Digestive Health


ENCORE: Everything you ever wanted to know about Low-Dose Naltrexone, Part 1
August 8, 2023
Dr. Pamela Smith joins us to provide an update on LDN, a versatile therapy that delivers a low dose of a commonly prescribed lifesaving medication used to reverse narcotics overdoses. Dr. Smith describes how LDN reboots the immune system and tamps down inflammation, accounting for its ubiquitous applications. A myriad of conditions respond to LDN: autoimmune disorders like inflammatory bowel disease and ulcerative colitis; painful conditions like fibromyalgia, many cancers, skin disorders, and infertility, even with applications for stubborn weight gain. The latest research focuses on the role LDN might play to hasten resolution of Long Covid. Dr. Smith’s most recent book, "Max Your Immunity: How to Maximize Your Immune System When You Need It Most" is a timely look at what works to fortify resilience in the face of the pandemic, with an entire chapter devoted to LDN. More information on LDN can be found at LDN Research Trust. Click HERE for part 2.



ENCORE: Intelligent Medicine Radio for August 5, Part 2: Concussions and Pain
August 7, 2023
Device reps in operating rooms incentivize excessive stent placements; Natural therapies for claudication; Aged Garlic Extract for blood pressure? Tracing heart disease risk to oral bacteria; Nattokinase vs. spike protein; Laxative dependence associated with higher risk of dementia; The role of uric acid in hypertension and insulin resistance—and nutraceuticals that can lower it; Cannabinoids and PEA for concussions and pain. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



The Dangers of Acid Inhibitors, Part 1
July 26, 2023
Acid reflux is the most common digestive complaint, and it can develop into more serious problems if ignored. Naturopathic Practitioner Jane Jansen has a unique perspective. Previously she spent years in radiology and ultrasound doing research and performing tests on patients with varying types of digestive problems. Jane does a deep-dive on acid reflux, and how to wean off dangerous acid inhibitors and start the healing process by introducing probiotics and making diet changes. Click HERE for part 2.



The Dangers of Acid Inhibitors, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Naturopathic Practitioner, Jane Jansen of the Tree of Life Wellness Center in Massachusetts. Click HERE for part 1.



Optimizing Your Digestive Function, Part 1
May 25, 2023
It’s not so much that “you are what you eat”, but rather, you are what you digest. As you age, or with medical conditions, your ability to break down food and assimilate nutrients declines. Neil Levin, Senior Nutrition Education Manager and Product Formulator for NOW(r) Foods and Protocol for Life Balance, addresses important questions about digestive enzymes—what they do, why quality matters, and what might be right for you. Click HERE for part 2.



Optimizing Your Digestive Function, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Neil Levin, Senior Nutrition Education Manager and Product Formulator for NOW(r) Foods and Protocol for Life Balance, about digestive enzymes and other dietary ingredients for digestive support. Click HERE for part 1.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 2: Hypothyroidism
May 17, 2023
Is there any relationship between my low ferritin level and my hypothyroidism?; I need to get my mom's prescription renewed, can I do that here?; To add some salt seasoning to food, is organic tamari sauce good to use?; What do you think of apple cider vinegar in the prevention of atherosclerosis?; What organization can I join to show opposition to the bill that could stop the use of medications off-label?; Can I use Flava Naturals in my smoothie even though I have GERD?; Can bioidentical hormone replacement therapy thicken the uterine lining? Click HERE for part 1.



ENCORE: Intelligent Medicine Radio for April 29, Part 1: Fixes for Excessive Flatulence
May 1, 2023
A milestone as American Academy of Pediatrics advocates gastric bypass surgery, weight loss drugs for children; Teaching kids gardening in school combats obesity-related problems; Blood levels of Omega 3s predict likelihood of cognitive decline; Good hydration linked to healthy aging; New app gives you health feedback—from your toilet; Doctors give diverging opinions on whether to take a statin—what to do? Fixes for excessive flatulence; Do allergy shots work? Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 1: The Numerous Benefits of Almonds
April 12, 2023
A handful of almonds before meals promotes weight loss, reduces belly fat, improves blood sugar, lipids, may reverse diabetes; A better alternative to bicarb for GERD symptoms; Please critique the Wapo article on probiotics' impact on gut health; Is the Atkins Diet a healthy way to eat low carb? Click HERE for part 2.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 2: An Easy Recipe for Nut Milk
April 6, 2023
Can I continue taking baking soda indefinitely for GERD?; Can taking zinc drops help bring back the sense of smell and taste?; A cautionary tale about a medication mix-up!; What are your thoughts on methylene blue for treating long haul covid?; An easy recipe for nut milk without all those questionable ingredients. Click HERE for part 2.


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