Environmental Health


How to Protect Yourself from Electromagnetic Radiation, Part 2
August 15, 2017
Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Daniel DeBaune, a veteran electronics engineer and pioneer in electrical emissions safety, and author of "Radiation Nation: The Fallout of Modern Technology." Click HERE for part 1.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
June 21, 2017
What do you think of EMF in the environment, do you still believe there is value in using devices to cancel out EMF pollution? I was diagnosed with MVP and I also have IBS, I've been told that I suffer from hypochondria--that it's all in my head! Why is there so much opposition and hostility toward GMO technology when all they are are hybrids? Click HERE for part 2.



Intelligent Medicine Potpourri: I didn’t want these stories to end up on the cutting-room floor! Part 1
May 23, 2017
"Suboptimal diet” accounts for 1/2 of deaths due to heart disease, stroke, diabetes; Save those baby teeth—they may be a clue to your child’s environmental risks; Nutritional supplement banishes postpartum depression; Low-dose naltrexone relieves symptoms of fibromyalgia, lowers inflammatory cytokines. Click HERE for part 2.



How Your Environment Affects Your Health, Part 1
March 21, 2017
Dr. Aly Cohen, Integrative Rheumatologist, offers a must-listen discussion on "Integrative Environmental Medicine," the title of her new book. What are the potential insults we face from polluted air and water? What are the health consequences? Who is most vulnerable? How do heavy metals like mercury, cadmium and lead harm the body? How has the introduction of GMO foods increased exposure to toxic pesticides? What are endocrine disrupters? How do certain common medications reduce our threshold for toxin overload? What foods are the worst offenders? Why select organic foods? When is it permissible to substitute conventional produce? Is fish safe to eat? What food ingredients are most harmful? Is it important to filter your tap water? Why are antimicrobial cleansers bad for you? Can taking certain key supplements protect us from environmental insults? What lifestyle practices help us lower our toxic burdens? Click HERE for part 2.



How Your Environment Affects Your Health, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Aly Cohen, Integrative Rheumatologist and author of "Integrative Environmental Medicine." Click HERE for part 1.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 2
December 7, 2016
How can a diabetic with impaired kidney function follow a low-carb, high-protein diet without further damaging kidneys? Why do I wake up hungry after an hour of sleep? I found out my well water is high in arsenic, is it safe to bathe in it? Click HERE for part 1.



ENCORE: Dr. Leo Galland’s “The Allergy Solution,” Part 1
November 25, 2016
Dr. Leo Galland’s, "The Allergy Solution: Unlock the Surprising, Hidden Truth About Why You Are Sick and How to Get Well.” The book seeks to empower patients to discover the hidden causes of their allergic symptoms via a detailed self-questionnaire, and to remediate them. Dr. Galland goes beyond sneezing, wheezing, and itching to characterize a wide variety of maladies and afflictions as allergic in origin. Why are allergies so much more pervasive in modern times? Allergies can be divided into indoor, outdoor and internal; Outdoor allergies comprise pollens, molds, animal dander and industrial pollutants; indoor allergies are on the rise due to our toxic home and work environments; and internal allergies arise when we turn our disrupted GI tracts into portable allergy factories. Poor diet, over-dependency on medications, and toxic chemicals create a perfect storm for allergies. Dr. Galland explains the rationale for a 3-day “Power Wash” which he administers to new patients to unmask dietary allergic triggers and revive their detoxification pathways. What role do “leaky gut” and “dysbiosis” play in promoting allergies? Why are probiotics alone not enough to restore GI balance for allergy sufferers? Dr. Galland discusses the 5 major food culprits: wheat, corn, soy, dairy and yeast; What role do dietary bioflavonoids from fruits, vegetables and spices play as potent allergy quenchers? How do allergies lead to a vicious cycle of weight gain and inflammation? Can brain allergies be responsible for depression, ADHD, brain-fog, even psychosis? Fascinating case studies from Dr. Galland’s practice illustrate the power of proper allergy sleuthing. Click HERE for part 2.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 2
November 2, 2016
Could naringenin in grapefruit cure diabetes? I’ve been underweight all my life, can you help me gain weight? Could my low insulin levels be the reason for high blood sugar? Can you recommend an at-home mold testing kit? Click HERE for part 1.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for April 2, Part 1
April 4, 2016
For the first time in human history, too much food trumps not enough food as an international health crisis—by 2025 1/5 of the world’s population will be obese; Older Americans who engage in strenuous exercise have better brain function; If you suffer from unexplained angry outbursts—blame the cat! Moms who exercise during pregnancy give birth to more athletic kids; Nearly a quarter of all human deaths now attributable to pollution. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



All the Breaking Health News from the American College for Advancement in Medicine Meeting, Part 2
November 19, 2015
Dr. Hoffman continues his synopsis of the American College for Advancement in Medicine meeting in Las Vegas. Click HERE for part 1.


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