Expert Interview


Freedom of Choice in Healthcare, Part 1
February 23, 2016
Jonathan Emord, famed Washington DC attorney and staunch defender of freedom of choice in health care, weighs in on government regulation of medicine and the supplement industry: Is Omamacare quashing innovation in medicine? Does it stigmatize practitioners who think “out of the box” and stifle innovation? Will gifted young people eschew arduous medical training and the prospect of increasingly bureaucratized health care to pursue more lucrative and less demanding careers? What do new laws governing compounding pharmacies mean for patients who need custom medications? Do supplements really need to be more strictly regulated? How might supplement pre-approval hand a monopoly over nutritional products to BigPharma, making supplements more costly, as well as limiting choice? Why aren’t truthful claims about supplement benefits based on legitimate scientific research not permitted? Are we really at a “Paul Revere moment” when it comes to the threat of impending regulations that will curtail our health freedom? What role does the Alliance for Natural Health ( play in upholding consumer rights? Click HERE for part 2.



Freedom of Choice in Healthcare, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Jonathan Emord, Washington, DC attorney and staunch defender of freedom of choice in health care. Click HERE for part 1.



Metabolic Cardiology, Part 1
February 3, 2016
Dr. Stephen Sinatra, America’s pre-eminent integrative cardiologist, discusses his new book, “ Health Revelations from Heaven and Earth.” It recounts the remarkable near-death experience of Tommy Rosa, who returned to life profoundly changed, endowed with remarkable insights and intuitive abilities. The book celebrates the power of spirituality to restore balance to our lives. Dr.Sinatra also shares his latest research on Metabolic Cardiology—the deployment of targeted nutrients like CoQ10, ribose, carnitine, and magnesium to restore the energetics of heart muscle. Can damaged hearts regenerate? What patients should and shouldn’t take statins? What are the down-sides of cholesterol drugs? Does cholesterol even matter? What central role does stress play in heart disease? Click HERE for part 2.



Metabolic Cardiology, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Stephen Sinatra, America’s pre-eminent integrative cardiologist. Click HERE for part 1.



The Health Benefits of Aged Garlic Extract, Part 1
February 2, 2016
The health benefits of Aged Garlic Extract for hypertension, heart health, and immune health: Jim Lavalle, R.Ph., Certified Clinical Nutritionist shares details of the latest studies linking Aged Garlic Extract to reversal of coronary artery plaque, and optimization of blood pressure. How does it work? How much was used in the studies? What other nutrients are beneficial for blood pressure and heart protection? What role does the Metabolic Syndrome play in heart risk? What’s wrong with our current dietary approach to coronary artery disease and hypertension prevention? What tests should be performed in an overall assessment of heart health? What about the immune-supportive properties of Aged Garlic Extract? What are other natural remedies for cold and flu season? Click HERE for part 2.



The Health Benefits of Aged Garlic Extract, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Jim Lavalle, R.Ph., Certified Clinical Nutritionist. Click HERE for part 1.



Taking On the PBS Frontline Special on Supplements, Part 1
January 27, 2016
You saw the PBS Frontline Special on supplements—it was clearly a hit piece. Today we get the perspective of Dr. Daniel Fabricant, the CEO of the Natural Products Association, who faced withering questioning on Frontline. Are supplements really “unregulated” as alleged? Does the scientific evidence suggest they’re worthless, or even harmful? Does Congress really need to tighten the approval process for supplements? Should nutritional products be subject to the same pre-approval process as drugs? Were that to happen, what would happen to consumer choice and access to innovation? Are there bad players within the supplement industry? What is the industry doing to self-regulate in order to pre-empt a power grab by regulators? How can consumers safeguard themselves from poor quality or even outright harmful supplements? Click HERE for part 2.



Taking On the PBS Frontline Special on Supplements, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Daniel Fabricant, the CEO of the Natural Products Association, who faced withering questioning on Frontline. Click HERE for part 1.



Beauty from Within, Part 1
January 26, 2016
Kat James, author of “The Truth About Beauty,” once suffered from obesity, autoimmune, skin and liver disorders. She details how profound diet change and supplements effected a profound transformation to her present state of beauty and well-being. Why is leptin the key to restoring normal metabolism? How can we correct hormonal dysregulation of appetite and weight and end craving and binging? What role does the microbiome—our internal bacteria—play in optimizing weight and skin quality? Which probiotics does Kat favor to normalize gut balance? Is there such a thing as probiotics for the skin? Click HERE for part 2.



Beauty from Within, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Kat James, author of “The Truth About Beauty.” Click HERE for part 1.


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