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Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for July 14, Part 2
July 16, 2018
SAM-e equals prescription drugs for depression; Coffee is being touted as a health food—but what are the downsides? An orange a day keeps macular degeneration away; Your doctor has tattoos and piercings—would you mind? A caller whose brother still shies away from eggs after a stent—how to convince him they’re OK? Is there a precise formula for how much CoQ10 you should take? Birth control pills disrupt women’s microbiomes, hike risk for Crohn’s Disease; Vitamin D for chronic headaches; New robotic sniffer can detect disease from human breath. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


Leyla Weighs In: Meal Replacement Shakes
July 13, 2018
Nutritionist Leyla Muedin answers this listener question: I've been making a meal replacement shake with raw greens, fruit, nuts, protein powder and fats like coconut and avocado oil. I do this to make sure I get enough nutritious food for the day. Is this a good idea? Will the uncooked greens such as spinach and kale contribute to oxalate build up in my kidneys, increasing my risk of kidney stones?


Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
July 12, 2018
Aged garlic extract modifies inflammation in obese adults; I take Xarelto for atrial fibrillation. Can I take PhytoGuard?; Will my brother's atrial fibrillation go away on its own? Or does he need to take medication forever? Click HERE for part 2.


Q&A with Leyla, Part 2

Dr. Aaron Katz mentioned a study that used 100 mg of aspirin for six weeks to treat erectile dysfunction. What say you?; Thanks Dr. Hoffman! My new doctor loves the supplements I'm taking for cholesterol and blood pressure; I have chronic Epstein Barr Virus. Do you have a protocol that can help me beat this?; Unscientific Method: Study finds all those big data studies are mostly big mistakes. Click HERE for part 1.


Topical CBD (cannabidiol) for pain, skin conditions and more, Part 1
July 11, 2018
Joel Greengrass, CEO of Theramu, shares how he personally got involved with CBD. Suffering from MS, he was on 7 medications for pain, spasticity, anxiety, and insomnia. Using both oral and topical CBD, his symptoms were relieved to the point that he was able to wean himself from all but one prescription—then he started a company. What does the research say about how skin application of CBD exerts its effects on pain and inflammation? Can it relieve arthritis, minor injuries, and muscle soreness? Inflammatory skin conditions? Does it have cosmetic effects? Why does Theramu leverage the synergy of emu oil together with CBD? A recent JAMA article found less than 1/3 of on-line CBD products delivered their promised potency, and some contained undisclosed amounts of THC—how does Theramu assure potency and safeguard against undesirable adulterants? Joel details the experiences his customers have been having using CBD for conditions like anxiety, PTSD, headaches/migraines, insomnia, neurological disorders and GI complaints. Is CBD “street-legal” for professional athletes? Is it safe for children and pets? Can it get you “stoned”? Click HERE for part 2.


Topical CBD (cannabidiol) for pain, skin conditions and more, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Joel Greengrass, CEO of Theramu, about how skin application of CBD exerts its effects on pain and inflammation. Click HERE for part 1.


Dietary Supplements: How to Separate Fact From Fiction, Part 1
July 10, 2018
Jeremy Appleton, ND, of Klaire Labs joins us to discuss supplement quality. Is it true as is sometimes alleged by critics, that “supplements are unregulated?” Are adverse effects of supplements leaving a toll of deaths and injuries? How does Dr. Appleton rate the overall quality of nutraceuticals, botanicals, and natural products that are currently on the market? What are the three biggest challenges impeding the improvement of supplement quality? Is the existing federal regulatory structure adequate to ensure that supplement products are safe, effective, and likely to deliver on their claims? What are the quality assurance features/measures that make Klaire’s product line unique? Some people place the blame for poor quality supplement products on “bad raw materials” from China and India. Is that is a fair assessment? What are the most important quality verification methods that physicians really need to understand? What about magnesium stearate? Should supplements be “GMO-free”? Click HERE for part 2.


Dietary Supplements: How to Separate Fact From Fiction, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation on supplement quality with Jeremy Appleton, ND of Klaire Labs. Click HERE for part 1.


Leyla Weighs In: What is the best diet to help someone quit smoking?
July 6, 2018
A listener asks: "My sister recently had a severe asthma attack with some pneumonia and is currently taking a lot of medication. Are there any nutrients she can take to mitigate the side effects and improve the function of her lungs?" Plus, what is the best diet to help someone quit smoking?


Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
July 4, 2018
Mediterranean diet proven heart-healthy, then article is retracted. Time to ditch the Mediterranean diet?; A listener asks “Can you shed light on what is making me so tired?” What supplements do you recommend for naturally increasing nitric oxide production?; A listener who had and heart attack and recently developed heart palpitations. Any remedies?; Does strontium misleadingly impact DEXA scores? Click HERE for part 2.

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