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Leyla Weighs In
January 13, 2017
The scourge of cold and flu season: preventing herpes outbreaks; Nine appetite-stimulating foods for cancer patients.


Fermented Cod Liver Oil—health boon or bane? Part 1
January 12, 2017
Dr. Kaayla Daniel, the “Naughty Nutritionist,” dishes on the potential hazards of this popular health fad. Is it really fermented—or just rancid? Does it deliver adequate vitamin A, D, and EPA/DHA? Can its use lead to health problems? As the co-author of "Nourishing Broth," what’s her take on the health community’s current infatuation with broths? How should they be prepared? How do they fill in gaps left when people just consume muscle meats in lieu of other animal parts? Are there circumstances where too much broth can backfire? What about commercial products like “instant broth?” As the author of "The Whole Soy Story: The Dark Side of America’s Favorite Health Food," Dr. Kaayla weighs in on soy hazards. Does this mean no one should ever consume soy? Click HERE for part 2.


Fermented Cod Liver Oil—health boon or bane? Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Kaayla Daniel, the “Naughty Nutritionist,” who dishes on the potential hazards of this popular health fad. Click HERE for part 1.


Precision Lifestyle Medicine, Part 1
January 10, 2017
A deep-dive on genetic testing: "Unzip Your Genes" is a new book by biochemist-turned-naturopath Dr. Jennifer Stagg. She maintains that genes are not your destiny, and that awareness of your genetic makeup can empower you toward personal health optimization—Precision Lifestyle Medicine. What is genomic testing? What questions can it answer? What is a SNP? What’s the importance of the MTHFR genes? How do SNPs affect food behaviors? How can knowledge of appetite and metabolic SNPs aid us in formulating diets and overcoming obstacles to weight loss? Is there an obesity gene? How can genes help us understand why some people have a paradoxical reaction to exercise—even gaining weight? Can SNPs predict sports aptitude? Can genomic profiles foretell which diet is most suitable for an individual? Is the science of “nutrigenomics” ready for primetime? Can SNPs tell us which supplements are appropriate for us? How best to obtain meaningful genetic analysis? Click HERE for part 2.


Precision Lifestyle Medicine, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Jennifer Stagg, author of "Unzip Your Genes," who says that genes are not your destiny and that awareness of your genetic makeup can empower you toward personal health optimization. Click HERE for part 1.


Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for January 7
January 9, 2017
Cholesterol-lowering drugs may interfere with exercise, undermining fitness; What's the least harmful blood pressure med? Fish oil given to pregnant women reduces asthma symptoms in offspring; Eat early to lose weight; Mediterranean diet prevents brain shrinkage; What to do for MCTD (mixed connective tissue disease)? Big Soda faces the same legal onslaught that took down Big Tobacco. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


Leyla Weighs In
January 6, 2017
Today, Hoffman Center Nutritionist Leyla Muedin answers this listener question: "Do you agree that antioxidants play an important role in prolonging life or assisting the aging process, or elsewhere? Which antioxidants are best?"


Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
January 4, 2017
Thoughts on the New Year and the importance of sleep and circadian rhythms. Now in their mid-nineties, the incredible benefits of lifelong vitamin C intake. What are the health benefits of glucomannan, does it help with weight loss or is it just hype? Is there any alternative to statins for heart disease and stroke patients? Click HERE for part 2.


Q&A with Leyla, Part 2

Fish oil and surgery: risks and benefits. I have leg pain, cramps and migraine, would it help to increase my dopamine? Should CoQ10 or ubiquinol be taken away from a statin? How does leptin and leptin resistance relate to insulin levels? Click HERE for part 1.


ENCORE: The Whole30 Diet, Part 1
January 2, 2017
The Whole30 Diet: Melissa Hartwig, co-originator of the Whole30 program and co-author of "It Starts With Food" and "The Whole30: The 30-Day Guide to Total Health and Food Freedom" discusses the origins of this user-friendly version of the Paleo diet. What's the scientific rationale for the dietary exclusions? How does the Whole30 achieve a "reboot" of appetite, metabolism, cravings, sleep, digestion and mood? Can the diet prompt profound withdrawal? What do Whole30 adherents do after they've completed the 30-day challenge? What benefits might accrue for overweight, insulin resistance, mood problems, digestive disorders, sleep disturbances, inflammatory conditions, and auto-immunity? Click HERE for part 2.

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