Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for April 27, Part 1
Podcast |
Roundup’s harmful effects can be transmitted across generations to grandchildren, great-grandchildren; A caller is concerned that his high-fat diet has contributed to his high coronary calcium score; Does full-fat dairy promote atherosclerosis? Autophagy—how to promote it with intermittent fasting; School breakfast programs backfire in bid to curb childhood obesity; Late dinner and skipping breakfast a recipe for heart trouble; New fatty liver drug fails test, won’t earn approval; Heart patient in ambulance saved by pothole; Beware of “comfort-food”—high-calorie junk foods’ weight gain effects are amplified by stress; Weight lifting an hour a week may reduce heart attack and stroke risk by 40 to 70 percent. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode. |