Expert Interview


ENCORE: Profiling a Pioneer of Integrative Cancer Therapy, Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez: Part 1
December 13, 2022
"The Maverick M.D.," a biography of the late Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez by today’s guest, Mary Swander—herself a decades-long patient. Dr. Gonzalez was a pioneer of integrative cancer therapy, with a unique perspective on the metabolic basis of cancer. An inveterate researcher, Dr. Gonzalez adapted the Kelly Protocol to predict which of multiple diets—from raw food vegan to carnivore—would target a patient’s cancer. He also employed high-dose proteolytic enzymes to overcome cancer’s defenses. His use of detoxification procedures like coffee enemas placed him in the cross-hairs of conventional medicine critics. He was a prolific writer, compiling multiple books documenting his successes and elaborating his theories. Swander describes the unique personal attributes that led Gonzalez to persevere in the face of rejection by mainstream oncology. Many grateful patients and long-term survivors of challenging advanced cancers attest to the efficacy of his methods. How is his legacy being preserved? Click HERE for part 2.



ENCORE: Profiling a Pioneer of Integrative Cancer Therapy, Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez: Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Mary Swander, author of "The Maverick M.D.," a biography of the late Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez. Click HERE for part 1.



ENCORE: Sports Nutrition: Nutrients for Performance and Endurance, Part 1
December 8, 2022
Today we explore Nutrigenomics and sports nutrition with Brent Luycks (pronounced “Lucks”) a former Belgian champion cyclist who is founder of 4Gold, a company focused on enhancement of athletic performance. 4Gold works with professional athletes and ordinary optimizers to develop personalized nutrition programs geared to their genetic characteristics. Brent describes what insights can be gained from nutrigenomic profiling using saliva samples of DNA. In my case, for example, it bettered my understanding of my athletic aptitude (mixed), my injury potential, my recovery ability, and my unique requirements for nutrients associated with performance and endurance. Brent, as a survivor of Crohn’s disease, describes an innovative prebiotic, 2’-Fucosyllactose, a constituent of human milk. It has the potential to address GI disorders, and supports optimal absorption, a limiting factor in athletic performance. He also details ingredients in a sports supplement embraced by many top endurance athletes on the European circuit. Click HERE for part 2.



ENCORE: Sports Nutrition: Nutrients for Performance and Endurance, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Brent Luycks, a former Belgian champion cyclist who is the founder of 4Gold, a company focused on the enhancement of athletic performance. Click HERE for part 1.



Recovery from Complex Medical Conditions, Part 1
December 6, 2022
Recent studies on dietary membrane lipid replacement supplements like NTFactor® demonstrate their effectiveness in reducing not just age-related loss of function, but also multiple chronic illness symptom severities. Dr. Garth Nicolson, Founder, President, Chief Scientific Officer and Emeritus Research Professor of Molecular Pathology at the Institute for Molecular Medicine in Huntington Beach, California, and Research Advisor for Nutritional Therapeutics, makers of NTFactor®, explains how using dietary protected polyunsaturated glycerolphospholipids, such as NTFactor Lipids®, results in the systemic replacement of damaged cellular membrane glycerolphospholipids with undamaged, unoxidized lipids to ensure the proper function of cellular membranes. This may have profound implications for complex and perplexing medical conditions such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Chemical Exposure, Mold Exposure, Fibromyalgia, Long Covid, and more. Click HERE for part 2.



Recovery from Complex Medical Conditions, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Garth Nicolson, Founder, President, Chief Scientific Officer, and Emeritus Research Professor of Molecular Pathology at the Institute for Molecular Medicine in Huntington Beach, California, and Research Advisor for Nutritional Therapeutics, makers of NTFactor®. Click HERE for part 1.



Your Chronological vs. Biological Age, Part 1
November 30, 2022
Our lifespan is increasing, but what about our health span--the portion of our lives in which we are healthy? When it comes to age, we all have two ages, our chronological age, and our cellular age (also referred to as biological age). Longevity Researcher Greg Macpherson, the founder of Science Research Wellness (SRW Laboratories), details a highly innovative suite of supplements that harness the latest breakthroughs in the biology of aging, addressing the structure, function and processes within our cells that change with age. Together they address the nine key attributes of our cells that decline in function as we age, known as the “Nine Hallmarks of Aging”. These cutting-edge formulations support the aging process in a way previous generations have not had access to. Click HERE for part 2.



Your Chronological vs. Biological Age, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Greg Macpherson, pharmacist, author of “Harnessing the Nine Hallmarks of Aging - To Live Your Healthiest Life,” and founder of SRW Laboratories. Click HERE for part 1.



Melatonin—Not Just for Insomnia and Jet Lag, Part 1
November 29, 2022
Headlines are sounding alarms over the widespread use of melatonin—especially as a sleep aid for young kids. Dr. Deanna Minich has authored a comprehensive review of melatonin, in which she likens it to vitamin D in its potential utility for a variety of ailments—not just for insomnia and jet lag, but also for metabolic syndrome and diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, brain disorders, autoimmune conditions, eye problems, tinnitus, PCOS, endometriosis, infertility, viral infections, and even ADHD and autism. Additionally, melatonin may confer anti-aging benefits. She affirms its overall safety, but cautions that some formulations are sketchy and may contain contaminants or vastly exceed or undershoot their claimed melatonin content. She discusses how modern life, with its ever-present artificial light, shift work, and travel across time zones may disrupt our circadian rhythms and put us in a state of darkness deprivation, with consequent melatonin depletion. For many conditions less is more, and use in children should be limited to special cases. Dr. Minich also emphasizes that lifestyle factors like properly timed light and darkness exposure, blue blocker glasses and screen apps, exercise and diet are cornerstones to optimal melatonin production, with melatonin supplements constituting only part of a holistic approach. Click HERE for part 2.



Melatonin—Not Just for Insomnia and Jet Lag, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Deanna Minich who authored a comprehensive review of melatonin. Click HERE for part 1.


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