Environmental Health


Q&A with Leyla, Part 2: Various Uses of Magnesium
April 14, 2021
I'm on blood thinners and was told I can't take turmeric but two doctors told me it was okay to take curcumin. What say you?; My alkaline phosphatase is low. My doctors say it's no big deal but I'd like to know your thoughts; Do you know of any studies about potential risk of EMF radiation from electric vehicles?; I would like to know about the various uses of magnesium; What if your CTA test comes back 0 plaque but LDL particles are small and dense. How to treat or move forward? Click HERE for part 1.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for April 3, Part 1
April 5, 2021
Covid conundrums: Reaching herd immunity soon or “impending doom? New test goes beyond insensitive antibody assays to reveal T-cell memory; Now that you’re vaccinated can you relax restrictions? Study shows those who’ve had Covid are likely to mount immune response to new variants; How long do you have to wait to retest after stopping thyroid meds? What’s the best natural supplement to lower cholesterol? Natural treatment for dyspepsia; CBD curbs anxiety, aggressive behavior in patients with dementia; The face mask you’re wearing may be laden with toxic chemicals. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for March 27, Part 2
March 29, 2021
Social media vigilantes call out anti-vax “Disinformation Dozen”; Are ads for stem cell supplements legit? Can Covid injections “leak”, diminishing efficacy? Gen X and Gen Y less healthy than preceding generations; New oral Covid vaccination may eventually obviate need for needles; Popeye was right: Green leafy vegetables increase muscle strength, stamina; Carcinogenic benzene found in many disinfectant wipes; The top antidepressant foods may surprise you; Consumption of organic foods lowers cancer risk. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show For March 20, Part 2
March 22, 2021
Shrinking penises, vanishing sperm, flagging libido—do environmental pollutants threaten humans’ ability to reproduce? Testimonial: Eating well really DOES make a difference; Strattera for ADHD—can it make you more irritable? New, potent antiviral pills poised to arrive to tame COVID-19 by years-end; Repurposing cheap, old drugs for COVID-19: anti-leprosy medication and progesterone; Zapping coronavirus with ultrasound? The surprising link between anxiety and inflammation; Ongoing research probes role for vitamin D in fighting COVID-19; CBD shows potential for pain management; Silicon Valley startup based on poop analysis incurs SEC investigation for fraud. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 2: Wax Coating on Organic Apples
February 25, 2021
Should I be concerned about the wax coating on the organic apples I buy? Are they safe to eat?; I got the Moderna vaccine two weeks ago and I've developed very sore and swollen hand joints; In an emergency, could a vet competently treat a human?; What lab work should I ask my General Practitioner to run?; Is it safe to take Minoxidil for my hair loss every day? Click HERE for part 1.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for February 13, Part 2
February 15, 2021
Glue gun therapy for a vertebral fracture? Why you don’t see those ads for “heart-healthy” cereal anymore; Even before Covid, breathing subway air a major health peril; The surprising relationship between eggs and cardiovascular disease; Dietary sugar a major risk factor for colitis; Why, when it comes to viruses, what doesn’t kill you may make you stronger; Can you take the Covid vaccine if you have a low platelet count? Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for February 6, Part 2
February 8, 2021
Tom Brady’s secret weapon—nutrition; How long does a Covid vaccine last? Zinc and vitamin D vs. Covid; Omega 3 blood levels predict better Covid outcomes; Vitamin K for Covid; Coconut oil speeds resolution of Covid symptoms; Can a Covid vaccine give you Covid, especially if you’ve reacted adversely to the flu shot in the past? Supplements for post-polio syndrome; Leading baby food manufacturers sold products with high levels of heavy metals. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 2: “Will the vaccine alter my genes?”
February 3, 2021
Can you give me guidelines on what types of soaps to use?; I have arthritis pain in my knees and can only take Tylenol because I also take blood thinners. What else can I do?; Will the vaccine alter my genes? Click HERE for part 1.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 1: Fried Food Intake
January 20, 2021
Fried food intake linked to heightened risk of heart disease and stroke; Government approach to obesity policies destined to fail due to lack of environmental considerations; My husband has pain in his calf sometimes when he walks at a fast pace. What can he do about this?; I have a friend who was diagnosed with having Chilblains. Is there a supplement to help with her circulation?; One of the ingredients in Xlear nasal spray is grapefruit seed extract. I'm taking atorvastatin. Will there be any interaction?; If you could choose which covid vaccine to take, would you prefer one pharmaceutical's vaccine over the others? Click HERE for part 2.



ENCORE: How to Heal the Complex Patient, Part 1
January 6, 2021
Many people suffer from a bewildering array of symptoms including fatigue, bodily aches and pains, depression and anxiety, sudden weight gain or loss, brain fog, and multiple food and chemical reactions. These are often branded “psychosomatic”. Dr. Neil Nathan presents a detailed roadmap to recovery in his book “Toxic: Heal Your Body from Mold Toxicity, Lyme Disease, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, and Chronic Environmental Illness.” What is the Cell Danger Response (CDR) and how does it explain why patients get “stuck” in chronic illness? Why is mold toxicity such a pervasive trigger of a myriad of health problems? How can mold-exposed patients be detoxed? What role for tick-borne infections like Lyme and Bartonella in triggering chronic illness? What is Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS), and how can its proper identification facilitate relief from baffling symptoms? Why is it sometimes important to “reboot” a dysregulated autonomic nervous system in chronically ill patients? What supplements and medications aid recovery? Why is it important to go slow with treatments? Dr. Nathan shares resources for clinicians and patients. Click HERE for part 2.


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