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ENCORE: The Fibro-Fix, Part 2
June 7, 2018
Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. David Brady, author of "The Fibro Fix: Get to the Root of Your Fibromyalgia and Start Reversing Your Chronic Pain and Fatigue in 21 Days." Click HERE for part 1.


Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
June 6, 2018
Media repeats “Vitamins are Worthless" mantra—what’s the real deal on the latest study?; Any help for my father in his mid-eighties with GERD?; Do you have any recommendations to toughen up thin skin in the elderly? Click HERE for part 2.


Q&A with Leyla, Part 2

Is there a way to cure genital HPV? Can it be spread to the mouth even without oral sex?; Is it true you cannot patent a purely natural substance? Is that why pharmaceutical companies don't bother investigating them?; My 82-year-old husband wakes up in the morning with high blood pressure. Usually it's 102/60. What causes this fluctuation? Click HERE for part 1.


Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for June 2, Part 1
June 4, 2018
Supplements in the cross-hairs again: What the latest study gets wrong; A caller with Crohn’s Disease; Taking antidepressants linked to weight gain; Strategies for weaning off Zoloft; Low-dose DHA for depression; A caller with abnormal liver function tests is told to stop taking her vitamins; Rethinking Super Size Me: Is it a Big Whopper? Diet rich in seafood boosts libido, fertility. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for June 2, Part 2

Fast-walking reduces all-cause mortality; Walking benefits augmented if you chew gum; Standing on a vibration platform increases cartilage thickness, augments bone density, balance, improves body composition; Why are mainstream doctors so reluctant to order 5-hour glucose tolerance tests for patients with hypoglycemia symptoms? Should supplements be taken with fat? With food or away from it? A vitamin D expert provides answers; Low levels of vitamin D associated with cognitive decline; Hot flashes may persist well past middle age; What are Holy Basil supplements good for? New blood test may improve on predictive value of PSAs; A call-to-action: Bring back Home Ec classes! Probiotics taken during pregnancy and breast-feeding reduce infant eczema by 70%. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


Leyla Weighs In: How Much is Too Much Vitamin A?
June 1, 2018
Nutritionist Leyla Muedin answers these listener questions: How much vitamin A should I take? Is 5,000 IU enough, or too much?; Do you recommend the consumption of Black Seed Oil? If so, how much should I take?


ENCORE: Innovative Protocols for Cancer, Part 1
May 31, 2018
Long-time colleague of the late Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, Linda Isaacs MD, describes their innovative protocols for cancer and other challenging medical conditions. Their approach derives from the pioneering work Dr. William Kelly: Metabolic typing, use of pancreatic enzymes, and detoxification via procedures like the coffee enema. It’s radically different from most “standard” alternative cancer paradigms. Different diets—ranging from vegetarian to high-animal fat—are prescribed according to a patient’s constitution and physiological imbalances. What types of patients are suitable for the Gonzalez/isaacs approach? Why is a one-size-fits-all diet approach inappropriate for treating all cancers? Why are supplements highly-individualized for different patients? What’s the rationale behind coffee enemas? What research supports the effectiveness of these methods? What advice does Dr. Isaacs offer to patients confronted with the dilemma of choosing whether to undertake conventional cancer care, or seek alternatives? Does the protocol help resolve other complex medical problems? Click HERE for part 2.


ENCORE: Innovative Protocols for Cancer, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Linda Isaacs, MD, long-time colleague of the late Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez about their innovative protocols for cancer and other challenging medical conditions. Click HERE for part 1.


Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
May 30, 2018
Does intermittent fasting really increase oxidative stress and diabetes risk? Are there any probiotics that promote weight loss? Baking soda: A safe, easy treatment for arthritis? Is there a supplement that can be taken to help with blood sugar spikes while traveling? Click HERE for part 2.


Q&A with Leyla, Part 2

Many claim that mineral supplements aren't absorbed as well as food, is this true? A listener with periodontal disease asks about dental implants? Would a bridge be a better option? What do you think of the "new" DGL supplement called GutGuard? Since the liver absorbs toxins from the body, are beef and chicken livers safe to eat?Click HERE for part 1.

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