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The Relationship Between Inflammation and ALL Chronic Disease from Back Pain to Cancer to COVID-19, Part 1
June 30, 2020
Dr. David Hanscom is an orthopedic complex spinal deformity surgeon who, after quitting his practice, is on a mission: re-introducing true healing into medicine. He believes that doctors should spend quality time with their patients so they can listen and understand their complete situation. Most recently, since the COVID-19 outbreak - which he tested positive and experienced, Dr. Hanscom has been working with a team of other medical doctors and researchers, exploring the relationship between inflammation and ALL Chronic disease from back pain to cancer to COVID-19. As an Orthopedic surgeon, he's helped countless people go pain-free without surgery. Even people who were told by several different surgeons that they needed surgery. He provides a method - those who do it - go Pain-Free. All this to say that whether it’s back pain or COVID 19 (not to mention other chronic diseases) - the nervous system plays A SIGNIFICANT ROLE on the road to recovery. Click HERE for part 2.


The Relationship Between Inflammation and ALL Chronic Disease from Back Pain to Cancer to COVID-19, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. David Hanscom, an orthopedic complex spinal deformity surgeon who has quit his practice and is on a mission: re-introducing true healing into medicine. Click HERE for part 1.


Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for June 27, Part 1
June 29, 2020
COVID-19 flares in Southwest, South—is it a continuation of the first wave or a portent of the dreaded 2nd wave? Why the hard-hit Northeast is relatively spared; Have we been too lax in lifting lockdowns? 80% of young people may be asymptomatic, study finds; Obese, at higher risk of COVID-19, have suffered more mental and physical health consequences as a result of stay-at-home orders, promising a legacy of problems for many years; Nobel laureate and co-discoverer of the HIV virus claims coronavirus is bio-engineered—really? When is laser surgery for varicose veins merited? Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for June 27, Part 2

Are we anywhere near “herd immunity” to the coronavirus? Why high stress levels predict more catastrophic Covid-19 outcomes; Bayer to pay $10.9 billion in Roundup cancer claims; Why saunas lower blood pressure; GNC declares bankruptcy, a casualty of COVID-19; Can you literally walk away from cancer risk? Preschoolers vastly exceed current recommendations for toddler screen time; Nursing homes dump regular residents to take advantage of higher reimbursement for Covid-19 patients. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


Leyla Weighs In: Mood Swings and Bipolar Symptoms
June 26, 2020
Dietary intervention cuts moods swings, other bipolar symptoms; More U.S. adults say they'll be more mindful about practicing self-care regularly following the pandemic.


ENCORE: The Modern Epidemic of Dehydration, Part 1
June 25, 2020
There’s more to optimal hydration than just gulping 8 glasses of water per day. In her new book "Quench: Beat Fatigue, Drop Weight, and Heal Your Body Through the New Science of Optimum Hydration," Dr. Dana Cohen, a New York City Integrative MD, outlines a comprehensive lifestyle approach to addressing what she terms a modern epidemic of dehydration. What are the signs you may need more fluids? What factors promote dehydration? Caffeine? Alcohol? Medications? What lessons can we learn from desert cultures? Doesn’t thirst provide us with adequate feedback about our hydration status? Why should we take a pre-emptive approach to fluid depletion? How do the latest physics findings about the properties of water molecules inform our choices about preferable ways to re-hydrate? What is “structured water”? Are “oxygenated water”, “alkaline water”, “ionized water”, “hydrogen water” and “Smart Water” just marketing hype? What’s wrong with the science behind sports drinks? Is carbonated water harmful? How can you economically obtain the benefits of water in its most biologically active form with natural foods? Dr. Cohen shares case studies of how her patients have reversed chronic ailments with her “5–Day Quench Plan”. Click HERE for part 2.


ENCORE: The Modern Epidemic of Dehydration, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Integrative MD, Dr. Dana Cohen, author of "Quench: Beat Fatigue, Drop Weight, and Heal Your Body Through the New Science of Optimum Hydration." Click HERE for part 1.


Q&A with Leyla, Part 1: Saturated Fats
June 24, 2020
Study: Limit on saturated fats unnecessary; I'm going to have some torn meniscus removed from my knee. Any supplements to hasten healing? Click HERE for part 2.


Q&A with Leyla, Part 2: New Obesity Treatment?

I have a chronic cough and green sputum that is resistant to several antibiotics. What can I do naturally?; What is your take on the recent retractions of anti-hydroxychloroquine studies by the Lancet and New England Journal of Medicine?; There's a new obesity treatment that works by making mitochondria less efficient. I thought it desirable to have more efficient mitochondria. Am I wrong? Click HERE for part 1.


Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for June 20, Part 1
June 22, 2020
COVID-19: Are we flattening the curve—or headed for a “second wave”? Opinions differ on whether coronavirus infection confers lasting immunity; Early data shows no uptick in coronavirus transmission from protests; Why some people who never had COVID-19 may still be immune; “Meth-Gators” and “Attack-Squirrels”—REALLY? The low-down on Tru Niagen for mitochondrial support; Natural treatment for ankylosing spondylitis. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.

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