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Complex Women’s Pain Issues, Part 2 January 20, 2015 Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Ob/Gyn Dr. Eden Fromberg. Click HERE for part 1.
Women’s Health, Part 1 January 14, 2015 Women’s health is the subject of today’s podcast with Dr. Joel Evans, MD, author of "The Whole Pregnancy Handbook." We talk about Estrogen Dominance, bio-identical hormone replacement therapy vs.botanicals for menopause, natural treatment for fibroids, endometriosis, and menstrual disturbances. Why is the incidence of breast cancer surging? Is soy dangerous? Is natural progesterone a panacea? Learn about Liiv.com, a start-up technology company that promises to empower patients and revolutionize medicine. Click HERE for part 2.
Women’s Health, Part 2
Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Joel Evans on a wide range of women's health topics. Click HERE for part 1.
“The Sex Doctor,” Part 1 January 13, 2015 Dr. Hoffman visits with "The Sex Doctor" Madeleine Castellanos MD, author of "Wanting to Want." They talk about male and female sexual problems, how to rekindle desire, the societal impact of readily available pornography, and the influence of diet and lifestyle on sexual performance. Can sex get better as you get older? What role do hormones play? Is there a female equivalent of Viagra? How do anti-depressants deplete desire? How can couples rekindle that old flame? Click HERE for part 2.
“The Sex Doctor,” Part 2
Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Madeleine Castellanos about male and female sexual problems. Click HERE for part 1.
Nourishing Broths, Part 1 January 8, 2015 It’s cold outside, and ’tis the season for a hearty broth! We talk to Kaayla Daniel, co-author of Nourishing Broths: An Old-Fashioned Remedy for a Modern World, who details the health benefits of slow-cooked bone-broths. They’re a mainstay for healing the gut in intestinal disorders, and provide essential nutrients for skin, hair, nails and the skeletal system. The key is natural gelatin! Dr. Daniel weighs in on ancestral diets according to guidelines set forth by the Weston A. Price Foundation; she’s a proponent of “nose-to-tail” consumption of grass-fed, humanely-raised animals. She advocates pasture-raised, unprocessed dairy products, but shares her reservations about over-dependence on soy protein. Click HERE for part 2.
Nourishing Broths, Part 2
Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Kaayla Daniel who details the health benefits of slow-cooked bone-broths. They’re a mainstay for healing the gut in intestinal disorders, and providing essential nutrients for skin, hair, nails and the skeletal system. Click HERE for part 1.
Implementing Your Healthy Resolutions, Part 1 January 6, 2015 Do you repeatedly fail at implementing your New Year’s Resolutions? Caroline Arnold, author of “Small Move, Big Change”, has practical solutions for you. Why is it so hard to change our routines? How to set achievable health and personal goals. What are the pitfalls of vague or unrealistic resolutions? What are “micro-resolutions"? The right ways and the wrong ways to formulate resolutions about diet, exercise, sleep. Click HERE for part 2.
Implementing Your Healthy Resolutions, Part 2
Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Caroline Arnold about practical solutions for implementing your New Year's resolutions. Click HERE for part 1.
Breathing, Part 1 December 30, 2014 Breathing: it sounds simple, but many many of us could optimize our health through proper breathing techniques. We join respiratory therapist Betsy Thomason, developer of the BreatheOut Dynamic System, for a discussion of the science of breath. There are huge implications for overall wellness, as well as for specific conditions like panic disorder, asthma, COPD, and for improving athletic performance. Today’s guest recently completed a landmark study demonstrating that enhanced breathing techniques dramatically improves the performance of firefighters. Click HERE for part 2.