Eye Health
What you need to know about glaucoma
By Dr. Ronald Hoffman
January is National Glaucoma Awareness Month. In light of that, I wanted to draw your attention again to this article: Did you know that glaucoma is the second most common form of progressive blindness in the U.S., after macular degeneration?…read more
Categories: Eye Health
Essential fatty acids don’t help dry eye—or do they?
By Dr. Ronald Hoffman
“Omega-3s from fish oil supplements no better than placebo for dry eye . . . Despite insufficient evidence establishing the effectiveness of omega-3s, clinicians and their patients have been inclined to try the supplements for a variety of conditions with…read more
Categories: Eye Health
What you need to know about glaucoma
By Dr. Ronald Hoffman
Did you know that glaucoma is the second most common form of progressive blindness in the U.S., after macular degeneration? Or that it is the leading cause of blindness among African-Americans and Hispanics? In fact, glaucoma is estimated to affect…read more
Categories: Eye Health
Twin nutrients for great health: Vitamin A and beta-carotene
By Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum
This article originally appeared on Dr. Teitelbaum’s website, Vitality 101. Two nutrients that do amazing things to help protect your long-term health are vitamin A and beta-carotene. Studies suggest that these “twin nutrients” may help protect you from risks of…read more
Categories: Eye Health
Ocular health update 2007
By Dr. Ronald Hoffman
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a serious eye disease that is a leading cause of blindness in the elderly, can cause serious vision loss before a person is aware of it. Often the disease progresses painlessly, with many patients being initially…read more
Categories: Eye Health
Macular degeneration: starvation of the retina there is hope
By Dr. Ronald Hoffman
Macular Degeneration is a condition that affects the central area of your vision, which provides the ability to see small details such as road signs and print, and aids daytime vision. The cone cells in the macula, a region at…read more
Categories: Eye Health
Glaucoma: The thief of sight
By Dr. Ronald Hoffman
There are several types of glaucoma, but all have one thing in common: damage to the optic nerve in the back of the eye. The eye pressure may not always be elevated, but peripheral vision examinations will detect it. It…read more
Categories: Eye Health
Dry eye: Often ignored
By Dr. Ronald Hoffman
Many people experience an inadequate tear film or eye discomfort some time in their lives. In may be in an airplane, a dry, overheated room or a dusty workplace. But there may be more than 10 million Americans who have…read more
Categories: Eye Health
Cataracts: Inevitable or avoidable?
By Dr. Ronald Hoffman
The lens of the eye focuses light from objects onto the retina. The lens pushes the old focusing fibers into the center, causing haziness or a film. Because the lens has neither nerves nor blood vessels, it depends on the…read more
Categories: Eye Health
Though we think of declining estrogen as the hallmark of menopause, it's actually common for…
Up to 12 percent of Americans have ulcers at some point in life. Peptic ulcers…
Gallbladder disease is a modern illness. An estimated 20 million Americans have gallbladder disease. The…
January 8—EPA enacts partial ban on PFAS chemicals: “Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)…
Why wait until the New Year? Resolutions are so old school! Here are four things…
‘Tis the season! As the pace of work and school slows and the freneticism of…
Q&A with Leyla, Part 1: Agave v. Stevia
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