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How Your Environment Affects Your Health, Part 2 March 21, 2017 Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Aly Cohen, Integrative Rheumatologist and author of "Integrative Environmental Medicine." Click HERE for part 1.
Why Do We Overeat? Part 1 March 16, 2017 "The Hungry Brain: Outsmarting the Instincts That Make Us Overeat." Author and neuroscientist Stephan Guyenet, Ph.D., shares cutting-edge research to answer one simple, yet confounding question: Why do we overeat and what can we do about it? What lessons do primitive hunter-gatherers offer us in terms of the evolution of our appetite mechanisms? What is leptin and how does it regulate eating behavior? What’s the take-home message of the failure of “Biggest Loser” contestants to maintain their extreme weight loss? What food qualities impel us to overeat? What foods provide the most satiety? What eating strategies can we employ to outsmart our hungry brains? What’s the role of sleep in governing eating behaviors? How does chronic stress undermine our dietary success? Are the Dietary Guidelines for America (DGA) really responsible for America’s epidemic of obesity? Are carbs the culprits? Or is it fat? Click HERE for part 2.
Why Do We Overeat? Part 2
Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with neuroscientist Stephan Guyenet, Ph.D., author of "The Hungry Brain: Outsmarting the Instincts That Make Us Overeat." Click HERE for part 1.
The Health Benefits of Intimacy and Sex, Part 1 March 14, 2017 “Sex is not frivolous, it’s Mother Nature’s design to keep adults well.” That’s the core message of "Sexy Brain," by Dr. Lindsey Berkson. She documents the science behind the health benefits of intimacy. Is sex more than just aerobic exercise? Why is there an epidemic of sexual apathy and dysfunction among (even young) Americans? Does sexual fitness inevitably decline with aging? What role do hormone disruptors play in interfering with the body’s sexual circuitry? What’s the impact of testosterone? Estrogen? Oxytocin? DHEA? Can yoga help support lifelong sexuality? What are the negative effects of anti-depressants? Of oral contraceptives? What are pheromones, and how do they impact sexual performance? More at SexyBrainSystem.com and DrLindseyBerkson.com. Click HERE for part 2.
The Health Benefits of Intimacy and Sex, Part 2
Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Lindsey Berkson who documents the science behind the health benefits of intimacy. Click HERE for part 1.
A Remarkable Breakthrough for the Treatment of Depression and Pain, Part 1 March 9, 2017 The ketamine story. Dr. Steven Mandel is a Board-Certified Anesthesiologist and President and Founder of the Ketamine Clinics of Los Angeles (www.ketamineclinics.com). Ketamine is a short-acting anesthetic that’s administered intravenously and has a safe track record, even in children and frail elderly patients. It produces a “dissociative state.” Experience with returning military personnel suffering PTSD suggested its benefits in treating depression. Dr. Mandel has administered thousands of treatments with high degrees of success in depression not responsive to psychotherapy or ordinary medications—even in bipolar disorder and suicidality. It is also helpful for pain syndromes like trigeminal neuralgia, migraines, and Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. It may help reinforce recovery in substance abusers and alcoholics. Ketamine is also being researched for MS. How does it work? What’s it like to receive a treatment? How soon will you feel the effects? How long do they last? How many treatments do patients usually receive? Is it safe and are there any side effects? Is mainstream medicine beginning to embrace it? Click HERE for part 2.
A Remarkable Breakthrough for the Treatment of Depression and Pain, Part 2
Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation on the ketamine story with Dr. Steven Mandel, Board-Certified Anesthesiologist and President and Founder of the Ketamine Clinics of Los Angeles (www.ketamineclinics.com). Click HERE for part 1.
Natural Remedies for Acute and Chronic Cough, Part 1 March 2, 2017 Gustavo Ferrer, MD FCCP, an experienced pulmonologist and founder of the Cleveland Clinic Florida Cough Center, is author of "Cough Cures: The Complete Guide to the Best Natural Remedies and Over-the-Counter Drugs for Acute and Chronic Coughs." He challenges our Western mindset that over medication, and offers a blend of Western and natural remedies to effectively address both acute and chronic respiratory issues. Hear why antibiotics are often prescribed unnecessarily; Why many over-the-counter cough remedies are worthless, and may even be harmful; Why Xlear nasal spray is more effective than ordinary saline nose drops. Click HERE for part 2.
Natural Remedies for Acute and Chronic Cough, Part 2
Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Gustavo Ferrer, author of "Cough Cures: The Complete Guide to the Best Natural Remedies and Over-the-Counter Drugs for Acute and Chronic Coughs." Click HERE for part 1.
An Inspiring Story of Transformation, Part 1 February 28, 2017 Kat James is the award-winning author of “The Truth About Beauty” and a renowned “beauty from within” transformation expert. She has helped thousands of people dramatically transform their lives and their looks as she did through her bestselling book, her national health columns, talk radio show, PBS special, website at InformedBeauty.com, and her Total Transformation programs. Kat joins us today to discuss how nutrition affects our personality and how we can change our personality for the better by being mindful as to what we eat. Click HERE for part 2.