Intelligent Medicine®

A year-end message from Intelligent Medicine

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This year has been one of unprecedented growth and widened outreach for Intelligent Medicine. Through the miracle of the Internet, listeners from all over the world–from countries as diverse as Poland, Ecuador, Afghanistan, UK, South Africa and Singapore–have joined our roster of followers.

I want to take this opportunity to offer you my heartfelt personal thanks for being an advocate for rational health choices! Together, we’re part of a grassroots revolution whereby citizens of the world are reclaiming wellness.

Here’s a sampling of some of the nice feedback we’ve gotten from you in 2014: ts_2014-2015_sm2

Dear Dr. Hoffman,

This note comes on the night of my graduation from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and certifies me as an integrative health coach. I am writing to you because back in the ’90s I started listening to you on the radio—my family was subjected, my kids, my friends! You took my interest in health to another level and made it my passion.

I still listen to you faithfully, refer people to your practice and podcasts, etc. You are one of my main portals into the world of health and I thank you for all the years of wisdom, cutting edge science, and your dedication to sport.

You are blessed in all you do for so many. Just wanted to thank you; you are a true “doctor,” my teacher.



Dear Dr. Hoffman, 

I am thankful for having discovered your show and website! It’s changed my life so much that I’m seriously contemplating changing my career. For nearly 10 years now, my passion for nutrition and fitness has grown to a near obsession—nothing lights me up and truly inspires me like health and nutrition. 

Thank you and God bless, 



I have read your essay about Intelligent Medicine. It is excellent and accurate. Congratulations, and thank you for writing it. I agree fully with your comments that, in essence, the practice of medicine must now fit into algorithmic niches that were created (defined) by a reimbursement system which is overseen by cost accountant types. Alas! It likely will not improve.  



Hi Dr. H., 

It’s been a while since I’ve been on Facebook. I don’t know if you remember but we had a few chats about your being an inspiration to me for going back to nursing school. Well, just wanted you to know I finished and just found out yesterday I passed the board. I’m thrilled and of course nervous too. I think it is going to be so rewarding to help people and I also realize it will be very tough. Thanks for being a great inspiration… 

I think I started listening to you back in 2006 when I was diagnosed with Celiac and my doctor at the time wanted me to start on Lipitor. Can’t tell you how many times I had to bite my lip in nursing school when we were told over and over how important it is to make sure patients take their medication. I think that will be the worst part about nursing. Anyway, God bless and thanks again. 



Hi Dr. Hoffman, 

I am a clinical social worker at a community health center in the city (NYC of course!) I have been listening to your podcasts on TuneIn radio for the past year. I just want to share that I really appreciate the work you are doing. You and Leyla have inspired me to not only take better care of myself, but also to share what I learn with family, friends and my patients. I appreciate the topics on mental health which I have shared with my colleagues. 

Thanks again and keep up the good work! 



I’ve been listening to Dr. Hoffman for many years. In a world where it seems like there’s a pill for everything, it’s refreshing to hear a doctor who tries to improve your health the natural way first. With this podcast you really get the best of both worlds: conventional and alternative therapies. 

Dr. Hoffman is always open to new ideas, and backs up his methods with facts and studies. I remember him discussing the importance of fish oil and the inadequate RDA of vitamin D long before seeing them regularly prescribed to patients. (I work at a pharmacy.)

Do yourself a favor and check out this show. Then spread the word to your friends and loved ones. Better health inevitably leads to a better life. 



It’s wonderful comments like these that will inspire me to redouble my efforts on your behalf in 2015. For the latest information in health news: stay tuned to Intelligent Medicine on radio, keep checking your inbox for our weekly newsletter and share it with your friends and family, download our podcasts, like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter


A happy, prosperous, and healthy New Year to you and your loved ones! 


Dr. Hoffman

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