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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Part 1
December 17, 2014
First diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome at age 16, Dr. Courtney Craig spent her entire academic career trying to understand and overcome the illness. In her book, All My Test Results are Normal, she details her recovery plan, which has enabled her to reach a high level of wellness. How is CFS distinguishable from a psychological disorder? How is it properly diagnosed? Is it amenable to a quick fix with the right antivirals? What roles do hormone imbalances, mitochondrial insufficiency, environmental toxicity, and intestinal dysbiosis play? Dr. Craig discusses cortisol, low dose naltrexone, Ampligen, as well as specific supplements that can support recovery. Click HERE for part 2.


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Courtney Craig about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Click HERE for part 1.


Dietary Guidelines for America, Part 1
December 16, 2014
The Dietary Guidelines for America (DGA) started with the now much-maligned “Food Pyramid” and morphed into "My Healthy Plate”; nonetheless, Americans are growing fatter and sicker, threatening to sink our economy under a burden of unsustainable medical costs. Adele Hite, Director of the Healthy Nation Coalition, thinks it’s time for the DGA to be completely revamped. She takes issue with its "one-size all” approach to saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium reduction. Hite argues that the recommendations are not grounded in sound nutritional science, but rather, are ideological and arbitrary. They have confused the American public, have resulted in the proliferation of poor quality “low-fat” foods containing harmful refined carbohydrates and Omega 6 oils, and have inadvertently undermined our national health. And she’s taking action, having drafted a letter to the U.S. Secretaries of Health and Human Services and the Agriculture Department. Please take part in this important initiative by clicking HERE. Click HERE for part 2.


Dietary Guidelines for America, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Adele Hite, Director of the Healthy Nation Coalition, about the pressing need to revamp the dietary guidelines for America. Click HERE for part 1.


Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for December 13, Part 1
December 15, 2014
Is milk really a "natural"? New studies find women milk drinkers double their risk of dying; The hazard lurking in those "healthy" green smoothies; Chocolate helps the heart and brain, but which brands deliver the highest levels of beneficial flavanols, and which are free of heavy metals? The laughing gas cure for depression; Cut salt to banish headaches; BPA from canned foods may prompt rapid rises in blood pressure. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for December 13, Part 2

"Schmaltz"--aka chicken fat--maybe the new health food; A call for B vitamin supplementation to be mandated for depression treatment; Dietary nitrites from beets promote delivery of oxygen to muscles, heart and brain; Up to 80% of Americans may be magnesium deficient; Aspirin for everyone? Think again! Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
December 11, 2014
President Obama's recent trip to the hospital--turns out he has GERD. We offer natural tips for treating it. Can taking boron help slow the leaching of calcium from my bones? Click HERE for part 2.


Q&A with Leyla, Part 2

Does taking coconut oil raise cholesterol? What to do about ophthalmic pain from Herpes Zoster? Is there a cure for Achilles tendonitis? GERD, acid-blockers and C. difficile. Click HERE for part 1.


Autoimmunity, Part 1
December 10, 2014
Dr. David Brady discusses Autoimmunity—what is it, and why is it so prevalent? What factors in the Western lifestyle have driven our modern epidemics of MS, ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, and Type I diabetes? Is diet a factor? Is our obsession with cleanliness causing our immune systems to backfire? What roles do dysbiosis and Leaky Gut Syndrome play in autoimmunity? What is molecular mimicry? Which supplements are most effective for autoimmune conditions? Click HERE for part 2.


Autoimmunity, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. David Brady on Autoimmunity--what is it, and why is it so prevalent? Click HERE for part 1.

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