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ENCORE: How Healing Works, Part 2 September 24, 2020 Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Wayne Jonas, author of "How Healing Works: Get Well and Stay Well Using Your Hidden Power to Heal." Click HERE for part 1.
ENCORE: Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for September 19, Part 1 September 21, 2020 2020 diet buzzwords: Intermittent Fasting (IF) and Time-Restricted Feeding (TRF); Americans eat non-stop, consume 1/3 of calories as snacks, drink their calories; The “protein leverage hypothesis” may explain why you overeat; Hot chili peppers cut death risk; All those new hospital mergers don’t boost efficiency, patient satisfaction; Drugs hastily approved at year-end deadline more often withdrawn or given black box warnings; “Borderline creatinine”—does it matter? What to do for elusive abdominal pain? Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.
ENCORE: Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for September 19, Part 2
Collagen supplements—hype or hope for skin health? Personal care products hasten puberty in young girls; A rancher defends responsible use of antibiotics in livestock; Heartburn drugs found to prompt allergies; Moon landing pioneer Neil Armstrong survived space travel, Korean War jet combat, experimental supersonic rocket plane trials—yet newly-released records show he succumbed to avoidable heart surgery errors; Children who drank whole—not reduced-fat—milk 40% less likely to suffer obesity; Your aromatherapy oil diffuser may be making your pet sick; Fish oil supplements found not to increase of surgical bleeding. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.
Q&A with Leyla, Part 1: Fibromyalgia and Sleep September 16, 2020 Anthony Fauci takes supplements!; Is Dr. Hoffman seeing patients? Can I make an appointment?; Many gluten-free foods contain rice flour. Is this problematic because of the high amount of arsenic in rice?; I have fibromyalgia but my main problem is lack of deep sleep. What do you recommend? Click HERE for part 2.
ENCORE: The Spiritual Dimension of Healing, Part 1 August 27, 2020 America’s foremost integrative ENT, Dr. Ben Asher, weighs in on the spiritual dimension of healing: Why does Dr. Asher characterize modern medicine as “fear-based”? What’s wrong with our contemporary conception of illness? How are patients made to suffer guilt and stigmatization for failing to ward off health problems? Why are even holistic practitioners sometimes complicit in fostering these harmful attitudes? Dr. Asher recalls his profound personal transformational experience at the hands of a Mayan healer. How has that affected his attitude towards healing? Could mindfulness help health professionals avert “compassion burnout”? How do drugs like MDMA act as “empathogens” enabling patients to recover from PTSD? Dr. Asher describes his own unique meditation practices and shares meditation resources. Click HERE for part 2.
ENCORE: The Spiritual Dimension of Healing, Part 2
Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with America’s foremost integrative ENT, Dr. Ben Asher. Click HERE for part 1.
ENCORE: How to Overhaul Our Costly and Inefficient Health Care System, Part 1 August 25, 2020 Dr. David Hyman, co-author of “Overcharged: Why Americans Pay Too Much for Healthcare,” offers proposals for how to overhaul a costly and inefficient health care system. Why do Americans pay so much for health care that other nations achieve with lower costs? What’s wrong with proposals for “universal health care” on the single-payer model that other advanced countries embrace? Why does Dr. Hyman refer to Medicare as a “Pyramid Scheme” that redistributes wealth from poorer younger Americans to the relatively affluent elderly? How do doctors game the system? Why is Medicaid a misguided solution for providing health care to the disadvantaged? Why do drugs cost so much? How do medical specialty societies guard their turf? How will Dr. Hyman’s proposed reforms expand choice and make medicine more affordable? Click HERE for part 2.
ENCORE: How to Overhaul Our Costly and Inefficient Health Care System, Part 2
Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. David Hyman, co-author of “Overcharged: Why Americans Pay Too Much for Healthcare.” Click HERE for part 1.
ENCORE: The Third Leading Cause of Death in America: Medical Errors, Part 1 July 30, 2020 “To Err is Human” is the title of a documentary by writer/director/producer Mike Eisenberg. Medical mistakes are estimated to cause as many as 440,000 avoidable deaths in the U.S. each year—making them the #3 leading cause of death, trailing heart disease and cancer. How do these errors arise? How can they be prevented? Why is medicine lagging behind the aviation and nuclear industries in addressing avoidable errors? What lessons can be learned from industries that have successfully undertaken accident prevention programs? How can something as simple as routine hand washing by medical personnel reduce unnecessary infections? Why is the current malpractice system an imperfect deterrent to mistakes? Why should doctors be schooled in admitting errors? What role can patients and their advocates play in curbing this epidemic? How can transparency help eliminate errors? Can technology be harnessed to pre-empt procedural lapses? Click HERE for part 2.
ENCORE: The Third Leading Cause of Death in America: Medical Errors, Part 2
Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Mike Eisenberg, writer/director/producer of the film “To Err is Human.” Click HERE for part 1.