part 2.



ENCORE: What’s So Bad About Wheat? Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. William Davis, author of the #1 Best-Seller "Wheat Belly." Click HERE for part 1.



Leyla Weighs In
September 29, 2017
In this continuation of last week's "Leyla Weighs In" episode, nutritionist Leyla Muedin continues her talk on what's causing the surge in celiac disease. A look at the microbiome and future targeted therapies.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for September 24, Part 2
September 26, 2016
Will my vertebral compression fractures ever heal? Eczema-proof your kids with niacinamide; E-cigs deliver toxic residues of flavor additives; Presidential candidates' selective health revelations; Man succumbs to "Bagpipe Lung"; Smoking damage to DNA even more severe than thought; Gluten-intolerant individuals show markers of inflammation, intestinal damage; Scientists discover "microbiome fingerprint" of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome; Anxiety doubles men's risk of cancer death. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Clinical Focus: Gluten, Part 1
November 18, 2014
Gluten: What is it? Why is it problematic? Why has the prevalence of celiac disease increased? Even if you don't test positive for celiac disease, can you be intolerant to gluten? What are the symptoms of gluten intolerance? What are some common sources of gluten? What are the hidden sources of gluten? What about wheat grass or sprouted wheat? What about other sources of gluten, ie, skincare products? What common medications are contaminated with gluten? Click HERE for part 2.



Clinical Focus: Gluten, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman and Leyla continue their discussion on the issues surrounding gluten. Click HERE for part 1.


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